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If it's a failure. We're fckedd. All our plans for the f-35 that's why we've been staying with only f-16 till they come.
If it's a failure. We're fckedd. All our plans for the f-35 that's why we've been staying with only f-16 till they come.

Come on dude. your air force chiefs would have thought about it ten times before nodding to your government. There is definitely a role JSF has in your air force which is why your government committed to the project.

JSF may not be a Su-35BM in terms of dog fight but as per what LM claims, they don't need to do those fancy moves to get the job done. However, with the limitation of speed and range, you will be limited to be a defensive air force and any long range assault would be difficult to manage without an air craft carrier and the C-variant of the jet.
Although F-35 is classified as multi-role stealth jet, Turkish airForce will mostly use it for A-G missions. When It came to talk about air superiority missions, F-35 has upperhand radar, electronic devices to detect/engage the enemy before detected so She doesn't need sharp manouvres to engage the enemy.

Thanks to advanced electronic/missile technologies, The manouvrability of current aircrafts loose their importance. Instead of rise/dive the head of aircraft to keep enemy aircraft stable inside of radar's detection angel to lock it while trying to resist the high G forces and pushing the limits of aircraft, Helmet mounted Display system can easily lock the enemy almost every situation pilot's head can turn at even 4th generation aircrafts so No need to mention 5th generation stealth fighters.

F-35 pilots' best friend. No need dogfights..

AIM-9X missile Turkish AirForce also uses.

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A Pentagon study team identified the following 13 areas of concern that remained to be addressed in the F-35:

The helmet-mounted display system does not work properly.
The fuel dump subsystem poses a fire hazard.
The Integrated Power Package is unreliable and difficult to service.
The F-35C's arresting hook does not work.
Classified "survivability issues", which have been speculated to be about stealth.[146]
The wing buffet is worse than previously reported.
The airframe is unlikely to last through the required lifespan.
The flight test program has yet to explore the most challenging areas.
The software development is behind schedule.
The aircraft is in danger of going overweight or, for the F-35B, not properly balanced for VTOL operations.
There are multiple thermal management problems. The air conditioner fails to keep the pilot and controls cool enough, the roll posts on the F-35B overheat, and using the afterburner damages the aircraft.
The automated logistics information system is partially developed.
The lightning protection on the F-35 is uncertified, with areas of concern.

And as mentioned by the poster above regarding the HMD which he says is an F-35 pilot's best friend, in September 2012, the Pentagon criticized, quite publicly, Lockheed Martin's performance on the F-35 program and stated that it would not bail out the program again if problems with the plane's systems, particularly the helmet-mounted display, were not resolved.

These problems with the HMD are nowhere near being solved. Now the latest is the problems with the wing's forward root rib which was discovered in standard durability tests. The ribs -- which provide the core strength of the wings -- must be redesigned. The problem appears to be one stemming from design and a redesign production plan for the affected F-35 fleet's wings will be in place by the fourth quarter.

So its back to the drawing boards for the naval versions!

Cost so far? A trillion dollars and counting......It's a lemon, so far!
Today, TurAF is known as one of the biggest airforce of NATO and region as well. There are lots of programs proceeding to iprove the striking/defencive capabilities of TuRAF. Have you ever think the Turkish AirForce striking capabilities When F-35's joined into airforce ?

-210 F-16 CCIP Block 50 standarts (30 of them will carry Aselsan Ozgur domestic mission computer)
-30 F-16 Block 50+
-100+16 F-35A
-50 F-4E 2020 (I don't think TurAF will retire all terminators Even If F-35 arrives)

Domestic Missile programs for TurAF:

-IIR guided WVR short range AA missile
-Radar guided BVR long range AA missile
-SOM family AG cruise missiles
-KGK family winged AG guided bombs
-HGK family AG guided bombs
-NEB family AG bunker Buster guided bombs
-ATMACA anti-shipping missile (AirForce variant)
-Others We don't know
If it's a failure. We're fckedd. All our plans for the f-35 that's why we've been staying with only f-16 till they come.

