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Extreme Pakistan Bashing

Yes, establishment has been the reason why PDM corrupts are back and together they’re responsible for the biggest f-ck up of Pakistan’s social and security fabric.

Bajwa is a snapshot of what is wrong with the institution. Sharifs/Zardaris are a snapshot of what is wrong with judiciary and executive.

Pakistan’s interest have been damaged. It’s standing in the world have gone to the dogs. My argument is this, your comments of outright damaging comments only hurt Pakistan further.
Bro, you are looking too deep into it. People are just venting but most are not able to articulate it well enough. Hold free and fair elections and everything goes back to normal (well, not everything. Some holy cows might never be as holy again )

Our mission is to remain as a state, first and foremost.
North Korea is a state. Just saying...... :whistle:
Whilst the question of whether the Army's hegemony is truly good for Pakistan is a valid question, it is of utmost importance to understand that the fabric of Pakistan has been ingrained within the military.

Regardless of whether this needs to be fixed or not, people should understand that the only thing holding Pakistan together with the establishment, is the army. They are the reason that the country has had the ability to stand against India for so long, and the destruction of the establishment/people relationship is one that external enemies can definitely benefit from, and it is a movement that the enemies of Pakistan will definitely support.

It is important to think of the consequences of these things
Pakistani army hegemony would be a good thing if they weren't old and careless incompetent boomers.

The stories you hear of the establishment and how they operate, they are severely incompetent and hegemony by such a group is harmful. Not to mention the corruption and obsession with living excessively luxurious lives.

If they acted more intelligently, more competently, for national interest, we would have been a powerful country today. They have pushed out very intelligent and capable minds due to their own superiority complex built on falsehoods.
Enemy has worked hard to fill establishment ranks with the types of Bajwa’s. As per Seymour Hersh, Indian told senior US intelligence officials that they start keeping track of Pakistani Generals when they get are still at colonel ranks. They know who is secular, corrupt and Gizwa-hind jihadi minded officers. Rest you can guess how those not fit suitable are sorted out by foreign powers. What left are incompetent corrupt individuals like Bajwa’s.
Enemy has worked hard to fill establishment ranks with the types of Bajwa’s. As per Seymour Hersh, Indian told senior US intelligence officials that they start keeping track of Pakistani Generals when they get are still at colonel ranks. They know who is secular, corrupt and Gizwa-hind jihadi minded officers. Rest you can guess how those not fit suitable are sorted out by foreign powers. What left are incompetent corrupt individuals like Bajwa’s.
Haven't you noticed? Rarely does a competent individual ever reach the top.
Enemy has worked hard to fill establishment ranks with the types of Bajwa’s. As per Seymour Hersh, Indian told senior US intelligence officials that they start keeping track of Pakistani Generals when they get are still at colonel ranks. They know who is secular, corrupt and Gizwa-hind jihadi minded officers. Rest you can guess how those not fit suitable are sorted out by foreign powers. What left are incompetent corrupt individuals like Bajwa’s.

Easy to pick out the bad apples, find out which ones have family relations with Sharifs.
. .
It’s not just about sharifs, these corrupt officers who are selected to go on Foreign training tours are sometimes turned into double agents and are promised smooth promotion in return for their services.
Smooth promotion and don't forget, fruitful retirement. Can you blame them? Amreeki Visay ki apni hi chamak he, bhai.
Lately, I’ve been seeing alot of threads derailed on the count of bashing Pakistan.

Comments like Pakistan balkanized, out of the map, should be nuked, is speaking the language of Pakistan’s enemies.

I have to say, sadly, in majority of the cases, pro PTI boys are the cause of this mayhem.

This trend needs to stop and mods please DYJ.

Oh bro we are just getting started.

Pakistan is a dead corpse surrounded by vultures. Everyone smells blood and the rotting corpse.

I am pro PTI as well, and I believe the workers on the ground are doing a decent job in exposing internal enemies, but some members here throwing sh|t just because things are not going their way is not cool man.

Some of you guys really need to control yourself when posting.

Where was this energy when PPP rioted after Benazir got assassinated?

Where was this energy after Model Town?

Why is it always PTI has to be spoken to from a moral high ground 😂

Whilst the question of whether the Army's hegemony is truly good for Pakistan is a valid question, it is of utmost importance to understand that the fabric of Pakistan has been ingrained within the military.

Regardless of whether this needs to be fixed or not, people should understand that the only thing holding Pakistan together with the establishment, is the army. They are the reason that the country has had the ability to stand against India for so long, and the destruction of the establishment/people relationship is one that external enemies can definitely benefit from, and it is a movement that the enemies of Pakistan will definitely support.

It is important to think of the consequences of these things

Who let Javed Akhtar into Pakistan?

He openly says Pakistan is a terrorist state IN PAKISTAN...where is army?
Oh bro we are just getting started.

