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F-35’s can knock down whole PAF & IAF: Pervez Hoodboy

Ever bothered to take a look at the sheer size of American nuclear arsenal?

Allow me.


Majority of those warheads are thermonuclear. In fact, reports are surfacing that US have scrapped INF nuclear treaty with Russia and started to expand its nonstrategic nuclear arsenal base.

Emphasis mine. US can bring can end to the entire world as we know, if it wants to. Forget Afghanistan. A small number of thermonuclear weapons are sufficient to wipe Afghanistan clean, but their radiation might creep into neighboring countries (depending upon the flow of winds) and end up killing/ruining the lives of many more.

Now take a step back from nuclear weapons, and take look at what US-led forces can achieve through conventional bombing as well.

[1] This is the city of Raqqa - former stronghold of ISIS in Syria.

US-led forces blasted this city into ruins during clashes with ISIS-affiliates, turning it into a ghost town for a while.

[2] This is the city of Dresden - one of the centers of power of Nazi regime in Germany.

US-led forces blasted this city into ruins with a fleet of long-range bombers, and the sheer scale of devastation rivaled a nuclear strike on a city.

[3] This is the city of Tokyo - capital of the Imperial regime in Japan.

US-led forces blasted this city into ruins with a fleet of long-range bombers, killing thousands in this city alone.

So yes, if the objective is to EXTERMINATE a country, US can it pull it off in a short span - no ifs and buts.


Now what happened in Afghanistan?

US-led forces decimated the 'original Taliban government' in a span of 2 months tops at the start of the war - thousands of Taliban-affiliates perished during this time, and scores of survivors fled to Pakistan. Mullah Omar fled to his hometown and kept a low profile until his death.

Nevertheless, US is NOT trying to exterminate Afghanistan or even close - even Bush administration which is credited for decimating the 'original Taliban government' in the first two months of the war, had no intention to hunt Taliban to extinction. Americans only wanted to get rid of the Al-Qaeda affiliates in the region, and NATO succeeded in this endeavor by 2011, and pulled much of their forces from Afghanistan by 2014.


Taliban remnants regrouped within Afghanistan and Pakistan (Afghan refugee camps [4]), and SIMPLY WAITED for the bulk of US-led forces to EXIT from Afghanistan; resurgence commenced in 2015.

[4] Take a look: https://www.unhcr.org/publications/...orth-west-frontier-province-january-2008.html

Now Afghans are busy killing each other as usual, but a small contingent of US-led forces in Afghanistan are preventing the worst from happening. They are NOT trying to eradicate the resurgent Taliban but rather talking to them, to find a political resolution of the ongoing chapter of violence in Afghanistan, and to EXIT afterwards.

Taliban learned a lesson from their defeat at the hands of Bush administration, and played it smart since.


In summation:-

1. Every conflict is different with distinct political objectives set for it.

2. US - Pakistan war (God forbid) will be of entirely different character in comparison to what happened in Afghanistan. Would Pakistani nationals (numbering in crores) go to India, China and Iran, and WAIT for the bulk of American troops to be pulled from Pakistan?


See above.

Ever bothered to take a look at the sheer size of American nuclear arsenal?

Allow me.


Majority of those warheads are thermonuclear. In fact, reports are surfacing that US have scrapped INF nuclear treaty with Russia and started to expand its nonstrategic nuclear arsenal base.

Emphasis mine. US can bring can end to the entire world as we know, if it wants to. Forget Afghanistan. A small number of thermonuclear weapons are sufficient to wipe Afghanistan clean, but their radiation might creep into neighboring countries (depending upon the flow of winds) and end up killing/ruining the lives of many more.

Now take a step back from nuclear weapons, and take look at what US-led forces can achieve through conventional bombing as well.

[1] This is the city of Raqqa - former stronghold of ISIS in Syria.

US-led forces blasted this city into ruins during clashes with ISIS-affiliates, turning it into a ghost town for a while.

[2] This is the city of Dresden - one of the centers of power of Nazi regime in Germany.

US-led forces blasted this city into ruins with a fleet of long-range bombers, and the sheer scale of devastation rivaled a nuclear strike on a city.

[3] This is the city of Tokyo - capital of the Imperial regime in Japan.


US-led forces blasted this city into ruins with a fleet of long-range bombers, killing thousands in this city alone.

So yes, if the objective is to EXTERMINATE a country, US can it pull it off in a short span - no ifs and buts.


Now what happened in Afghanistan?

