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F-22 crashes in Florida


Mar 30, 2012
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A US F-22 Raptor jet has crashed in Florida, the military has said. No one was injured on the ground.

Firefighters quickly extinguished the blaze on the ground.

The cause of the crash is under investigation. A nearby freeway was closed for two hours as emergency services dealt with the incident.

The US Air Force halted using the $190 million aircraft in 2011 after some pilots grew dizzy mid-air. Oxygen delivery was blamed for the malfunctioning. Short-distance flights resumed in July.

Voice of Russia, RT
Must be a software issue. As always. :D

The F22 has been plagued by these kinds of reliability issues for quite sometime. I guess that maybe one reason why it hasn't been pressed into frontline service. Too cost, too unreliable probably.

Hence why I consider F22 to be more of a showpiece than anything else. Maybe that is an overstatement, but what would you call a 200 million USD jet that is never pressed into active duty only to crash every once in a while. I mean it has the highest accident rate of any USAF aircraft in service.
(CNN) -- WASHINGTON (CNN) -- An F-22 fighter jet crashed Thursday afternoon near Tyndall Air Force Base in the Florida panhandle. The pilot ejected safely, according to Lt. Col. John Dorrian, a spokesman for the U.S. Air Force.
Tyndall AFB is a training base for F-22 pilots. There's no confirmation that the plane took off from Tyndall before the crash, but that would be logical, Dorrian said.
The F-22 has been the focus of years of investigations about a problem that causes some of the stealth fighter's pilots to become dizzy or black out. The exact cause of the problem still hasn't been identified.

F-22 fighter jet crashes in Florida - CNN.com
Must be a software issue. As always. :D

The F22 has been plagued by these kinds of reliability issues for quite sometime. I guess that maybe one reason why it hasn't been pressed into frontline service. Too cost, too unreliable probably.

Hence why I consider F22 to be more of a showpiece than anything else. Maybe that is an overstatement, but what would you call a 200 million USD jet that is never pressed into active duty only to crash every once in a while. I mean it has the highest accident rate of any USAF aircraft in service.

F-22 is not the most unreliable in the US inventory, if you compare Crash ratio B-2 is edging ahead,way ahead of F-22....

The problem with F-22 is they are too advance for the American own good, when they stable the F-35 platform, they should have a very much good concept of the F-22 but by the time they done with the F-35, F-22 should be retired.....

This will also happened to any country currently dealing with 5th gen aircraft, they are too edged ahead but american have it worse simply they are "ahead of the ahead" they got the F-22 in 1998 while other country not even getting their first 5th gen on 2018 which is 20 years behind....
F-22 is not the most unreliable in the US inventory, if you compare Crash ratio B-2 is edging ahead,way ahead of F-22....

The problem with F-22 is they are too advance for the American own good, when they stable the F-35 platform, they should have a very much good concept of the F-22 but by the time they done with the F-35, F-22 should be retired.....

This will also happened to any country currently dealing with 5th gen aircraft, they are too edged ahead but american have it worse simply they are "ahead of the ahead" they got the F-22 in 1998 while other country not even getting their first 5th gen on 2018 which is 20 years behind....

This is what happens when a person tries to act smarter than he really is.

Only 21 B-2s have been built, of course the ratio is going to be higher. He wasn't talking about a special plane like the B2 obviously.
This is what happens when a person tries to act smarter than he really is.

Only 21 B-2s have been built, of course the ratio is going to be higher. He wasn't talking about a special plane like the B2 obviously.

Well, i was just replying the poster before me, if he have to use crash ratio to indicate how unreliable an aircraft is, then he should say B-2 is the most unreliable......

The problem is, not just American are trying to outsmart themselve but the rest of the world too, If you look at it this way, what they are doing is trying to best themselve on their technology invention, which is good for science, but the fact remain, the US is ahead of thsoe invention currently at a 20 years gap level, it will not be heavy unless America decided to stick around and master or horn their skill on the 5th Gen, I would say when they finish with the F-35 they would be finished with the 5th Gen.
Must be a software issue. As always. :D

The F22 has been plagued by these kinds of reliability issues for quite sometime. I guess that maybe one reason why it hasn't been pressed into frontline service. Too cost, too unreliable probably.

