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Face the truth, Musharraf



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Oct 15, 2009
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Advisor to Benazir Bhutto says Musharraf directly involved in conspiracy of her death.

Face the truth, Musharraf

I was with Benazir Bhutto on Sept. 25, 2007, when she received a call from Gen. Pervez Musharraf, who was then Pakistan’s president. She was visibly shaken when she hung up the phone: Musharraf had threatened her with dire consequences if she returned to Pakistan to lead her Pakistan Peoples Party in the upcoming elections, where she was the major threat to defeat him. Bhutto quoted him as saying that she would be responsible for what happened to her.

Three weeks later, she returned to Pakistan after eight years in exile. She was greeted in Karachi by 3 million people — and two suicide assassin bombers. Within hours of her arrival, a failed assassination attempt took the lives of 170 of her party workers. Afterward, she emailed me to say that if anything happened to her, she would hold Musharraf responsible. Two months later, she was dead.

Earlier this month, Pakistan’s government, after a four-year investigation, requested that Interpol issue an international warrant for the arrest of Musharraf for Bhutto’s murder. He has been summoned before the Supreme Court of Pakistan tomorrow. No one expects him to appear.

She was assassinated on Dec. 27, 2007 as she left a campaign event in Rawalpindi. Despite the fact that Musharraf had ordered intense security teams to guard two other former prime ministers who were his political supporters, Bhutto was provided with virtually no security at all.

The crime scene in Rawalpindi was almost immediately washed down, with forensic evidence hosed away by the police. No witnesses were interrogated. No autopsies took place. Nor did an investigation.

But, finally, the conspiracy is unraveling.

For one, a United Nations tribunal issued a blistering 70-page report essentially holding the Musharraf government responsible for Bhutto’s murder. The UN concluded that the failure of the police to effectively investigate Bhutto’s assassination, and the destruction of evidence, was deliberate and ordered from above. The UN also found that the assassination would have been prevented if the authorities had provided adequate security.

Picking up the mantle of the UN report, the government of Pakistan formed a Joint Investigation Team (JIT) to investigate the assassination. The JIT concluded its report last month, and its conclusions are not ambiguous: Musharraf, working with two police officers who reported back to him, knew of the plotting of the assassination, was aware of the timing and personally ordered the destruction of evidence.

Those officers facilitated the terrorists who devised the multifaceted elements of the conspiracy, from conception to execution to coverup. Musharraf’s failure to provide security to Bhutto, despite his full knowledge that an assassination would be attempted, all but ensured that the conspiracy would succeed.

The report concludes: “JIT is of the firm opinion that already established security breach and destruction of evidence on the day of assassination . . . is part of a wider conspiracy to eliminate Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto from the political scene before the elections. It is clearly evident that conspirators had assurances and support of the then-president.”

The motive was clear — the elimination of the iconic leader of the country’s dominant party, which seemed on the verge of a landslide victory.

Bhutto had believed that Musharraf was complicit in the attempt to take her life in Karachi by not providing her enough security. In fact, his involvement in the Karachi and Rawalpindi attacks was much more direct and insidious.

Both the UN and JIT reports blame the Musharraf government for the assassination of Bhutto. The government has begun criminal proceedings against the seven accused, including Musharraf. Yet despite all of this, Musharraf has spent the last four years touring the world making high-paid speeches and living royally in residences around the globe.

But there is hope: If and when Interpol issues a red warrant against Musharraf, the police of all 190 Interpol member countries will have the authority to arrest him.

Meanwhile, the democratically elected Pakistan Peoples Party government (which Bhutto would have led) is in its fifth year in office, and will be the first civilian Pakistani government to complete a full term. The 1973 constitution has been cleansed of the arbitrary powers seized by military dictators. There is an independent judiciary, a robust civil society and an energetic, uncensored press.

Benazir Bhutto famously said that “democracy was the greatest revenge.” We have given her that democracy. Now it is time to give her justice.
Musharraf, opened the hatch using a GPS device and to his good luk Baynazir decided to pop her head out.
Musharraf used this opportunity to shoot her via his advance model 'samasung' tv.