US-led forces decimated the 'original Taliban government' in a span of 2 months tops at the start of the war - thousands of Taliban-affiliates perished during this time, and scores of survivors fled to Pakistan. Mullah Omar fled to his hometown and kept a low profile until his death.

Nevertheless, US is NOT trying to exterminate Afghanistan or even close - even Bush administration which is credited for decimating the 'original Taliban government' in the first two months of the war, had no intention to hunt Taliban to extinction. Americans only wanted to get rid of the Al-Qaeda affiliates in the region, and NATO succeeded in this endeavor by 2011, and pulled much of their forces from Afghanistan by 2014.


Taliban remnants regrouped within Afghanistan and Pakistan (Afghan refugee camps [4]), and SIMPLY WAITED for the bulk of US-led forces to EXIT from Afghanistan; resurgence commenced in 2015.

[4] Take a look: https://www.unhcr.org/publications/...orth-west-frontier-province-january-2008.html

Now Afghans are busy killing each other as usual, but a small contingent of US-led forces in Afghanistan are preventing the worst from happening. They are NOT trying to eradicate the resurgent Taliban but rather talking to them, to find a political resolution of the ongoing chapter of violence in Afghanistan, and to EXIT afterwards.

Taliban learned a lesson from their defeat at the hands of Bush administration, and played it smart since.


In summation:-

1. Every conflict is different with distinct political objectives set for it.

2. US - Pakistan war (God forbid) will be of entirely different character in comparison to what happened in Afghanistan. Would Pakistani nationals (numbering in crores) go to India, China and Iran, and WAIT for the bulk of American troops to be pulled from Pakistan?


See above.

Brilliant point.

Logic takes a back seat in these type of discussions sometimes.

Taliban had the luxury to transition from a VISIBLE FORCE to an ELUSIVE FORCE across Afghanistan and Pakistan, regrouped and waited for the bulk of US-led forces to EXIT from Afghanistan in 2014.

A professional army exist to safeguard borders and to fight another professional army (if necessary) - to prevent potential invasions from external entities. When this fails, then asymmetric pressures are applied on foreign occupants until they decide to leave. Even asymmetric pressures can fail sometimes such as in the case of Iraq even though Iraqi insurgents offered much greater level of resistance to US-led forces than Taliban in Afghanistan.

Mixed situation, or difference in level of commitments to a theater.

You know better then him, right?

VISIBLE FORCE, and what US can do about it, is the point. Economy is also a factor, full-scale war is not cheap.

There is a reason why Pervez Musharraf became COAS, and you did not.

A very good ICBM can approach 7 KM/sec mark in speed (MACH 20) during the midcourse phase of its flight but the re-entry vehicle begins to loose its speed during the course of its re-entry into the atmosphere due to the forces of friction.

India does not have any functional ICBM which can approach US mainland, at present.


American GMD network have demonstrated the capability to intercept ICBMs in complex live-fire events FYI.

FTG-15 event on May 30, 2017
FTG-11 event on May 25, 2019

Attacking Russia is not wise anytime soon; Russian nuclear arsenal is vast with a fleet of 300+ ICBMs. US will have to consider preemptive strikes and risk spreading radiation across the globe.

Serbia had a professional military at the time, but NATO ruined it.

This is FALSE information.


Losses can be expected even in a well-planned information.

See my assessment of Hoodbhoy's remark: https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/f-35...af-pervez-hoodboy.613519/page-8#post-11369035

I clearly DISAGREE with his view, and do not believe that F-35 is infallible. It is a machine - a cutting-edge machine - but a machine in the end, and human factor is still there.

However, some of the comments and utter-lack-of-judgement in this thread...

There is no comparison between Su-30 MKI and F-35 variants, period.


Indians are a bunch of idiots on average, bought into Russian hype. I have had discussions with them about the sheer hype they had created in regards to Su-30 MKI and I reminded that F-16 in PAF's inventory can defeat them in aerial engagements, but they didn't pay much attention.

WE should NOT be like Indians on the other hand - DELUSIONAL to the CORE, or perhaps PDF Indian crowd is like this. Because there are sane Indians out there.


OK - nobody said that machines are infallible.

However, take a look at this MONSTER.


50+ sorties over Serbia, and NO LOSS.

In one of the sorties, a B-2 Spirit took out the freaking Chinese embassy in Serbia and got away with it: https://nationalinterest.org/blog/b...-bomber-dropped-weapons-chinese-embassy-52312

In fact, numerous sorties around the world, and NO LOSS.