Hence why I consider F22 to be more of a showpiece than anything else. Maybe that is an overstatement, but what would you call a 200 million USD jet that is never pressed into active duty only to crash every once in a while. I mean it has the highest accident rate of any USAF aircraft in service.
I take it you speak from extensive experience in aviation, particularly military aviation?
Is this the 4th or the 5th crashed F22?

Aren't these things 200mln a pop? What a waste.
Such as? Should be no problem explaining and supporting your arguments.

No I dont have any experience in military aviation. But its a fact that the F22 has the highest crash rate in the USAF. It is also a fact that a 200 million dollar jet has never been pressed into active service. It is also a fact that it is an immature,new platform and hence probably unreliable.

Now what experience do you have with military aviation apart from PDF? I am sorry about my retort before, but pseudo intellectual BS ticks me off every now and then. Even if you are a guy that has flown an F18 for instance and worked in the airforce for 20 years, that still does not give you any credibility to say that the F22 which is a totally different platform is totally reliable. You are still a pilot with zero experience with the F22.

And even if you are a F22 pilot, all you can tell me is your experience in the few hours of flying that you have done. You cannot however comment on the software/technical aspects of the plane because its not in your expertise.

We can only go by data here.
The F-22's are still the most advanced combat jets in the world. These are still superior to F-35 and no combat jet in the world has a perfect safety record. In some scenarios single F-22 can mean the difference between winning & losing a war, and it is great that such scenarios may never be realized. In modern times, however, most of the lethal weapons are built simply to keep the potential enemy at bay. Since the US can afford to maintain the massive military budget there's no harm in having these even if they lose 5-10% to crashes since every crash is also a learning opportunity.
No I dont have any experience in military aviation. But its a fact that the F22 has the highest crash rate in the USAF. It is also a fact that a 200 million dollar jet has never been pressed into active service. It is also a fact that it is an immature,new platform and hence unreliable.

Now what experience do you have with military aviation apart from PDF? I am sorry about my retort before, but pseudo intellectual BS ticks me off every now and then. Even if you are a guy that has flown an F18 for instance and worked in the airforce for 20 years, that still does not give you any credibility to say that the F22 which is a totally different platform is totally reliable. You are still a pilot with zero experience with the F22.

And even if you are a F22 pilot, all you can tell me is your experience in the few hours of flying that you have done. You cannot however comment on the software/technical aspects of the plane because its not in your expertise.

We can only go by data here.

The problem is, only 1 out of 5 crash are software related (1 is due to the G-suit, 1 is the oxygen system, 1 is unknow and 1 is for engine problem......) Only the first non-production crash is due to software paroblem, so exactly what are you saying?

If you are saying the F-22 is the most unreliable aircraft because of the incident rate, then you can probably say the Boeing 747 is the most unrelible aircraft due to its inicident rate (Not only just crashed) The fact to the matter is, even if we push the F-22 program 10 years behind our schedule, (WHich make the debute date of 2008) the crash rate is the same as those crashed is a "Controlled Trial error" which you will not know until your aircraft was made into production. THe only action, sadly is to limited the crew death and work on the fix.

All other nation will encounter the same problem as we do when we are fielding the F-22, if you don't want the crash on your 5th Gen, then don't field them.
Must be a software issue. As always. :D
The F22 has been plagued by these kinds of reliability issues for quite sometime. I guess that maybe one reason why it hasn't been pressed into frontline service. Too cost, too unreliable probably.

Hence why I consider F22 to be more of a showpiece than anything else. Maybe that is an overstatement, but what would you call a 200 million USD jet that is never pressed into active duty only to crash every once in a while. I mean it has the highest accident rate of any USAF aircraft in service.

Are you an expert from LM or one of the design professionals or are you just saying it because you think so? I can't imagine the first part is true as no top secret individual would just blah stuff on the internet.
Since the second seems more like it, I'd suggest either back up the claim with something concrete so we all understand or just don't post stuff with so much authority that people get fooled!
Is this the 4th or the 5th crashed F22?
Aren't these things 200mln a pop? What a waste.

Its not a waste. Its cost of staying ahead of the world by 2-3 decades and being able to afford it. After all, the F-4 and F-5 belong to museums in the US and you guys are putting money into those as if you were researching hypersonic jets. Now THATS a waste!! Btw, crash or no crash. These things can fly to your house and come back undetected if need be ...

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