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Indeed ALLAH created the world (earth) for the mankind because of the love for us even ordered Angels to bow down before the Human as well as guided us with the complete system of life to live including complete Package. The system that we are gifted with, is the complete package with every minor to bigger details along with the aftermath of wrong and right, for all the forms of life and listed the wrong doings that we must ignore just because the right acts are unlimited for us that ALMIGHTY gave us a chance to earn the reward even while walking, sitting sleeping, the list of right things that we wouldn't have understood which is evident that even with the simple education we are illiterate and couldn't refrain from doing the wrong things that those are little/less in numbers.

HE the ALMIGHTY knows everything, start to end, that what human did, doing or will do because the two paths of living a life are already defined and shared to the humans to follow so whosoever, adopts the right or wrong, it is indefinite that how (s)he is going to meet the end either on the right one or the wrong. Then after, what we really did, being ungrateful, mortals and as being made from the mud that we took the law of ALLAH into our hands just because of our own lack of education, the lust of wealth and the uncontrolled desires. We started to judge the people which is purely the right and in command of ALLAH to do so, and we started to issue verdicts of others, don't who disagree with us, and labeled them with Kafir(s), the mislead ones, unbeliever/disbeliever even knowing that we are not authorized to do so at all but ALLAH knows everything and planned as what was already told to not to do so.

It is indeed very painful to see that the people that even cannot turn their necks to talk or pay attention to someone sitting beside due to the fat belly and the wide neck, being unafraid and contrary to the people that spends most of the nights to stand before the ALMIGHTY for forgiveness and to be thankful for everything as indeed, their bodies and mass grows less due to the fear of the judgment day as well as any intentional/unintentional sins. These fake scholars, the fate belly, the misleading faces that will directly lead the mankind to hell, are indeed the Fitna, the false propaganda and the fuel of misguidance, are the reasons for our punishment that we are facing today because of our own wrong doings that we never adopted the way of ALLAH and the Prophet (S.A.W.W) but followed the people, off their gesture and talks.

We shouldn't blame the enemy for our own mistakes and wrong doings because it is us that what we brought for our generations in today's world and time yet providing opportunity to the fake scholars, the Satan Agents that directed us to kill but still the same lot on both sides of Sects, defames the Islam, Muslims and all. It is prominent that whosoever does the wrong from either of Sects, it is always blamed to the Muslims/Islam first then things comes to Sects differentiation and it is clear that such type of people, that passes judgments of kill by their own to mislead the deluded, ill minded or less educated only fulfill their evil agenda that mostly has nothing to do with Islam at all.

These Iblees's (Satan) agents will mislead people from both sides (Sunni & Shia) through their infected mindset and ill education, not just because what they learnt about the Islam as per their own Sect but are indirectly serving the Satan that sworn before ALLAH at the time, when ordered to bow before Human as created, that Iblees (Satan) will mislead, misguide the human until & unless thrown to the hell just because to prove himself to be righteous contrary to the order of ALLAH and the love of ALMIGHTY for us and we doing the same thing mostly what Satan said while causing the the consequences for ourselves that deserve the punishment as we are having.

ALLAH, the ALMIGHTY never promised to grant jannah to any Shia or Sunni specifically but the one that followed what ALLAH told us and HIS Messenger (S.A.W.W) not just conveyed the message but acted, practically did it for only & only our ease because of the Love of ALLAH for us being human.

Now just go through the under shared clip and one can think that, these so-called Jihadis are not the Muslims but indeed the Devil's Worshipers, the real HellBoys.

The terrorists deserves the less to say, a firing squad however hanging such culprits in open or beheading them for murders is also the right way to send a message. The both ideas are implemented and executed with full honour in Saudia and Iran both so let them be happy for being our brotherly and close nations. The real Muslim do not kill until & unless it is declared as Jihad by the State that Muslim follows and even if not like this, Islam never permitted anyone to claim the life of an innocent merely upon his/her relation with any Sect or being Minority.

We must not spare any single of them, from any Sect or group and must brought them to justice for their crimes of sabotaging the peace and killings of innocents in the name of so-called Jihad from either side. People who wants to deal things, the way Iran does, must leave to Iran and same should be the case of Sauds lovers. Muslims are only concerned with our sacred/holy places and not the ideology of Iran or Saud Royals.