Pakistan is a dead corpse surrounded by vultures. Everyone smells blood and the rotting corpse.
true but pakistan has seen worse and recovered. i believe we are just living through another page of the same chapter.

if things spill over, things could get worse yes, but either side could emerge victorious. sometimes there is a storm before the calm while others calm before the storm.

It’s not just about sharifs, these corrupt officers who are selected to go on Foreign training tours are sometimes turned into double agents and are promised smooth promotion in return for their services.
the famous saying comes into play here, its all about money.

pakistanis can even sell their mothers for a few dollars, there is a reason this is being said, simply because the US has experience buying them out for cheap.

pakistan right now is a puppet being puppetered by those with the highest price. gheirat and self respect is hard to find.
true but pakistan has seen worse and recovered. i believe we are just living through another page of the same chapter.

Only thing that allowed Pakistan to bounce back during those times was it was reliant on a foreign power. There's no one to save Pakistan and the IMF is showing the finger to Ishaq Dar.
Lately, I’ve been seeing alot of threads derailed on the count of bashing Pakistan.

Comments like Pakistan balkanized, out of the map, should be nuked, is speaking the language of Pakistan’s enemies.

I have to say, sadly, in majority of the cases, pro PTI boys are the cause of this mayhem.

This trend needs to stop and mods please DYJ.
Agree with you 100% - Pak is what it is and has been like this for quite some time. a 3rd world county but so are many in our neighbor hood.
Jab Life Ho Out Of Control, Honto Ko Karke Gol
Honto Ko Karke Gol, Siti Bajaake Bol... (2)
Aal Izz Well

Murgi Ka Jaane Ande Ka Kya Hoga
Are Life Milegi Ya Tave Pe Fry Hoga
Koyi Na Jaane Apana Future Kya Hoga
Hont Ghuma Siti Baja, Siti Bajaake Bol
Bhaiya Aal Izz Well, Are Bhaiya Aal Izz Well
Are Chaachu Aal Izz Well, Are Bhaiya Aal Izz Well

Confusion Hi Confusion Hai Solution Kuchh Pata Nahi
Solution Jo Mile Toh Saala Question Kya Tha Pata Nahi
Dil Jo Tere Baat Baat Pe Ghabraaye
Dil Pe Rakh Ke Haath Use Tu Fusala Le
Dil Idiot Hai Pyaar Se Usako Samajha Le
Hont Ghuma Siti Baja, Siti Bajaake Bol
Bhaiya Aal Izz Well, Are Bhaiya Aal Izz Well
Are Chaachu Aal Izz Well, Are Bhaiya Aal Izz Well

Scholarship Ki Piya Daaru Ghum Toh Phir Bhi Mita Nahi
Agar Battiya Raakh Ho Gayi God Toh Phir Bhi Dikha Nahi
Bakra Kya Jaane Usaki Jaan Ka Kya Hoga
Seekh Ghusegi Ya Saala Kima Hoga
Koyi Na Jaane Apana Future Kya Hoga
Toh Hont Ghuma Siti Baja, Siti Bajaake Bol
Bhaiya Aal Izz Well, Are Bhaiya Aal Izz Well
Are Chaachu Aal Izz Well, Are Bhaiya Aal Izz Well
Jab Life Ho Out Of Control, Honto Ko Karke Gol
Honto Ko Karke Gol, Siti Bajaake Bol
Aal Izz Well

Murgi Ka Jaane Ande Ka Kya Hoga, Kya Hoga
Are Life Milegi Ya Tave Pe Fry Hoga Ho Ho Ho
Koyi Na Jaane Apana Future Kya Hoga, Kya Hoga
Hont Ghuma Siti Baja, Siti Bajaake Bol
Bhaiya Aal Izz Well, Are Murgi Aal Izz Well
Are Bakre Aal Izz Well, Are Bhaiya Aal Izz Well
Na Na Na Na Na...
Are Bhaiya Aal Izz Well, Are Bhaiya Aal Izz Well
Only thing that allowed Pakistan to bounce back during those times was it was reliant on a foreign power. There's no one to save Pakistan and the IMF is showing the finger to Ishaq Dar.
i wouldn't count china out just yet, it likely still sees use in pakistan for its personal interests, given Gwadars strategicness. An independent Balochistan would be a bad thing for Asia, it threatens Irans region, it makes things difficult for China.

plus today pakistan is a nuclear power unlike those times. lets say a civil war was to start and afghanistan decides to support it, GHQ if it wants could level entire villages and areas. India likely wont even get involved as they'll cut deals in the backdrop, and also it risks nuclear retaliation. Iran won't either.

don't think its that easy to win civil wars especially in todays time, with enough to offer, you will find allies. and the destruction would be immense if turns to that.

i also can smell the coffee, but in tough times tough measures cause u to extreme stuff, trade extreme things.
true but pakistan has seen worse and recovered. i believe we are just living through another page of the same chapter.

if things spill over, things could get worse yes, but either side could emerge victorious. sometimes there is a storm before the calm while others calm before the storm.
And same as always, it's all in the generals' hands (at least for now).

