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Expert says country's economy 'alarming'


Apr 9, 2007
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Expert says situation of country's economy 'alarming'
Monday May 07, 2007

KARACHI: Renowned economist, Dr Shahid Hassan Siddiqui has said that despite of selling off of major national assets the local and foreign national debt had piled up during the last few years.

He said this during a lecture in the weekly lecture program running at the Pakistan Peoples Party Secretariat. The topic of his lecture was "Grave Economic Dangers facing the Economy of Pakistan".

Leader of the Opposition in the Sindh Assembly, Nisar Ahmad Khuhro presided over the program.

Dr. Shahid Hassan said that the policies of the regime not made for the benefit of people of Pakistan but for the benefit of financial imperialism.

"These policies are a total failure and had resulted in grave losses and damage to the country. This damage has occurred in spite of the breathing space provided by debt rescheduling, proceeds received from privatization and the huge aid received from the West", he added.

The regime policies are appeared to be aimed at patronizing bank defaulters and the rich and even the ex-governor of State Bank Dr. Ishrat Hussain had to write in an article that the poor of the country had to undergo enormous sufferings as a result of the economic policy of the last 7 years, he asserted.

The unemployment has soared and the gap between the rich and the poor has dangerously widened, while the inflation is sky, he added.

DR Siddiqui said that the trade deficit was touching 14 billion dollars and it was almost as much as the country's total exports. Banks had played a most exploitative role by writing off loans of 100 billion rupees and bring the returns to depositors to ridiculously low levels, and by terminating the services of about 50, 000 trained and skilled employees.

In spite of selling national assets and receiving 5 billion dollars for them the foreign debt had gone up by 5 billion dollars since November 1999. The local debt had shown an increase of 1, 000 billion rupees and had gone up from 1, 392 billion rupees to 2, 400 billion rupees during the same period. The per capita loan on the country had gone up and was one of the highest in the world. The overall situation of the economy was indeed very alarming, he asserted.

It has been claimed time and against that that the International financial institutions had praised the economic growth of Pakistan, but the fact is that these institutions even after our total subservience to them had been highly critical of our performance, DR Siddiqui said.

According to Dr. Shahid Hassan, tax evasion, corruption, financial and intellectual misconduct and cheating, exorbitant expenditure of the state, bad governance and other such factors were eating at the roots of our economy and society.

The loss to national exchequer on these accounts was not less than 1000 billion rupees per year, he revealed.

He maintained that the so-called growth of economy was in the banking sector where the profits had multiplied through exploitation and the automobile sector. Both of these were unsustainable and did not benefit the poor in any way.

He foresees very serious problems in the future when the moratorium on debt rescheduling expired and the growing trade deficit had to be made good by our own earning instead of selling of further assets.

There were hardly any assets left to be sold, he pointed out.

In his presidential remarks Mr. Nisar Ahmad Khuhro said that leave aside the working classes of Pakistan who were being pushed to the very edge, even the business community was showing widespread disappointment over he policies of the government.

There was a complete anarchy in the national economy where only the dishonest and unscrupulous elements could prosper like never before and those who wanted to observe healthy practices were going down the drain, claimed.

Commenting on the priorities of the government he said that the government could confiscate 6, 000 busses to carry people by force to the public meeting of General Musharaf while like the previous years children were dying of gastro disease and medicines and beds were not available at hospitals.



This Dictatorship isn't good news for Pakistan its selling national assets, I knew they won't help in the long run the expert is really shows some good points that are to be noted "The loss to national exchequer on these accounts was not less than 1000 billion rupees per year, he revealed." this not good revelations.

The dictatorship should have introduced laws against the Landlords that would have helped lots of poor farmers who are held in a strong hold by rich capital farmers. The now government is a plutocracy and a dictatorship meaning a government for the rich and for the tyrants.
I still have to hear something reasonable from Dr. Shahid, how can a economy survive in a unipolar world which is based on imperialism, and not follow imperialism.

He is one of the candidates for top positions in KSE, SBP..................good luck !
Wel i guess i heard and read reports to contrary where it was stated Pakistan's extrenal debt situation had improved drastically or alteast marginally. The speaker here paints a totally different picture.
Wel i guess i heard and read reports to contrary where it was stated Pakistan's extrenal debt situation had improved drastically or alteast marginally. The speaker here paints a totally different picture.

