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F-35 now 'unaffordable', says US Defence official

Invincible INDIAN

May 18, 2011
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WASHINGTON (AFP): The cost of building the F-35 fighter jet, set to replace a large part of the US warplane fleet, is "unaffordable" in its current version and must be reviewed, the Pentagon's top acquisition official has said.

"Over the lifetime of this programme, the decade or so, the per-aircraft cost of the 2,443 aircraft we want has doubled in real terms," said Ashton Carter, the Under Secretary of defence for acquisition, technology and logistics.

"That's our forecast for how much the aircraft's going to cost.

"Said differently, that's what it's going to cost if we keep doing what we're doing. And that's unacceptable. It's unaffordable at that rate."

The cost of the plane has jumped to 385 billion, about 103 million per plane in constant dollars or 113 million in fiscal year 2011 dollars, said Christine Fox, the Defence Department's director of cost assessment and programme evaluation.

Republican Senator John McCain called the figure "truly troubling," considering the original price was 69 million per airplane.

"The facts regarding this programme are truly troubling," said McCain. "No programme should expect to be continued with that kind of track record, especially in our current fiscal climate," said McCain.

"It seems to me we have to start at least considering alternatives".

The F-35 or Joint Strike Fighter (JSF), made by Lockheed Martin, is the Pentagon's most costly weapons programme.

An additional appropriation of 4 billion brings the cost of development of the plane to 51 billion, "dismaying" figures," said Michigan Senator Carl Levin, who chairs the Senate Armed Services Committee.

"These are dismaying; indeed, they are disturbing numbers in costs to us and to the taxpayers of the United States," Levin said.

Carter attributed the cost overruns and delays to the plane's complexities and its radar-evading equipment, as well as the short-takeoff and vertical takeoff versions. And he said the culture of easy money at the Pentagon since 9/11 was also to blame.

"In the decade of ever-increasing defence budgets, which we just enjoyed, it was always possible for our managers, when they ran into a technical problem or a difficult choice, to reach for more money," said Carter. "And the money was available in the decade after 9/11."
What kind of technology are they developing with $51 Bill...Even downgraded ones will be very hard to match..
Isn't the F-22 more expensive than this ?

Then how is it unaffordable for US ?

Yes, F22 is more expensive. Only the problem is they could not bring it in production line till now as it was expected to be in service by 2010 after delays. Also, R & D costs are hiking too much.

Isn't the F-22 more expensive than this ?

Then how is it unaffordable for US ?

Just because it is less expensive than the F-22 doesn't mean that it is affordable. The US needs this fighter program to do a set of duties for a certain price, but this price has ballooned to where they either have to pour more money into it, or accept less capabilities than they original envisaged.
I think they should scrap the carrier version and the marine version just stick to airforce.
I think they should scrap the carrier version and the marine version just stick to airforce.

Squeezing a VTOL into a F-35 frame is an awesome feat of engineering but awesome feats of engineering doesn't always translate into useful or practical.
The US is suffering from devaluation. That is one reason for the rise in costs.

Still, the US economy can afford a lot more than this. The issue is the unplanned cost rise.
In the long run economics always triumphs over technological innovation. Thats why we still have no replacement for Concorde.
In the long run economics always triumphs over technological innovation. Thats why we still have no replacement for Concorde.

Correct. I guess there will be some watering down of the F-35 to bring the costs down or more partners may be brought in with the US finally accepting to share the codes for AESA and releasing some details of the tech. involved.
Americans are borrowing , spending ( and printing ) dollars like crazy, just recently US government hit the debt ceiling which now stands at 14 trillion dollars , anytime this limit is crossed there is chance of default , this is sure to have an impact on American projects and adventures.

Here is some data on debt ceiling
U.S. Debt Ceiling: Costs and Consequences - Council on Foreign Relations

China will be watching this space closely as they hold the maximum US debt in form of t-bills
I think they should start considering buying Chinese Planes now.. :china::usflag:
now russia may cease the oppertunity and roll out their pakfa for selling it to the world.
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