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Facebook is the Eighth Most Visited Website in Pakistan


Mar 31, 2008
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GroundReport | Pakistan | Facebook is the Eighth Most Visited Website in Pakistan

Facebook is the Eighth Most Visited Website in Pakistan
by Rama Lingam May 05, 2008

Social Networking Website ‘Facebook’ is becoming popular in Pakistan and now it is the eighth most surfaced portal in the country.

Facebook is becoming a good way to date and to find suitors in conservative Pakistan. More and more young Pakistanis are getting hooked to Facebook, which is just behind Google and YouTube, according to Alexa, a US based research institute.

The older generations, who were quite accustomed to wooing the opposite sex inn traditional time tested ways, cannot relate to the Facebook phenomenon and are closely monitoring their children who spend too much time Facebooking.

Educational institutions are taking steps to ensure that students don’t waste time on such websites.The prestigious BeaconhouseUniversity in Lahore has blocked Facebook in the computer labs, because it was a big ‘distraction’ for students.In Pakistan it is still not easy for girls and boys to freely interact with each other.(My Edit: ya dude we are not in USA or Europe)

Under the circumstances stated above ‘Facebook’does come in handy.

Scores of Pakistanis are joining the love and dating networks on Facebook and making the most of whatever is on offer.

It is an irony that Pakistan which is known for its strong religious background, faith and discipline, the western culture is making its strong inroads and erosions in the younger generation through a modern gadget called computer and internet. (My Edit: ....and yes we feel sorry for it)
Yet another ridiculous report singling out Pakistan and presenting a wrong picture. Facebook is one of THE most visited sites WORLDWIDE. Our youth are not unique in this regard. Go on Alexa.com and see for yourself the top 100 most visited websites rankings for any country and see Facebook is in the top 10 in every English speaking country and even countries like Russia etc.

Facebook is not a 'love' website, it is completely wrong to brand it that way. Only some sort of desperate loser would go there looking for 'love'. The reason so many Pakistanis are moving to Facebook from Orkut is because Facebook provides more privacy options. Girls now block access to their profiles for people who are not on their school networks. Some go even so far as to block access to anyone who they have not accepted as a friend. Even if you accept someone as a friend, there is yet another privacy option to limit them from seeing your picture albums.

Facebook is just a tool to stay in touch with school, college and university friends. How this is an 'erosion' is completely beyond me. Perhaps the author added a hot Pakistani girl on Facebook and she rejected his friend request :lol:
It is true that most youth use the internet for indulging in "forbidden" stuff.

It is quite possible that the report is true to a large extent. Not only for Pakistan but for many countries the same facts may be valid.
Yet another ridiculous report singling out Pakistan and presenting a wrong picture. Facebook is one of THE most visited sites WORLDWIDE. Our youth are not unique in this regard. Go on Alexa.com and see for yourself the top 100 most visited websites rankings for any country and see Facebook is in the top 10 in every English speaking country and even countries like Russia etc.

Facebook is not a 'love' website, it is completely wrong to brand it that way. Only some sort of desperate loser would go there looking for 'love'. The reason so many Pakistanis are moving to Facebook from Orkut is because Facebook provides more privacy options. Girls now block access to their profiles for people who are not on their school networks. Some go even so far as to block access to anyone who they have not accepted as a friend. Even if you accept someone as a friend, there is yet another privacy option to limit them from seeing your picture albums.

Facebook is just a tool to stay in touch with school, college and university friends. How this is an 'erosion' is completely beyond me. Perhaps the author added a hot Pakistani girl on Facebook and she rejected his friend request :lol:

I feel compelled to play the devil's advocate here,
In a conservative Islamic society, any contact between unmarried and/or unrelated members of opposite sexes is considered offensive. Facebook provides a portal to do just that; the involvement of romantic feelings is a non sequitur.
So although you or I, given where we live consider interaction between males and females acceptable, there are many in Pakistan who do not. Subsequently, they see Facebook and other such internet sites as an affront to their cultural values. What we think about these values again is a non issue.
I feel compelled to play the devil's advocate here,
In a conservative Islamic society, any contact between unmarried and/or unrelated members of opposite sexes is considered offensive. Facebook provides a portal to do just that; the involvement of romantic feelings is a non sequitur.
So although you or I, given where we live consider interaction between males and females acceptable, there are many in Pakistan who do not. Subsequently, they see Facebook and other such internet sites as an affront to their cultural values. What we think about these values again is a non issue.

Like I have said before in another thread, Pakistan is not Afghanistan. People in urban areas don't care about males being friends with females.

Many of my religious friends in Karachi were on Orkut with the knowledge of their parents. Now they are moving onto Facebook.