It depends what a dicatorship tells you.
Wel i guess i heard and read reports to contrary where it was stated Pakistan's extrenal debt situation had improved drastically or alteast marginally. The speaker here paints a totally different picture.

yeah speaker here could be on a certain parties pay check.
Most so called experts in Pakistan wants the country to be debt free like a snap.problem is there is huge amount of tax theft.and i mean huge.if our tax collection could increase by 100s of billions rupees if government was to really go after it.
Most of our economy is under ground.for exapmle. wholesale/ retail sector.
transportation.small industries.to name few that pay absolutely no taxes.
you can't build the infrastructure of the country and be debt free at the same time.almost all of our deficit is cause of machinery imports.we were under sanctions for a long time in which our armed forces suffer big time and now government is modernizing it Fast
all cost money.
land lord system in Pakistan should be tackled no doubt it will be.but not right now.as BIBI would be the first one to get hit.and that will make people like INTERCEPTOR complain that the Military government is going after PPP.
people in Pakistan have no patience as they get influenced by special interest groups faster then reality.:undecided:

Our Elite Class always have extra ordinary Benifts.. Have to stop this Clture at one ... and there are also many other which needed to be overhalled quikly
Abolish all landlords take the old corrupts out of the Government purge them allow new better educated people who think for the country come forward. Musharraf must leave.
dude all the leaders of the parties are landlords both NW and bb have massive amounts of land that is where they get the money to run political campeingns and live in such lavish houses. why would they attack their own interested it doesnt make sense
Wel i guess i heard and read reports to contrary where it was stated Pakistan's extrenal debt situation had improved drastically or alteast marginally. The speaker here paints a totally different picture.

Ok the question has to be asked where did the reports you read originate? If it is from non partisan sources then it might be relevant.
It depends what a dicatorship tells you.

Well since it is Pak newspaper and the report is negative toward the dictator, what does that tell you? That possibly his dictatorship is benign?
People forget that in Roman times that people would sometimes ask for a dictatorship as it would be the most beneficial type of leadership in some situations.
Abolish all landlords take the old corrupts out of the Government purge them allow new better educated people who think for the country come forward. Musharraf must leave.

I agree with the first part...lets start with BB and NS and their assorted cronies. Musharraf should leave when there is a new generation of politicians in place.
I agree with the first part...lets start with BB and NS and their assorted cronies. Musharraf should leave when there is a new generation of politicians in place.


Keys if the top is corrupt the bottop becomes corrupt. Musharraf has no place in politics he should be defending the borders of Pakistan. As for BB and NS well they are not in the current corrupt government.

The most important thing for a country that wants to become a power in the world is energy, the energy issues in Pakistan are huge. BB wanted energy in Pakistan and asked Iran to build the IPI but cronies like the ISI Musharraf made it into a propoganda and told the world that she was trying create instability in the region and was fueling the Indian weapons factories.

"A project for building Iran-India gas pipeline through Pakistan was brought up when Benazir Bhutto was Pakistan's prime minister, but due to serious tension between India and Pakistan, it was shelved."


Now at current moment Pakistan is doing every thing to get hold on the deal.

In fact Pakistan should look for coal, oil and gas power station that would in effect give immediate power to the countries economy rather than wait till the deal comes into effect.
Pakistan July-Mar Tax Revenue Up 19.7% To PKR586.3 Billion


ISLAMABAD -(Dow Jones)- Pakistan collected PKR586.3 billion ($9.77 billion) in taxes between July and March 2006-07, up 19.7% from the year-earlier period, a government statement said Saturday.

The Central Board of Revenue said direct tax revenue during the first nine months of the current fiscal year, begun July 1, totaled PKR233.8 billion, up 53.1% from the previous year.

Sales tax collection rose 7.1% on the year to PKR216.7 billion, it said.

CBR officials attribute the revenue growth based upon higher profitability in several key sectors of economy.

"This growth in taxes is because of better performing banking, telecom and oil and gas sector companies. Moreover, there has been sustaining domestic demand which is helping the board to its and cross its targets," revenue board Member Salman Nabi said.

