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F-16 Beats The F-35

]The reason for replacing F-15 and F-16s are their old airframes and engines which are costly to keep up as the production lines draw down, while they have served more than 30 years and will continue to do so as F-35 production is planned to run beyond 2035.

so 1 of the reason is COST of prodcution line and service

Remember the F-15 is an air superiority aircraft while F-16 is the multi role one. F-35 is not air superiority but replacement for f-16s. F/A 22 is the real air superiority fighter, but with the costs and delays, it alone cannot fill the gap left behind after the decommissioning of F-15s. Infact the total number of planes on order f-35 and f22 combined is less than what they have already in service with f-16 and f-15s. Meaning a lot of f-15s WOULD be flying alongside.

Yup remembering... F-35 is not superior but still replacing F-16s which is superior

I did not claim F-15 to be superior to F-35. I said F-15 is still an awesome fighter and in air-air combat performance, ( assuming you take the stealth out of f-35) it will knock f-35 out easily.

F-15+ stealth = better than F-35 easily..

F-35 is stealth and most of the technology that makes it stealthy descends from the research of F22 raptor it self.


Yes F-35 is superior in avionics and yes it has stealth all over it, but it does not mean that it is better or more agile as well.


F-15 top speed is Mach 2.5+
F-35 top speed is Mach 1.67

1. X-15, Mach 6.72, 354,200 feet
2. SR-71 Blackbird, (YF-12) Mach 3.2+ 85,000+ feet
3. MiG-25R Foxbat-B, Mach 3.2 123,524 feet
3. X-2, Mach 3.2 126,200 feet
4. XB-70 Valkyrie, Mach 3.1 77,350 feet
5. MiG-31 Foxhound, Mach 2.83 67,600 feet
6. MiG-25 Foxbat, (Ye-155) Mach 2.8 118,900 feet

are these better than F-15 just because its speedier.. or are american stupid to make aircrafts less speedier than F-15?/

Is it a speed race?/

not to mention the huge cost difference of buying f-35 vs F16/F15 and maintaining them (the stealth paint, structure etc).

no need as u have already mentioned

The reason for replacing F-15 and F-16s are their old airframes and engines which are costly to keep up as the production lines draw down.
Duplicate thread. I have already opened this topic. Please search before posting. Thanks

Mods, please merge both threads.
March 31, 2010: Romania finally approved a two year old deal to buy 48 U.S. F-16 fighters for $4.5 billion. Half will be the latest model, the F-16C Block 50. The others will be used, and reconditioned to F-16C Block 25 standards. The used F-16s will arrive in two years, but the new ones won't arrive until 2020. Romania could have waited a few years and bought the new F-35 instead, but that would have cost them more money (nearly $6 billion for just 24).

What kind of an article is this 48 F-16 not even Blk 52 and some used ones for $4.5 billion .... what a joke and just 24 F-35 for $6 billion .......who is this retard who has zero knowledge abt defence.....You can get around 40 F-22 raptors for $6 billion :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Pakistan to purchase 36 French fighters worth $ 4.2 Billion

* PAF chief says contract should be signed within 12 months
* PAF team evaluated fighter for past 2 years

ISLAMABAD: The Pakistan Air Force (PAF) will start getting 36 Rafale fighters from 2015 onwards, Chief of Air Staff Rao Qamar Suleman said on Thursday.

Briefing reporters on the on-going High Mark-2010 Exercise by PAF in collusion with the Pakistan Army and the Pakistan Navy, the air chief said the delivery of the aircrafts to Pakistan would complete by the end of 2016.

He said, in addition to 36 Rafales , Pakistan had also been negotiating to get French MICA missile and Radar for JF-17, besides getting other modern gadgets and weapons.

He said the new inductions were due to unpecedented increase in defence spending from Eastern neighbour and growth in their offensive capabilities.
The PAF chief informed reporters that other then some very advanced US fighters, the Rafale was umatched by any other plane in the world at the current time

When asked on funding for the new planes, PAF chief said current government had vowed to provide PAF with all available funding.
Noting that PAF would be first export customer for such a plane, ACM Rao said "This will give us a capability any adversery knows very little about and would be very difficult to counter by any power"

He said the PAF had already been using Unarmed Aerial Vehicle (UAV) technology for reconnaissance purposes while it hardly needs to go for armed aerial vehicle.

He said the coalition forces hardly commit any violations of Pakistan’s airspace while Islamabad had always strongly protested in case of any airspace violation by coalition forces in Afghanistan. app
Is this true or what???????????
This thread must go , go to the company that builds the F-35 planes and view the goods packed in the F35 is is a DEADLY fighter
it should be better if its like F-16 beats F-22s

come on man thats more wrong .....us has banned exports of f-22s(best and front line fighter aircraft used by u.s.) because it has proven a great fifth gen fighter....whereas f-35s are for introduction 2016–2018
The title should have been, F-35 again beaten by costs..
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