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Exclusive video of Murad - Arsalan fight

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>Since I know <a href="Murad Saeed (MuradSaeedPTI) on Twitter">@MuradSaeedPTI</a> he is not that type to slap any body n video confirms that Arsalan started the fuss.</p>&mdash; Asma Shirazi (@asmashirazi) <a href=" ">July 5, 2014</a></blockquote>
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And Nooras of all hue and color picked it up and created a storm of rumors to malign PTI. In the end, egg on Noora face.
Best thing is now whole PTI os defending that behavior.

I just saw this video on youtube since, dailymotion dont work here. When i posted the thread i thought i did something. But today, when i saw this video, i found Murad Khan most illiterate person. The guy dont have self respect and asking someone to follow.

Arslan did same thing which Imran Khan normally do, or to be expected from any PTI follower. And Murad could face the mirror. Hit arsalaan 3 times, also attack the achor who was pretty polite.

Imran Khan and his follower are like a #### , who can bark on what ever they want but if someone does same it become harsh words and start bitting.

Pathetic Leader and worst followers.

|Have you ever seem what N-League's gullu butts do when someone criticize or I must say 'abuse' their leaders (Sharif Family) in live show. Do I have to share the videos in which PML-N law makers were literally abusing sh!t out of MQM members back in 2009 - 10.

The thing is, you can play magical chair on every issue. If something is wrong, then its wrong. No matter if its done by PTI or PML-N. One should grow some balls to condemn it if it has happened from his own favorite party.

Mian Marghoob (PML-N MPA from PP-150 Lahore) literally abused (Maa behan ki galiyaan) a journalist in a live talk show just a few days ago. Google it.
Abusive and foul language used on TV bu the participants in front of worldwide audience makes us laughing stock of world. This is not limited to the uneducated; instead political leaders who are supposed to be role models for the general public are guilty of it. I came across another video wherein Mian Marghoob of PML-N and another gentleman used abusive language in a TV talk show and almost came to blows. I heard a public speech by Shahbaz Sharif wherein he threatened to drag Asif Zardari ( then President of Pakistan ) through streets of Lahore else his name wouldn’t be Shahbaz Sharif and received great applause!

Whether PTI MNA did or did not slap Arsalan Iftikhar is in my view not that important. What is more important is the fact that in Pakistan one can get away with character assassination and using insulting & abusive language on TV talk shows by anchors and participants alike which is against the norms of a civilized behaviour. Instead of debating the real issues, participants dig dirt on each other or on their leaders.

You can call anyone a ‘Kafir’, a ‘Ghaddaar, Corrupt or whatever that suits your fancy with impunity without fear of libel. There is little recourse available to the injured party because if taken to the Courts of Law; by the time you exhaust all the appeals; you would be dead ten times over.

On the other hand, even if you personally did not commit blasphemy, simply stating that the person accused of blasphemy is innocent in your opinion, will get you shot by your own security guard; with lawyers and politicians making a hero out of the cold blooded killer; as happened in case of Salman Taseer & Mumtaz Qadri. In other words you can literally get away with murder in the name of religion, or use religious laws to go free. If I kill someone I would be hanged but If I am Sharukh Jatoi and can afford to pay 20 crores ( 200-million), I will get off.

It appears that humanity & compassion and tolerance and justice have disappeared from Pakistan society altogether. Our society suffers from a serious malaise that we have forgotten the meaning of what is right and what is wrong. Can we ever be wrong ourselves? Perish the thought. In most Pakistani’s opinion, it is always the other person who is at fault.

Anyone who has even an iota of love for Pakistan would agree that washing your dirty laundry in public harms the country more than the other party. Therefore political debate should be on issues rather than on personalities. The poison of extremism & of intolerant behaviour is not going to disappear from the society in a hurry. But we can at least stop it from being a public spectacle. This requires two things;

AAA. All political party leaders must discipline their MPs’, MNAs. and senior leaders who lose their temper on TV with the threat of expulsion from the party.

BBB. TV Talk Show producers & hosts must warn the participants that their mikes will be switched off and they would be unceremoniously asked to leave the show at the slightest hint of abusive or parliamentary behaviour.

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