The board said tax collection through import duties fell to PKR89.3 billion in July-March, down 6.1% from a year earlier, due to low imports.

In March 2007, total revenue collection stood at PKR71.3 billion, it said.

In the last fiscal year, Pakistan collected a total of PKR713.4 billion in taxes, and the government has set a revenue collection target of PKR835 billion for the current fiscal year.

Central Board of Revenue Chairman Abdullah Yusuf told Dow Jones Newswires that the full-year revenue collection is likely to pass that target.

-By Ahmed Mukhtar, Dow Jones Newswires
PPL like the author of this article ahve no place in pakistani politics or economic system. Ignorant fools like him make everything and hard work of the government look bad. BTW for this years pakistan budget would be 1.5 Trillion a place no other government has reach b4 and pakistani revenue collection would cross 1 trillion mark.. Beside the FDI for this year is pose to cross $7billion.

Now this is what u call economic development. Ppl who are investing in pakistan are certainly smarter than Mr shahid. I hope he does take basic lessons b4 he opens he mouth in this regard agin. Thna gain u have favourable news coming from interantional equity firms which are placing Pakistan higher on their list infact one firm gave order SELL INDIA BUY PAKISTAN (dont intend to flame so).. Now this is some good sign....
PPL like the author of this article ahve no place in pakistani politics BTW for this years pakistan budget would be 1.5 Trillion a place no other government has reach b4 and pakistani revenue collection would cross 1 trillion mark.. Beside the FDI for this year is pose to cross $7billion.

Taxes are essential to finance public services, but there are good and bad ways to collect them. The design of the tax system can have a significant economic impact and can influence the residents of a country and multinationals in deciding where to invest.

Tax collection has long been a despised activity. But taxes are essential. Without them there would be no money to build schools, hospitals, courts, roads, airports or other public infrastructure that helps business and society to be more productive and better off.

There are two types of tax regimes - complex and simple types.

COMPLEX: Tax regimes, with relatively high marginal rates and which include a number of exemptions and allowances, tend to be less economically efficient in relation to encouraging employment, saving and investment. Such regimes generally also impose higher tax compliance and administration costs which is evident from the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001.

We have experienced Acts of 1918 and 1922, which have lead to the basis of the creation of the Income Tax Ordinance, 1979, however, the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001 was created to make things simple. We know from our experiences about acts and ordinances, burdensome tax systems served as a deterrent and normally lead to tax evasion.

1. The large number of business taxes to pay
2. Lengthy and complex tax administration
3. Complex tax legislation
4. High tax rates

SIMPLE: Evidence suggest that simpler tax systems promote economic growth and can help achieve a win-win for the government and industry. To help with paying taxes and implementing reforms, the government and CBR need to consider all aspects of the tax system. All taxes borne and collected by businesses should be recognised, alongwith the related tax compliance costs not just federal taxes.

In the ongoing reforms, tax administration and compliance, being significant an obstacle to businesses, needs to be considered as part of the decision on reform. One should not loose sight of the fact that the government imposes taxes to finance public services, but taxes must first be collected and high tax rates do not always lead to high tax revenues. However, the larger the share of informal business activity before reform, the higher the revenue growth after, and it is evident in Pakistan.

CBR/GOP tries to levy the highest amount of tax on businesses on the premise that these high taxes are needed to fund public services and correct fiscal deficits. However, the evidence suggest otherwise. Higher rates typically do not lead to higher revenues in developing countries. Instead, they push businesses into the informal economy. As a result, the tax base shrinks and less revenue is collected.

Lower rates work best when their administration is simple. Growing evidence shows that tax reforms creates more vibrant businesses and this is evident in Pakistan. A smaller tax burden encourages firms to invest. However, they are undermined by exemptions that the shrink tax base.

Reforms should also target minor taxes like stamp duties, which cost money to administer but do not raise much revenue, or particularly distorting taxes. Small businesses have a particularly hard time dealing with multiple tax payments. Why not help them by making their interactions with the tax agency simpler?
The Central Board of Revenue Chief should work with the federal and provincial ministries in this regard.
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