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Exclusive-India's Future Main Battle Tank (FMBT)


Jun 6, 2009
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LiveFist - The Best of Indian Defence: EXCLUSIVE: India's Future Main Battle Tank (FMBT)


The Indian Army is still juggling concepts of precisely what it wants from its Future Main Battle Tank (FMBT), but information shared with LiveFist provides a rare broad glimpse into work very much in progress as far as qualitative requirements for the future platform go. The Army's FMBT wish-list, in no particular order follows.

The Army insists that stealth be built into the FMBT from the ground up -- including paints/materials to provide limited invisibility in IR/visible spectrum and for scrambling and avoidance of detection. The Indian Army wants the tank to have an Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) system "to obviate chances of own tanks firing at each other in battle", and a whole new reliable and secure mobile communication system capable of data transmission, audio and video conference. Protection in the form of soft-kill system requires IR detectors, laser warning, radar warning and devices to instantaneously integrate these signals and control a countermeasure suite. Such systems are threat specific so all would have to be carried on a vehicle to gain protection against more than one part of the EM threat spectrum.

The new tank necessarily needs to espouse hybrid electric vehicle technology and incorporate digital vehicle electronics (vetronics) to provide intra-vehicle and inter-vehicle communication capability that will greatly improve sit awareness and enhance operational effectiveness.

For mobility, in order to achieve ‘extraordinary’ acceleration, the Army observes that it is necessary to couple the conventional diesel engine of the proposed tank to a turbine. The ‘Hyberbar’ engine will be able to accelerate from zero to full power at 1,500 hp in 2.8 seconds, while a conventional diesel engine requires 8-12 seconds. The quest for more compact power pack has led to renewed interest in gas turbines, which needs to be explored, the Army feels.

The Army wants an active suspension system with sensors, control units, and a hydraulic power source in combination, to automatically alter the suspension characteristics to more closely match the speed of the vehicle and the terrain profile, especially in Indian terrain conditions.

The Army has always held the view that signature management was almost completely ignored in the development of the Arjun. The Army hopes that lesson has been learnt now. Current and expected future threat scenarios require signature management measures of a multi spectral type, and they require an extremely short reaction time. The Army says it requires signature management in design measures, basic camouflage, additional camouflage and temporary camouflage.

Explosive Reactive Armour Now! The Army points out that the main battlefield threats against tanks are Anti Tank Guided Missile (ATGMs), unguided anti tank rockets and grenades; shaped charge High Explosive Anti Tank (HEAT) gun rounds; Kinetic Energy (KE) gun rounds; and top-attack weapons like intelligent sub-munitions, terminally guided artillery rounds, etc. There is a need for developing Explosive Reactive Armour (ERA). Given optimised designs, integrated ERA offers tanks highly effective protection against both the penetrators of Armoured Piercing Fin Stabilised Discarding Sabot (APFSDS) projectiles and the jets of shaped charge weapons, including those with tandem warheads.

The Army says it wants a high-performance armour system on its FMBT with advanced materials incorporating the following qualities (a) Reduced penetration by most lethal weapons, (b) Elimination of parasitic mass leading to a weight reduction, (c) Excellent corrosion resistance, (d) Inherent thermal and acoustic insulation properties.

The Army has stressed that the FMBT needs Infra Red (IR) detectors, target identification systems, laser warning systems, radar warning receivers and devices to coordinate their signal and instantaneously control a countermeasures suite. These countermeasures fall into two categories: soft-kill system and hard-kill system. The soft kill sensors must discriminate true and false targets and they must discriminate between missiles or other rounds that threaten the vehicle being protected and those that will miss or are aimed at other targets.

The Army wants an Automatic Protection Systems (APS) on the FMBT. The radar should determine threat levels adequately, and the self-defence rockets should not cause high levels of collateral damage, particularly to accompanying dismounted infantry.