F-16 is still a very good fighter now

F-22 can not be exported

Typhoon ,Rafale and F-18,F-15s are not good choices because they are not stealth fighter
F-35 could be the the real barrier for Russian big mouth shut down. But US do think of it as their new weapon to colonize other countries. I don't prefer this project to be successful as it also brings fear in mind. US right now do have some fears that they may not dominate with their air power and I like this. I wish Turkey should have a healthy friendly relation with Russia,no doubt there mutual rivalry caused both the Empires destruction and today British-French mutual terrorism riding over Turkey and Russia. I want to see Britain and France as inactive nations in World affairs. They are the real Colonial power in Europe and want to keep up with their thoughts which is butcher-ship. Yes!:china:
JSF may not be a Su-35BM in terms of dog fight but as per what LM claims, they don't need to do those fancy moves to get the job done. However, with the limitation of speed and range, you will be limited to be a defensive air force and any long range assault would be difficult to manage without an air craft carrier and the C-variant of the jet.

Meet TURAF KC-135R

She's always with our planes. Also Turkey is rumoured to have some interest in F35C Which has larger wing area but i don't think we'll buy any, because of the TF-X program.
F-35 could be the the real barrier for Russian big mouth shut down. But US do think of it as their new weapon to colonize other countries. I don't prefer this project to be successful as it also brings fear in mind. US right now do have some fears that they may not dominate with their air power and I like this. I wish Turkey should have a healthy friendly relation with Russia,no doubt there mutual rivalry caused both the Empires destruction and today British-French mutual terrorism riding over Turkey and Russia. I want to see Britain and France as inactive nations in World affairs. They are the real Colonial power in Europe and want to keep up with their thoughts which is butcher-ship. Yes!:china:

I agree about what you said about France and England but we do have healthy relations but some things that stop it from going further like Armenia etc
A Pentagon study team identified the following 13 areas of concern that remained to be addressed in the F-35:

The helmet-mounted display system does not work properly.
The fuel dump subsystem poses a fire hazard.
The Integrated Power Package is unreliable and difficult to service.
The F-35C's arresting hook does not work.
Classified "survivability issues", which have been speculated to be about stealth.[146]
The wing buffet is worse than previously reported.
The airframe is unlikely to last through the required lifespan.
The flight test program has yet to explore the most challenging areas.
The software development is behind schedule.
The aircraft is in danger of going overweight or, for the F-35B, not properly balanced for VTOL operations.
There are multiple thermal management problems. The air conditioner fails to keep the pilot and controls cool enough, the roll posts on the F-35B overheat, and using the afterburner damages the aircraft.
The automated logistics information system is partially developed.
The lightning protection on the F-35 is uncertified, with areas of concern.

And as mentioned by the poster above regarding the HMD which he says is an F-35 pilot's best friend, in September 2012, the Pentagon criticized, quite publicly, Lockheed Martin's performance on the F-35 program and stated that it would not bail out the program again if problems with the plane's systems, particularly the helmet-mounted display, were not resolved.

These problems with the HMD are nowhere near being solved. Now the latest is the problems with the wing's forward root rib which was discovered in standard durability tests. The ribs -- which provide the core strength of the wings -- must be redesigned. The problem appears to be one stemming from design and a redesign production plan for the affected F-35 fleet's wings will be in place by the fourth quarter.

So its back to the drawing boards for the naval versions!

Cost so far? A trillion dollars and counting......It's a lemon, so far!
Copied and paste from Wikipedia over a year ago, all problems are fixed. Except for the helmet, going through some tough stages in the aircraft CATBIRD.
LOL F-35 Joint Junk Fighter isuseless against advasaries like Russia which has X and L radars on its T-50 FGFA and S-500 which can dedect a wasp 50 missiles aways and anti jamming device (electronic warfare systems onboard the F-35 is a waste of space then). Its only useful against nation like Iran which is already hopeless..
LOL F-35 Joint Junk Fighter isuseless against advasaries like Russia which has X and L radars on its T-50 FGFA and S-500 which can dedect a wasp 50 missiles aways and anti jamming device (electronic warfare systems onboard the F-35 is a waste of space then). Its only useful against nation like Iran which is already hopeless..

I can guarantee you it's better than any Chinese fighter lol by copying don't you don't get quality.

Innovator or imitator?
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