I find the insinuation that Pakistan is a Taliban style society very insulting. One simply needs to visit Pakistan to see for himself the reality.
GroundReport | Pakistan | Facebook is the Eighth Most Visited Website in Pakistan

Facebook is the Eighth Most Visited Website in Pakistan
by Rama Lingam May 05, 2008

Social Networking Website ‘Facebook’ is becoming popular in Pakistan and now it is the eighth most surfaced portal in the country.

Facebook is becoming a good way to date and to find suitors in conservative Pakistan. More and more young Pakistanis are getting hooked to Facebook, which is just behind Google and YouTube, according to Alexa, a US based research institute.

The older generations, who were quite accustomed to wooing the opposite sex inn traditional time tested ways, cannot relate to the Facebook phenomenon and are closely monitoring their children who spend too much time Facebooking.

Educational institutions are taking steps to ensure that students don’t waste time on such websites.The prestigious BeaconhouseUniversity in Lahore has blocked Facebook in the computer labs, because it was a big ‘distraction’ for students.In Pakistan it is still not easy for girls and boys to freely interact with each other.(My Edit: ya dude we are not in USA or Europe)

Under the circumstances stated above ‘Facebook’does come in handy.

Scores of Pakistanis are joining the love and dating networks on Facebook and making the most of whatever is on offer.

It is an irony that Pakistan which is known for its strong religious background, faith and discipline, the western culture is making its strong inroads and erosions in the younger generation through a modern gadget called computer and internet. (My Edit: ....and yes we feel sorry for it)

I am sorry but can you elaborate your last sentence please.
It is true that most youth use the internet for indulging in "forbidden" stuff.

sir' as a prestigious legal adult pay site/respective legal escort service costumer i would like to ask you a question sir with due respect how can you say it is forbidden when it is legal that i have to pay even gst plus pst tax for the services that i had required how is that so ? is the law mad to say one thing and do another?. first of all there is nothing forbidden or illegal about paying for a recognized legal organization with due respect to the allegations above
I have a facebook account, I don't do anything haraam. that's not to say that there aren't a few nude trouble makers here and there.

of course, you choose your friends so that's totally up to you. it's only for communication with friends, nothing else. there's no private sessions or pornography, so i guess it's fine.
sir' as a prestigious legal adult pay site/respective legal escort service costumer i would like to ask you a question sir with due respect how can you say it is forbidden when it is legal that i have to pay even gst plus pst tax for the services that i had required how is that so ? is the law mad to say one thing and do another?. first of all there is nothing forbidden or illegal about paying for a recognized legal organization with due respect to the allegations above

"Forbidden" as in being not an acceptable cultural more in their country or society. I did not mean that it was illegal in the country where the server is hosted or where the company providing the service is registered. And I meant no moral judgement at all.

"Forbidden" as in being not an acceptable cultural more in their country or society. I did not mean that it was illegal in the country where the server is hosted or where the company providing the service is registered. And I meant no moral judgement at all.


sure dude i got it yup different places have different norms i agree i was just seeing things from an Canadian one so no hard feelings man trust me even people of Indo/Pak subcontinent that i know is conservative in nature i think even more then the Arab's but i respect you guys too though i don't agree with all the formalities as they say andaaz apna apna :cheers:
Facebook, is a social networking site. Dating may be just one off-shoot of it all.

FB was nice in the beginning. Got to meet all the long forgotten highschool mates n stuff. Got bored of it long ago.
It is an irony that Pakistan which is known for its strong religious background, faith and discipline, the western culture is making its strong inroads and erosions in the younger generation through a modern gadget called computer and internet. (My Edit: ....and yes we feel sorry for it) I am sorry but can you elaborate your last sentence please.

Sir, it would be a pleasure to do so...
In the above statement my point of concern was the word IRONY.... the writer was trying to be sarcastic in saying that Pakistan, which happens to be religious, is being "polluted" by the western culture through internet and computer...This may not be the actual case....there are many other things that are affecting our youth let alone the internet...so there is no big deal in pointing out just the negative aspects of a facility. Furthermore, we dont take "pride" if the use of internet is bringing in some "unwanted" "benefits" to our country(as there is no denying the fact that it has affected our youth to some extent)...so we do feel "sorry" that the internet is free to divert our youths' attention in a wrong direction(which only leads to wastage of time).
Lastly he should have also highlighted the positive points of FB/internet(Pakistan = Taliban is wrong, we are moderate, for instance-we dont hit or beat our women if they show there faces-as this is the normal perception which atleast i have expirienced while staying in the USA)
i hope this will take care of ur concern sir....
Like I have said before in another thread, Pakistan is not Afghanistan. People in urban areas don't care about males being friends with females.

Many of my religious friends in Karachi were on Orkut with the knowledge of their parents. Now they are moving onto Facebook.

I find the insinuation that Pakistan is a Taliban style society very insulting. One simply needs to visit Pakistan to see for himself the reality.

This has nothing to do with drawing comparisons between Afghanistan and Pakistan, rather the established Islamic doctrine of segregation of males and females who are unmarried and/or unrelated.
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