B-2 Spirit is the best VLO design in existence, it is VLO across all known BANDS and frequencies. The epitome of human engineering and ingenuity. Only the largely obscure RQ-180 is in this league. And US is now developing relatively superior B-21 Raider.

My point is to not generalize, and not to underestimate.
Yes but it won't destroy countries like india and Pakistan if there is a chance of only one such weapon hitting their mainland i hope you understand my point sir for usa it won't be worth it
Yes but it won't destroy countries like india and Pakistan if there is a chance of only one such weapon hitting their mainland i hope you understand my point sir for usa it won't be worth it
Of-course, even with excellent defenses in the picture, deterrence factor is there.

US [can] defeat [any] country in a full-scale war (in theory), but this does not translate into US going after every country in existence in sheer arrogance. They are human beings in the end. And nuclear weapons flying around - scare people in general. WW-2 was a different scenario in which Pearl Harbor happened, and US went all-out afterwards due to survival-related considerations. This is no longer the case.

Hopefully, US - Pakistan relations will move forward on a positive note. Wars are destructive affairs.
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Ever bothered to take a look at the sheer size of American nuclear arsenal?

Allow me.


Majority of those warheads are thermonuclear. In fact, reports are surfacing that US have scrapped INF nuclear treaty with Russia and started to expand its nonstrategic nuclear arsenal base.

Emphasis mine. US can bring can end to the entire world as we know, if it wants to. Forget Afghanistan. A small number of thermonuclear weapons are sufficient to wipe Afghanistan clean, but their radiation might creep into neighboring countries (depending upon the flow of winds) and end up killing/ruining the lives of many more.

Now take a step back from nuclear weapons, and take look at what US-led forces can achieve through conventional bombing as well.

[1] This is the city of Raqqa - former stronghold of ISIS in Syria.

US-led forces blasted this city into ruins during clashes with ISIS-affiliates, turning it into a ghost town for a while.

[2] This is the city of Dresden - one of the centers of power of Nazi regime in Germany.

US-led forces blasted this city into ruins with a fleet of long-range bombers, and the sheer scale of devastation rivaled a nuclear strike on a city.

[3] This is the city of Tokyo - capital of the Imperial regime in Japan.


US-led forces blasted this city into ruins with a fleet of long-range bombers, killing thousands in this city alone.

So yes, if the objective is to EXTERMINATE a country, US can it pull it off in a short span - no ifs and buts.


Now what happened in Afghanistan?

US-led forces decimated the 'original Taliban government' in a span of 2 months tops at the start of the war - thousands of Taliban-affiliates perished during this time, and scores of survivors fled to Pakistan. Mullah Omar fled to his hometown and kept a low profile until his death.

Nevertheless, US is NOT trying to exterminate Afghanistan or even close - even Bush administration which is credited for decimating the 'original Taliban government' in the first two months of the war, had no intention to hunt Taliban to extinction. Americans only wanted to get rid of the Al-Qaeda affiliates in the region, and NATO succeeded in this endeavor by 2011, and pulled much of their forces from Afghanistan by 2014.


Taliban remnants regrouped within Afghanistan and Pakistan (Afghan refugee camps [4]), and SIMPLY WAITED for the bulk of US-led forces to EXIT from Afghanistan; resurgence commenced in 2015.

[4] Take a look: https://www.unhcr.org/publications/...orth-west-frontier-province-january-2008.html

Now Afghans are busy killing each other as usual, but a small contingent of US-led forces in Afghanistan are preventing the worst from happening. They are NOT trying to eradicate the resurgent Taliban but rather talking to them, to find a political resolution of the ongoing chapter of violence in Afghanistan, and to EXIT afterwards.

Taliban learned a lesson from their defeat at the hands of Bush administration, and played it smart since.


In summation:-

1. Every conflict is different with distinct political objectives set for it.

2. US - Pakistan war (God forbid) will be of entirely different character in comparison to what happened in Afghanistan. Would Pakistani nationals (numbering in crores) go to India, China and Iran, and WAIT for the bulk of American troops to be pulled from Pakistan?


See above.

Brilliant point.

Logic takes a back seat in these type of discussions sometimes.

Taliban had the luxury to transition from a VISIBLE FORCE to an ELUSIVE FORCE across Afghanistan and Pakistan, regrouped and waited for the bulk of US-led forces to EXIT from Afghanistan in 2014.

