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Eygpt .. where the lies keep on coming

Ther is always a Firawn in every country. the biggest firawns of egypt is unfortunately army.
Ther is always a Firawn in every country. the biggest firawns of egypt is unfortunately army.

In its highest popularity, Morsi only got a bit more than 50% of the votes against a member of the previous regime. He does not even have half of his supporters. 17 million people stormed into streets and brought him down. Army just made the job less bloody.

Why is Turkey so much against it? because they lost their strategic allies.
I read todayszaman.com and I was going to throw up. Lots of lies and conspiracy theories.

Good point is:
Turkey has not used harsh language against KSA yet :)
This is why the arap world is foked up. Why is ksa supporting this army regime?
This is why the arap world is foked up. Why is ksa supporting this army regime?

Because it is not an army regime. Do you want Egyptians to be treated by tear gas and electric clubs similar to what erdogan did to Turks?
farag what do you people want I am more interested to know, you people are not happy with dictators, then you pickup civilians then a year later you demand to throw them out and call upon Army to take over.

The way al-saud government insulted you people by congratulating Army for taking over.
farag what do you people want I am more interested to know, you people are not happy with dictators, then you pickup civilians then a year later you demand to throw them out and call upon Army to take over.

The way al-saud government insulted you people by congratulating Army for taking over.

We want freedom. Democracy is not just election. MB won the election by a few percent but started to take over every thing.
The economy is a mess too despite Qatari donations.
Foreign policy was the same as Qatar, dictated by the emir.
Plus lots of more reasons.
We want freedom. Democracy is not just election. MB won the election by a few percent but started to take over every thing. The economy is a mess too despite Qatari donations. Foreign policy was the same as Qatar, dictated by the emir. Plus lots of more reasons.

Well then Egypt has to cut down even more on Armed Forces. This is called reform while economy is a mess Egypt is going to purchase 200 tanks and 20 F-16s, upgrades of AH-64 gunships and so on and more military equipment so just blaming a newly elected leader/government is not right you can't expect an Egypt ruined by hosni mubarak and his billions accumulated corruption to be fixed overnight or even in 5 years it would take a decade.

No matter what reasons are you need to give time to the government to establish and work instead of army and corrupt judiciary jumping upon them, and if I may ask where did the money mubarak made almost $40 billion dollar went. Lastly Egypt needs to tell saudi government to mind their own business really they are interfering with every other muslim country.
Why some Pakistanis believe any one who grows beard and talk about ummah?
You made similar comments in favor of erdogan too.

I do not trust Bearded Mullahs.

My support of Erdogan is based on the performance of his government.

I don't know if you were old enough to remember what Turkish Economy was 15 years ago.

Let me tell you, it was ABYSMAL and Turkish Lira was in a free fall.

Today, under the stewardship of Prime Minister Erdogan, Turkish GDP is close to a Trillion Dollars and Turkey is one of the 20 top economic powers of the World.

Now let us get back to the question you asked " Why Pakistanis are such a captive audience with people with beards and who talk about Ummah"

I will tell you a deep Basic Truth which few people will talk about or even understand about Pakistani people.

So please fasten your seat belts and get ready for a ride to the land of PURE AND UNADULTERATED TRUTH ( NO HOLDS BARRED).

Why do most Egyptians and most Pakistanis think so differently ?



If you can understand this BASIC DIFFERENCE IN MINDSET, you will understand 90 % of reasons why most Egyptians and most Pakistanis think so differently.

Historically, ARAB NATIONALISM appeals to most Egyptians and Arabs and this is why Gamal Abdel Nasser was a hero in the Arab World. But in Pakistan he had no appeal. Infact a large number of religious Pakistanis hated and abhorred him because he killed leaders of Al Ikhwan al Muslimeen.

The Arab leader who was loved and revered in Pakistan was King Faisal bin Abdel Aziz who was an Icon in Pakistan. There are cities and highways named after him in Pakistan.

Why ? Because Faisal did not promote Arab Nationalism over Islam.

Think about it, when you flaunt ARAB NATIONALISM in our face, that does not impress us or endear you to us ( assuming you are Muslim).

Our only connection with the Islamic World is Islam.

Look at your Avatar. You are displaying Nasser's picture who means nothing to Pakistani Muslims.

So I can understand your frustration as an Arab Nationalist with Pakistanis.

Now, coming back to your comment about Beards, that only holds sway with Pakistani Sunni Extremist who have TALIBAN TYPE Mentality. They are a small minority of Pakistanis.

But ISLAM and UMMAH are huge in Pakistan even with the Moderates like me.

Let me share another GEM of Wisdom with you, Lol.

One of our most famous Poet who has had huge influence forming Pakistani Psyche is Muhammad Iqbal.

Muhammad Iqbal was a staunch PAN ISLAMIST and so was his poetry which had a huge impact on the Psyche of Pakistani People and in fact on the Formation and creation of Pakistan in 1947.

Hopefully , this may explain the strange behavior of us Pakistanis to an ARAB NATIONALIST.

BTW, the ARAB NATIONLISM is not a new Phenomenon. Historically speaking it predates Islam and Prophet Muhammad PBUH.

We Muslims believe that our Holy Prophet PBUH warned his people to refrain from ARAB NATIONALISM. He spoke about Islamic Ummah and told all Muslims ( both Arabs and Non_Arabs ) " Today, I have made you Brothers of each other".

P.S. @farag are you a Coptic ? Just curious.
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I don't trust them too :lol:
I do not trust Bearded Mullahs.

Historically, ARAB NATIONALISM appeals to most Egyptians and Arabs and this is why Gamal Abdel Nasser was a hero in the Arab World. But in Pakistan he had no appeal. Infact a large number of religious Pakistanis hated and abhorred him because he killed leaders of Al Ikhwan al Muslimeen.

Also, King Faisal bin Abdel Aziz was an Icon in Pakistan. There are cities and highways named after him in Pakistan.

Why ? Because Faisal did not promote Arab Nationalism over Islam.

I hate Arab nationalism.
Your army is shooting people with apache. wtf are your talking about?
If by people you mean insurgents who are firing at military and security forces checkpoints and bases then yeah they are getting fired at by Apaches. I doubt the Turkish government would hand out olive branches to those who attack their armed forces.
Because it is not an army regime. Do you want Egyptians to be treated by tear gas and electric clubs similar to what erdogan did to Turks?

give us account of happy times in mubarak era on MB members specially and when you rose up to get democrazy from mubarak
I do not trust Bearded Mullahs.

My support of Erdogan is based on the performance of his government.

I don't know if you were old enough to remember what Turkish Economy was 15 years ago.

Let me tell you, it was ABYSMAL and Turkish Lira was in a free fall.

Today, under the stewardship of Prime Minister Erdogan, Turkish GDP is close to a Trillion Dollars and Turkey is one of the 20 top economic powers of the World.

In that case, he's quite similar to current president of Sri Lanka. He made Sri Lanka from one of the poorest countries in Asia to the richest country in South Asia and its developing at a higher pace but the problem is his authoritarianism. There's no freedom speech and his family is has control over a large extent of wealth. I would say, common people should constantly challenge government through various ways. In that way, the authoritarianism would be controlled and governments would fear people.

About MB, as I know it did nothing good to Egypt. It failed the nation in almost every sector. Apologize for poking nose into others' affairs.
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