Clearly, he is directly responsible!

Musharraf did not shoot her during speech because her extra vigilant security staff may have cached the bullets, coming to BB.
I dont think pointing fingers at some1 without any solid evidence will do anyone any good. As for as the present government is concerned, their party was in power when Murtaza Bhutta was killed, and nothing came out of any investigation. Even in the case of Benazir, if Musharaf is guilty, they must have had gathered some considerable amount of proofs by now after spending huge amount of tax payers money on UN investigators, apart from the state run agencies.

If they have proof and are not naming him (apart from occasional stunts of red warrants and what not), than they are a bigger collaborators.

If they don’t have any proof by now, its time to move on from “Musharaf killed Benazir theory”
Yes, dwelling over conspiracy theories regarding the assassination of a leader who to be quite honest was overrated (especially after her death), will really help Pakistan overcome it's many problems. :coffee:
I don't like that chap Musharraf but Musharraf is the man who warned her of danger not to come to Pakistan. The only person highly likely behind her killing is zardari and US.

US is the one who wanted her back. Why would they want BB dead?
US is the one who wanted her back. Why would they want BB dead?

good argument and her winning the election and her survival was the guarantee and the part of the deal for Musharraf to stay as president too

so why shoot in the foot and kill his partner when he was part of the deal and the agreement between US , BB and himself? a dead Benazir was no good for him was it? it gave the chance to his arch rival Nawaz and made a potential PPP ally equally hostile.

when she is shot she was surrounded by her Jiallas who actually coward and left her unprotected.
compare that to Mrs Bandaranaike of Sri Lanka whose election rally was attacked by LTTE back in the 80s (sorry cant find the footage on youtube)
the moment bombs went off. all her staff made a human shield around her and her guards started shooting in the air to ward off any would be attacker while the crowd started to run away from the stage.
There is only one person who benefited from BB's murder and that guy is in president house, Nobody asks what happend with khalid shehanshah, and what he was doing in benazir's jalsa in liaqat bagh.
What murder of Benazir? Kal bhi Bhutto Zinda tha, aj bhi Bhutto Zinda hai, she's not dead.
On a serious note, seriously doubting Musharraf's involvement. The only guy who has a motive is the President
There is only one person who benefited from BB's murder and that guy is in president house, Nobody asks what happend with khalid shehanshah, and what he was doing in benazir's jalsa in liaqat bagh.

100 % Agreed. And who was the guy infront of K. Shehenshah on stage who smiled at his actions and K. Shehenshah turned his face off ?
Best Pakistani Leader in my Opinion, shame he left and Pakistan got democracy and Terrorism and Corruption spiked, Musharraf was a worthy ally.
I dont think pointing fingers at some1 without any solid evidence will do anyone any good. As for as the present government is concerned, their party was in power when Murtaza Bhutta was killed, and nothing came out of any investigation. Even in the case of Benazir, if Musharaf is guilty, they must have had gathered some considerable amount of proofs by now after spending huge amount of tax payers money on UN investigators, apart from the state run agencies.

If they have proof and are not naming him (apart from occasional stunts of red warrants and what not), than they are a bigger collaborators.

If they don’t have any proof by now, its time to move on from “Musharaf killed Benazir theory”

Can't agree more. Thumbs Up, Bravo !!!
Musharraf has only one accusation against him, that he ordered the crime scene to be washed down and negligence to provide security.

To prove the hosed down accusation there is no paper trail, no email, no phone call.

To prove negligence, they would have to prove that bombings and assassinations are not a common place in Pakistan. She took high risks and eventually paid for one. The only security you could provide her when she wanted to be swarmed by a crowd would be to pray to God nothing happens. Blame Musharraf for not being religious.

No autopsy was conducted because Zardari refused to have one not Musharraf, the reporter should get his facts straight.

Musharraf has committed no crime according to the facts that are on paper.

He is free from corruption charges, free from Butgi case, free from dissolution of judiciary and should be freed from Benazir's charges once the facts come forward.
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