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Explosion in Karachi

My cousin who owned an arms shop that has been burnt to ashes after looting everything. He has made a video of the whole incident I will try to upload the video tomorrow on this thread.
He said he could not do anything to stop the mob so he acted as if he is one of them and started shouting "Hurry up leave, police is coming"
And when they cleared the whole shop they set fire to it.
Now what is your question I still don't understand.
France24 - Blast rocks Shiite parade in Karachi, at least 30 killed

Blast rocks Shiite parade in Karachi, at least 30 killed

AFP - A suicide bomber on Monday targeted Pakistan's largest procession of Shiite Muslims on their holiest day, killing at least 30 people and wounding dozens more in defiance of a major security crackdown.

The blast sparked riots in Karachi, the financial capital, where angry mourners went on the rampage, throwing stones at ambulances, torching cars and shops and firing bullets into the air, sparking appeals for calm.

Pakistan had deployed tens of thousands of police and paramilitary forces, fearing sectarian clashes or militant attacks on Ashura processions, when Shiites whip themselves to mourn the seventh-century killing of Imam Hussein.

The latest bombing underscored the extent of the volatility in Pakistan, where militant attacks have killed more than 2,760 people since July 2007 and which Washington has put on the frontline of its war on Al-Qaeda.

"The blast was so huge that I felt my hearing had gone, but then I started hearing cries of injured people and saw pieces of human flesh and blood on the road," said Abbas Ali, 35, one of the mourners thrown to the ground.

Interior Minister Rehman Malik blamed Tehreek-e-Taliban, against which the military has been waging a major operation in near the Afghan border, and Lashkar-i-Jhangvi, another of Pakistan's most feared Islamist networks.

"At least 30 people have been killed so far in the suicide attack and 63 others have been injured," provincial health minister Saghir Ahmed told AFP.

"We have declared emergency at all hospitals in Karachi and doctors are making every effort to save the injured. The situation is very grim," he added.

Mohammad Ali Jinnah Road, where the attack happened, was ablaze with burning cars and motorcycles, and covered in debris from buildings attacked by rioters, said an AFP correspondent.

Firefighters battled helplessly to quench the flames engulfing buildings and shopkeepers stood crying outside their businesses going up in smoke.

"We are using our maximum resources available to put out the fire which is still raging in the markets," said city mayor Mustafa Kamal.

Karachi has escaped most of the bomb attacks that have battered the northwest and other major cities.

Monday's attack was the deadliest in Karachi since a suicide bomber targeted the homecoming of former prime minister Benazir Bhutto -- who was assassinated two months later -- killing at least 139 people in October 2007.

It was the third attack on Ashura commemorations in Pakistan this year. A suicide attack at a Shiite mosque in Pakistani-administered Kashmir on Sunday killed seven people. Explosives wounded 17 people in Karachi on the same day.

Police said two suspects were arrested at the bomb site, and said a sketch of the bomber would be issued based on the discovery of his severed head.

A spokesman for the paramilitary Rangers said one of their members died as he pinned down the suicide bomber, claiming that otherwise the blast would have inflicted far more casualties.

"Our soldier Abdul Razzaq spotted the suicide bomber and jumped on him and both fell to the road after which the bomber exploded himself," spokesman Major Mohammad Aurangzeb told AFP.

More than 50,000 Shiites had marched in Karachi, wearing black or beating their naked torsos with chains and slicing their skin with knives.

After the attack, furious mourners set ablaze dozens of shops and vehicles, beating up police and paramilitary Ranger personnel, witnesses said.

Thick black smoke filled the sky and explosions of fuel tanks further panicked residents on Mohammad Ali Jinnah Road as ambulances raced to ferry casualties to hospital.

Pakistan's Prime Minister Yusuf Raza Gilani and President Asif Ali Zardari condemned the latest blast and appealed to the masses to remain peaceful.

Sectarian violence periodically flares in Pakistan between Shiites, who beat and whip themselves in religious fervour during Ashura, and the country's majority Sunnis, who oppose the public display of grief.

Shiites account for about 20 percent of Pakistan's mostly Sunni Muslim population of 167 million. More than 4,000 people have died in outbreaks of sectarian violence in Pakistan since the late 1980s.


The soldier is to be given Sitar-e-Jurat!

Had he not stopped the bomber, we should have expected more damage.
It is definetly pre planned. A shia maulana named naqvi just said on ary that this has to be pre planned, and that lay enforcement should concentrate on the people who brought chemicals and a lot of fuel to the shops to burn them. This is to make a civil war between mqm and anp.
My cousin who owned an arms shop that has been burnt to ashes after looting everything. He has made a video of the whole incident I will try to upload the video tomorrow on this thread.
He said he could not do anything to stop the mob so he acted as if he is one of them and started shouting "Hurry up leave, police is coming"
And when they cleared the whole shop they set fire to it.
Now what is your question I still don't understand.

Please upload the video .. start with naming the shop and location to provide authenticity ..
Please upload the video .. start with naming the shop and location to provide authenticity ..

The shop was at M.A Jinnah Road Denso hall, the name of the shop was National Arms. Yes I will make sure to upload the video tomorrow.
Pathetic and shameless ….

….and then we blame others for our miseries and misfortunes’.

When we have no one else to kill, we start to destroy our own self.

Not by India or Israel or America: if Pakistan is torn apart, it will be by its own people and leaders and religion. Just look around you and there is ample proof to support this.

Am I ashamed to call myself a muslim and a Pakistani???

Yes I am!!
It was all pre-planned, my cousin had an arms & ammunition shop at bandar road. Youth broke the locks and entered the shop they looted everything and then they had some chemical with which they burnt the whole shop. I just spoke to my cousin who is still there, standing helpless outside his shop he told me that because of the chemical they have used fire brigades have still not been able to control the fire.
I don't understand what have the people done, why do we set fire to shops and cars of our own countrymen what have they done?
Shame on us.

