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Facebook to buy Indian Startup


Jul 12, 2011
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Antigua And Barbuda
Facebook is reportedly closing in on its first acquisition in India, according to local reports that link the social networking giant to Little Eye Labs, a Bangalore-based company that produces a mobile app crash testing service.

Business Standard reports that Facebook “is in talks” to acquire the startup, which graduated the first GSF India accelerator program last year, with a deal expected to be sealed within a few weeks. No price has been reported, however.
Little Eye Labs is founded by ex-IBM and Apple employees and is a testing service like Crashalytics, the company Twitter acquired earlier this year, but it is expressly aimed at gauging mobile apps performance before they are released to the public.
Facebook acquired Israeli app analytics firm Onavo in October, and, as a company with multiple applications available for iOS and Android, there are plenty of reasons Little Eye might have caught admiring glances from Facebook.
Any deal would not only mark Facebook’s first acquisition in India, but would be a breakthrough for the Indian tech community. Beyond being a notable exit for GSF India — and a proof point for founder Rajesh Sawhney’s belief that India can provide world-class technology and services — it would represent a first success for iSpirit, a software industry roundtable designed to foster relationships with India’s tech startups, which includes Little Eye among its members.
Facebook reportedly offered no comment in response to a request from Business Standard. We’ve contacted Facebook and Little Eye Labs and will update this post with any comment we’re given.

Facebook Linked with First Startup Acquisition in India
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