Jab Life Ho Out Of Control, Honto Ko Karke Gol
Honto Ko Karke Gol, Siti Bajaake Bol... (2)
Aal Izz Well

Murgi Ka Jaane Ande Ka Kya Hoga
Are Life Milegi Ya Tave Pe Fry Hoga
Koyi Na Jaane Apana Future Kya Hoga
Hont Ghuma Siti Baja, Siti Bajaake Bol
Bhaiya Aal Izz Well, Are Bhaiya Aal Izz Well
Are Chaachu Aal Izz Well, Are Bhaiya Aal Izz Well

Confusion Hi Confusion Hai Solution Kuchh Pata Nahi
Solution Jo Mile Toh Saala Question Kya Tha Pata Nahi
Dil Jo Tere Baat Baat Pe Ghabraaye
Dil Pe Rakh Ke Haath Use Tu Fusala Le
Dil Idiot Hai Pyaar Se Usako Samajha Le
Hont Ghuma Siti Baja, Siti Bajaake Bol
Bhaiya Aal Izz Well, Are Bhaiya Aal Izz Well
Are Chaachu Aal Izz Well, Are Bhaiya Aal Izz Well

Scholarship Ki Piya Daaru Ghum Toh Phir Bhi Mita Nahi
Agar Battiya Raakh Ho Gayi God Toh Phir Bhi Dikha Nahi
Bakra Kya Jaane Usaki Jaan Ka Kya Hoga
Seekh Ghusegi Ya Saala Kima Hoga
Koyi Na Jaane Apana Future Kya Hoga
Toh Hont Ghuma Siti Baja, Siti Bajaake Bol
Bhaiya Aal Izz Well, Are Bhaiya Aal Izz Well
Are Chaachu Aal Izz Well, Are Bhaiya Aal Izz Well
Jab Life Ho Out Of Control, Honto Ko Karke Gol
Honto Ko Karke Gol, Siti Bajaake Bol
Aal Izz Well

Murgi Ka Jaane Ande Ka Kya Hoga, Kya Hoga
Are Life Milegi Ya Tave Pe Fry Hoga Ho Ho Ho
Koyi Na Jaane Apana Future Kya Hoga, Kya Hoga
Hont Ghuma Siti Baja, Siti Bajaake Bol
Bhaiya Aal Izz Well, Are Murgi Aal Izz Well
Are Bakre Aal Izz Well, Are Bhaiya Aal Izz Well
Na Na Na Na Na...
Are Bhaiya Aal Izz Well, Are Bhaiya Aal Izz Well
Enjoying the show? How's the view from overseas? :D
Our mission is to remain as a state, first and foremost.
All of this could have been avoided if the army system for promotion and evaluation was actually functioning. What we're seeing it seems like office politics and cronyism a la Punjab Police has already seeped into the Army.

Thus a totally bonga, duffer, bewakoof banda like Bajwa became chief. You should've seen his video meeting with Tayyib Erdogan. He looked like a nervous school child or a nervous bride going to sohag raat or something. It was one of the rare videos with audio that surfaced and probably buried deep on this forum somewhere. Whoever said "maathey par paseena aur tangein kaanp rai thi" was probably right.

Now even the veterans and his coursemates are saying he was known as Bonga Baghlool in PMA.

If I put on my Machiavellian hat. The situation can be fixed by throwing Bajwa and some of his cronies under the bus. By providing the public with few heads rolled.

But the military is hell bent on starting some new geo-steategic adventurism with daddy Amreeka. Essentially repeating the Musharraf debacle. It took us about 1.5 decade to recover from that. Now they want to drag us to the qasai(butcher) like how a bakra is dragged by the ear on Eid Qurban.

If you think you'll get some dollars like that then you're seriously deluded. I mean you couldn't even get taxes from every NATO truck passing through and missed out on Billions $$$.

Penny wise. Dollar shy.

But when someone talks about actually making a functional exporting economy the boot damagh has Windows error. One time I mentioned how India is exporting rickshaws to Africa, Middle East and countries like Iraq and Lebanon even for crying out loud. The boots on this forum had the usual oohhh we don't have need, ohhh we are too superior to export to them, ohhh PAF doesn't need this, ooohhh the FN SCAR wasn't good enough BS arguments.

And same fouji boot damaghs in March/April 2022 was openly saying F You overseas Pakistanis we don't need your money. On this very forum. Months later their bonga chief and they themselves were crying for money from overseas Pakistanis.

In bewakoofo, bongon ko apna thooka hua hi chatna parta hai. Again and again and again. They forget a force much bigger than them is running the universe and he imposes the haq on batil and the haq bashes the brains out of the batil.

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