In each Market and Bazar always there are groups of thugs waiting for such moments , they have no feeling with the killed persons in bomb blast.

In that satuation market unions should establish a security system and kill any person try to loot ,burn or damage their shops.

Police or Ranger will come to site when every thing will be looted and burned.

During independence moment days people site on top of their houses with guns to protect their property from sikh and hindu roits .

Business man community should have to plan and organise to protect their properties at any cost.
In each Market and Bazar always there are groups of thugs waiting for such moments , they have no feeling with the killed persons in bomb blast.

In that satuation market unions should establish a security system and kill any person try to loot ,burn or damage their shops.

Police or Ranger will come to site when every thing will be looted and burned.

During independence moment days people site on top of their houses with guns to protect from sikh and hindu roits to protect their property and family members.

Business man community should have to plan and organise to protect their properties at any cost.

But these people who do such things are also Pakistanis. They live in the same country and same city why would you do something like this to your own countrymen. It is the responsibility of the state to provide security, if people will pick up arms for their own protection the situation will go out of hands.
The shop was at M.A Jinnah Road Denso hall, the name of the shop was National Arms. Yes I will make sure to upload the video tomorrow.

That adds more weight to your unconfirmed news .. should have done that when you posted the first time. Now people can actually fact check your story easily. Thank you for your timely response.

And also .. Business men are supposed to buy and sell .. Not arm and fight.. Thats someone elses job to prepare for things like that.. This is not 1947.. they had no police then ..
It is definetly pre planned. A shia maulana named naqvi just said on ary that this has to be pre planned, and that lay enforcement should concentrate on the people who brought chemicals and a lot of fuel to the shops to burn them. This is to make a civil war between mqm and anp.

pre-planned for sure timming and the location were perfect ..to large extent this has been very successful for the enemy! bigger question is who's behind?? political parties have gains nor the GOP. Same TTP guys! well they are murders but they have atleast been honest so far about their actions by tomorow morning or afternoon we will know if its them and i hope it is TTP.
In each Market and Bazar always there are groups of thugs waiting for such moments
These thugs are nothing other than political activists taking part in every political protest and long march.
ANP is sure is complicit in harboring TTP elements in NWFP and Karachi.
Why shall we change our life style or processions or any thing just for the sake of these few rats. Instead of stopping the govt must wipe this garbage we have amongst us.

Not for the sake of the TTP rats, but for the sake of your own security. Last time i checked those processions are not religiously binding nor they're obligatory on muslims, and Pakistan being at war with Al Qaeda thugs who're known for having a tit-for-tat rivalry with shias, common sense dictates that shia's processions would be counterproductive as they would open an another avenue for terrorists to unleash terrorism.

Let the military finish them off first then you may carry out processions as per your likings.

Thats what i say " can't ignore other foreign elements too". No need to get defensive.
Well Cheetah......its very hard to say, Karachi is always a victim of conspiracy theories and destabilization.
One a late police officers said " for govt kill few hundred people is not problem to achieve its own agenda "...

I agree with this. Foreign agencies involved cannot be ruled out, it's against investigation procedures.

Then again, Karachi doesn't need foreign agents to create havoc in the city cuz they got MQM n their thugs do the dirty terrorist work for them.

These terrorists MQM workers and their thug supports need a reason to create havoc so as to exploit people economically and psychologically dominate them.

This occurance is nothing new, they went around plunging and looting the city in broad daylight at the death of Benazir Bhutto shaheed, they stopped the lawyers movement from entering karachi, attack political workers of other parties and media offices in broad daylight while their actions being watched by the whole nation live on tv. thats how shameless they are.

These are indeed "scumbags" of Pakistan just like the TTP terrorists and honesty they need to be cleansed from Karachi to restore order and peace. There leadership has a free rein in much of Karachi, they need to be crushed and defeated. they espouse an extreme violent secular ideology at odds with mainstream Pakistan and are completely morally bankrupt, no wonder Altaf Hussain is hiding in london wiht his masters. the lookalike of the late Tamil tiger leader.
And in this US war on terror more Pakistanis are dying than any other nation.... and these young afghani sucide bombers from wild....tells us all the story.

It is time for Pakistan to made public the proof of foreign involvement to the public and world wide media.

The tragedy is our so called liberal and moderate media is more focused on in house fighting. As i said elsewhere, there are over a dozen talk shows constantly chewing our brains but it goes on without saying that not one is directed towards general public awareness. We are well aware of Zardari's Surrey mansion or Nawaz Sharif's Park Lane flat, but the common guy on the street is not made aware that by looting a bank, fire bombing a petrol station or torching of public transport doesn't make or effect the slightest to elite's lifestyle or bank balance, it's the foot person who looses in the end.
Media the world over investigates and blows cover but our anchors like to hear from other sources as they seldom leave their newsrooms to get their fingers dirty.
A spokesman for the paramilitary Rangers said one of their members died as he pinned down the suicide bomber, claiming that otherwise the blast would have inflicted far more casualties.

"Our soldier Abdul Razzaq spotted the suicide bomber and jumped on him and both fell to the road after which the bomber exploded himself," spokesman Major Mohammad Aurangzeb told AFP.

So Rangers gave their lives away in protecting the people of Karachi , they should give them some respect.
As I told the other character, and since you are from Lahore you should know well how certain elements exploit the situation. So save your rant.

Since you have revised your intent, all one can suggest is that perhaps you should write more clearly. And tone down your liberal use of expressions such as "character" and "rant" because you can get as good as you give. Or better.
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