A professional army exist to safeguard borders and to fight another professional army (if necessary) - to prevent potential invasions from external entities. When this fails, then asymmetric pressures are applied on foreign occupants until they decide to leave. Even asymmetric pressures can fail sometimes such as in the case of Iraq even though Iraqi insurgents offered much greater level of resistance to US-led forces than Taliban in Afghanistan.

Mixed situation, or difference in level of commitments to a theater.

You know better then him, right?

VISIBLE FORCE, and what US can do about it, is the point. Economy is also a factor, full-scale war is not cheap.

There is a reason why Pervez Musharraf became COAS, and you did not.

A very good ICBM can approach 7 KM/sec mark in speed (MACH 20) during the midcourse phase of its flight but the re-entry vehicle begins to loose its speed during the course of its re-entry into the atmosphere due to the forces of friction.

India does not have any functional ICBM which can approach US mainland, at present.


American GMD network have demonstrated the capability to intercept ICBMs in complex live-fire events FYI.

FTG-15 event on May 30, 2017
FTG-11 event on May 25, 2019

Attacking Russia is not wise anytime soon; Russian nuclear arsenal is vast with a fleet of 300+ ICBMs. US will have to consider preemptive strikes and risk spreading radiation across the globe.

Serbia had a professional military at the time, but NATO ruined it.

This is FALSE information.


Losses can be expected even in a well-planned military operation.

See my assessment of Dr. Hoodbhoy's remark: https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/f-35...af-pervez-hoodboy.613519/page-8#post-11369035

I clearly DISAGREE with his view, and do not believe that F-35 is infallible. It is a machine - a cutting-edge machine - but a machine in the end, and human factor is still there.

However, some of the comments and utter-lack-of-judgement in this thread...

There is no comparison between Su-30 MKI and F-35 variants, period.


Indians are a bunch of idiots on average, bought into Russian hype. I have had discussions with them about the sheer hype they had created in regards to Su-30 MKI and I reminded that F-16 in PAF's inventory can defeat them in aerial engagements, but they didn't pay much attention.

WE should NOT be like Indians on the other hand - DELUSIONAL to the CORE, or perhaps PDF Indian crowd is like this. Because there are sane Indians out there.


OK - nobody said that machines are infallible.

However, take a look at this MONSTER.


50+ sorties over Serbia, and NO LOSS.

In one of the sorties, a B-2 Spirit took out the freaking Chinese embassy in Serbia and got away with it: https://nationalinterest.org/blog/b...-bomber-dropped-weapons-chinese-embassy-52312

In fact, numerous sorties around the world, and NO LOSS.

B-2 Spirit is the best VLO design in existence, it is VLO across all known BANDS and frequencies. The epitome of human engineering and ingenuity. Only the largely obscure RQ-180 is in this league. And US is now developing relatively superior B-21 Raider.

My point is to not generalize, and not to underestimate.

A single B-2 can level entire city blocks (if armed with conventional weapons), and entire provinces (if armed with nuclear weapons), and get away with it.
your great general is a billionaire now! i wonder how he made so much money i think usa paid him for his services but wh**e was cheap!
What Pakistan needs ( I am not saying whether we can afford it or not)
40 road mobile marved icbms armed with
Megaton range tns and with good penaids.
@The Deterrent
American GMD network have demonstrated the capability to intercept ICBMs in complex live-fire events FYI.

FTG-15 event on May 30, 2017
FTG-11 event on May 25, 2019
I would like to know more about this test? Iam no Physicist, but for the fact India has ICBM's, and the world would know when the time comes, we dont like sanctions...
Ever bothered to take a look at the sheer size of American nuclear arsenal?
whose talking about nukes here? it doesn't matter how many nukes any country has, the whole world will face consequences if there is a another nuclear attack.
His intellectual stature is greater than 1.4 billion Indians put together. So when he says something, people take him seriously. He doesn't make sensational claims just like that. There must have been a lot of research to back his claims.

LOL --- a lot of very "academically" intelligent people like Hoodboy lack common sense and wisdom.

Who the fck takes him seriosly? he is a clown who is absolutely zero in his field hence he tries to make it up by pretending to be a philosopher. Now it seems he has taken up military analysis, lol


Who the fck takes him seriosly? he is a clown who is absolutely zero in his field hence he tries to make it up by pretending to be a philosopher. Now it seems he has taken up military analysis, lol

I have a question for you. If F-35 is superior with such advance tech, why’s it being offered to other countries, when F-22 aren’t being offered to none?
The F-35 have a different mission than the F-22. The F-35 is the typical 'jack-of-all-trades' while the F-22 is the master-of-one.

