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F-35A Fires First Missile in Test Flight


Apr 28, 2012
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United Arab Emirates

The U.S. Air Force’s F-35 fighter jet launched its first in-flight missile in a key software test, the service announced.
The Lockheed Martin Corp.-made F-35A on June 5 fired a Raytheon Co.-made AIM-120 advanced medium-range air-to-air missile above Naval Air Station Point Mugu, a test range in the Pacific Ocean, according to a release from the service.
The exercise was the first to perform a launch-to-eject communications sequence and will lead to targeted launches later this year as part of the software release known as Block 2B, the service said.
The event “marks a turning point” in the aircraft’s development, Charlie Wagner, the service’s F-35 weapons director, said in the June 7 release. “The AIM-120 launch is one small but critical increment toward proving” the single-engine jet’s ability to fly combat operations, he said.

The Marine Corps version of the jet, called the F-35B, which can take off like a helicopter and fly like a plane, is set to begin operational flights by December 2015; the Air Force’s by December 2016 and the Navy’s by February 2019, according to information released last week by the Defense Department.
The schedule has been delayed by about three years due in part to problems developing the fifth-generation fighter’s software.

F-35A completes first in-flight missile launch | Canadian Aviation News
Oh please, attaching an AA missile on a real potato would yield better results. This potato wanna be is just a waste of a missile.

Why would I be jealous of a potato? I'm just jealous that the F-22 isn't for international markets, this potato can just go die in a corner somewhere.

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