@Irfan Baloch @Khafee @Indus Falcon @Oscar @Arsalan & others.
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Indeed ALLAH created the world for the mankind because of the love for us more than angels even ordered them to bow down before the Human

I read your whole post and I think I get your point but yeh shyd meri kam ilmi hai ya shyd meri angrezi bohat kharab hai, is it okay to say that Allah created the world for mankind because of the love for us? I mean aren't you limiting Allah here by saying such a thing by making love more powerful :astagh:? I mean obviously :astagh: but don't you think love is also the creation of Allah? I think this is the most sensitive part so I'll not give u any examples.
I read your whole post and I think I get your point but yeh shyd meri kam ilmi hai ya shyd meri angrezi bohat kharab hai, is it okay to say that Allah created the world for mankind because of the love for us? I mean aren't you limiting Allah here by saying such a thing by making love more powerful :astagh:? I mean obviously :astagh: but don't you think love is also the creation of Allah? I think this is the most sensitive part so I'll not give u any examples.

That was meant for love towards humans, the earth. or I was not really clear but why would I limit such at all. using cell phone, posted here and any typo be ignored as unintentional.

Edit: Also, using cell phone so any typo be ignored as unintentional. I wrote all to post in another thread, related to the same subject but that was closed so posted here. Edited further.
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Indeed ALLAH created the world (earth) for the mankind because of the love for us even ordered Angels to bow down before the Human as well as guided us with the complete system of life to live including complete Package. .

1) Well most of what you said is right, except the world was created as a test for mankind.

Before Hazrat Adam A.S. arrived on earth, it was inhabited for nearly 5,000 years by Jinn. Who had turned it into a blood fest. So Allah Almighty sent Angels who pushed them into the deepest depth of the seas. This is why the Angels questioned Allah Almighty, that why have you created another being, that will also create "Fasad" / mayhem. And Allah Almighty in his infinite wisdom replied "I know, what you know not." Then he asked them to bow, and everyone did, except Ibless.

In those days Jinn could rise to the ranks of Angels via worship. Now this is exactly what Iblees did, but he had an ulterior motive, he saw the carnage around him, and knew sooner or later Allah's retribution would come, and then a Viceroy would be appointed. It was THIS, position he was after. The worshiping was all a show.

This is why when Allah Almighty asked everyone to bow, his superiority complex and his career being dashed, caused him to refuse, thereby becoming mans eternal enemy.

2) Now as to Allah Almighty's love for mankind, the Quran says "Allah loves mankind more than 70 mothers, and is closer to him than his jugular vein."

After he had created the universe, and then his throne, he wrote above his throne "My Mercy supersedes everything" His Rahmah. So no matter how many sins a person has done, if he sincerely repents, Allah almighty will forgive.

3) Sectarian Issues - The Quran says "Killing one Innocent person is equal to killing all of humanity". The message derived from this is not to take the law in your own hand. An individual does not have the right to murder anyone. If someone is suspected of a crime, then he should be put before the law, and not a mob, or an individual.

Ones enemies will always try and manipulate weaknesses in our society, but it is up to you, me, and the rest of us, to rise above this solve our issues through rationale means, and not violence.

The clergy is not immune to these issues either, so we need to be well informed, to counter extremist ideologies and messages.

May Allah forgive our transgressions and Guide us all.

Allah knows best.
1) Well most of what you said is right, except the world was created as a test for mankind.

Before Hazrat Adam A.S. arrived on earth, it was inhabited for nearly 5,000 years by Jinn. Who had turned it into a blood fest. So Allah Almighty sent Angels who pushed them into the deepest depth of the seas. This is why the Angels questioned Allah Almighty, that why have you created another being, that will also create "Fasad" / mayhem. And Allah Almighty in his infinite wisdom replied "I know, what you know not." Then he asked them to bow, and everyone did, except Ibless.

In those days Jinn could rise to the ranks of Angels via worship. Now this is exactly what Iblees did, but he had an ulterior motive, he saw the carnage around him, and knew sooner or later Allah's retribution would come, and then a Viceroy would be appointed. It was THIS, position he was after. The worshiping was all a show.

This is why when Allah Almighty asked everyone to bow, his superiority complex and his career being dashed, caused him to refuse, thereby becoming mans eternal enemy.

2) Now as to Allah Almighty's love for mankind, the Quran says "Allah loves mankind more than 70 mothers, and is closer to him than his jugular vein."

After he had created the universe, and then his throne, he wrote above his throne "My Mercy supersedes everything" His Rahmah. So no matter how many sins a person has done, if he sincerely repents, Allah almighty will forgive.

3) Sectarian Issues - The Quran says "Killing one Innocent person is equal to killing all of humanity". The message derived from this is not to take the law in your own hand. An individual does not have the right to murder anyone. If someone is suspected of a crime, then he should be put before the law, and not a mob, or an individual.

Ones enemies will always try and manipulate weaknesses in our society, but it is up to you, me, and the rest of us, to rise above this solve our issues through rationale means, and not violence.

The clergy is not immune to these issues either, so we need to be well informed, to counter extremist ideologies and messages.

May Allah forgive our transgressions and Guide us all.

Allah knows best.
Very interesting and nicely sum up.... @Indus Falcon
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