Most countries cannot afford that 'master-of-one' platform. Further, most countries today do not have expansionist plans so their military doctrines are going to be mostly defensive. The F-35 is versatile enough to suit most needs.
I would like to know more about this test? Iam no Physicist, but for the fact India has ICBM's, and the world would know when the time comes, we dont like sanctions...
FTG-11 is reportedly the most complex, and expensive, test of its kind till date in which 2 x GMD EKV were deployed to defeat an advanced ICBM-class target with realistic PENAIDS from over 5000 miles away (salvo shot dynamic). However, MDA is understandably not disclosing much about this test, and might not anytime soon.

FYI: https://www.army.mil/article/219788...t_significant_test_in_missile_defense_history
Another point which I would like to make is that there is no rule book which says you have to counter a fighter plane with a fighter plane. You can counter it with anything as long as it produces result.

*cough* may be *cough* autonomous UCAV *cough*
The issue is that to date, no one has managed to counter a manned fighter with anything else.

Why is it that no one has managed to produce a robotic (artificial intelligence) F1 racer that can at least be competitive, if not winning races, with human racers?

Think about this for a moment...

- The racetrack is 2D.
- The racetrack's physical dimensions and features are well known.
- There are rules for the racetracks, the drivers, and the vehicles.

Air combat is directly the opposite of the racetrack.
USAF vs AFs of whole world and USAF will win hands down!

Kids talking about china and russia will jump in and all.... There is no one who can match AF vs AF with USA... no the whole world combined!
Hahaha he got nothing to say more about the shooting of iaf migs so now he is blabering
USAF vs AFs of whole world and USAF will win hands down!

Kids talking about china and russia will jump in and all.... There is no one who can match AF vs AF with USA... no the whole world combined!
Very true but despite this usa can be deterred by nuclear, geopolitical, diplomatic, and economic, means
first u.s will not be going to destroy indian airforce as they need them to contain china and if they destroy Paf we will nuke israel which u.s cannot afford so I think if u.s destroy airforce of Pakistan,india this will lead to russia and china involvement in conflict and we may get j20,su35 or su57 which will be challenging for f35 or any u.s jet and their aircraft carriers or other ships in the region may be attacked .
Yes, nuke Israel:)
Destroy all your precious Palestinians and Islamic holy sites along with us, I wonder what is Allah's punishment for blowing up Al Aqsa

Stealth fighters are overrated. I have read multiple reports where F-16s outmaneuvered F-35s on multiple occasions in close combat bringing it down during exercises. In real dogfight it’s hard for friendly pilots to distinguish between friendly and foes if stealth fighters are involved, and obviously BVRs are overrated. So at the end of the day it’s on pilot skills.
F-35s outmanuever F-16s, believe me.
In real life they would never get to a cannons range anyways. The F-35 would destroy the F-16 without being detected.
that he claimed his own pilots as ours

No, they always have been YOUR pilots, they died in hospital. We're trying to not make you guys cry even more, but it seems as if you're not satisfied unless and until we expose your armed forces for how incompetent they really are, for possibly the millionth time now.

I will say it again, THERE IS NO EVIDENCE AN F-16 WAS SHOT DOWN, ON THE CONTRARY, THERE IS EVIDENCE THAT NOT A SINGLE ONE WAS SHOT DOWN. Stop burying your head in the sand, you lost this one, badly. Two aircraft went down that day, and one of them was a dual seater as eye-witnesses and video footage confirms. It was not an F-16 since the entire fleet is still present after the US counted it, therefore it must be a Su-30MKI since that is the only other dual seater stationed in the region.


Never-the-less, we don't need your approval. Your armed forces have gotten the message, loud and clear. Our aircraft can go into India, strike targets and take out your aircraft without a single loss, even if India tries to send Bisons, Flankers and 2000s with the support of it's air defence systems.

Serbia had a professional military at the time

Technologically, they don't seem to have been that potent and they had been bogged down in a massive civil war.

This is FALSE information.

No it's not, even the IDF confirmed it. They just stated that the F-35 got out without a scratch, and that one of them had to be taken out of service due to an accident with a bird (which is rather convenient).


I clearly DISAGREE with his view, and do not believe that F-35 is infallible.

Then there's no point in discussing this further, we agree.
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