Of course, weapons. Conventional tube weapons are the product of a mature technology, and have now reached a high level of performance. However, on account of the gas-dynamic processes of thermally transformed powder, the muzzle velocity of projectiles is theoretically limited to approximately 2,300 m/s. Contemporary tank guns still offer a considerable growth potential, and electronic guns will be able to exceed this and become an attractive proposition. Tank-fired missiles, which carry shaped-charge warheads, were susceptible to various countermeasures, especially reactive armour. The Army says it is reasonable to expect development of high velocity KE missiles with heavy-metal, long-rod penetrators to defeat current and future tanks both within and beyond line of sight. Such extended-range missiles would enable armoured vehicles to engage targets beyond the direct fire zone. The high/medium-energy level (100 kJ) vehicle-mounted laser is expected to be a lethality option against rockets, air vehicles, light ground vehicles, antennas of armoured vehicles and electro-optical sensors. Hard-kill system to provide full-spectrum defence against top attack weapons, ATGMs, guided missiles and gun-launched KE and HEAT rounds.

Fire Control System (FCS): Ground sensors, non-line-of-sight launch system and the network capability will enhance soldiers’ understanding of their situation in dynamic battlefield conditions by promoting a common perspective of enemy and friendly locations on digital maps and provide timely actionable intelligence.

Very importantly, the Army has stressed that there is a need to manufacture modern simulators using lasers, micro-processors and magnetic tapes, thereby creating near actual combat conditions during training. Development of driving, gunnery and tactical simulators.
And the tank's weight should not exceed 40 ton!!!

In one sentence the Indian Army wants a 'starwars' type tank. But is that really a tank I see the capabilities of tank, aircraft, submarine, anti-missile system to be incorporated in a tank!!! :cheesy: The only thing the FMBT lacks is flying like a spacecraft and reach the space. Good though!

By 2020 we should be able to make such tank.
and the tank should be delivered in 2060?

Why don't you just google before asking funny questions? :rolleyes:

As per as I know Army wants it by 2020. With huge experience of developing hi-tech tanks like Arjun, the FMBT doable by 2020. But the only thing is money, I am sure IA will allocate 1/4th of the money required.
The Pakistan government's official new agency APP released the above photograph on October 13 to coincide with the rolling out of the first batch of 18 F-16C/D Block-52 fighters from Lockheed-Martin's Fort Worth facilities. Obviously they didn't check what the hell they were putting out. The F-16s that Pakistan is getting do not have conformal fuel tanks (CFTs). So far, F-16s of only the UAE, Israel and Greece have CFTs. The PAF is a professional fighting force. Their idiotic government shouldn't make them look bad by pulling moronic ones like this.

this is sort of information that is put up on that fanboy page. seriously that blog is nothing but a circus entertainment show full of clowns.
India, Russia: India, Russia Plan Joint Development of Smart Tank

Buoyed by the remarkable success of supersonic BrahMos cruise missiles, India and Russia are now mulling the joint development of a futuristic 'smart' battle tank, featuring higher speed and better firepower.

"We put forward this idea (of developing the tank) at the turn of the 21st century. The Indian side has now come up with a similar proposal," Nikolai Malykh, Director General of Russia's biggest tank producer Uralvagonzavod (UVZ) said.

Malykh said preliminary discussions have already taken place and UVZ experts are now going to India to carry forward the issue on the margins of international seminar on Future Main Battle Tank (FMBT FMBT Future Main Battle Tank

"We will take the first step when our experts go to India to attend a conference on the future tank and prospects for the tank-building industry," Malykh told reporters on the sidelines On the sidelines

An investor who decides not to invest due to market uncertainty.

on the sidelines

Of or relating to investors who, having assessed the market, have decided to avoid committing their funds. of a defence expo.

India, Russia: India, Russia Plan Joint Development of Smart Tank. - Free Online Library

two year old news......
this is sort of information that is put up on that fanboy page. seriously that blog is nothing but a circus entertainment show full of clowns.

Just like 'SM-2 vs Brahmos?' :rofl:

Shiv Aroor is one of the reliable sources. PAF earlier modified an Indian IL-78 tanker image with PAF markings, what you say about that? lol That type of mistake is done by every one.
Oh I see. So the Arjun tank took more then 30 years to complete and yet to be operational and the new future star wars tank will be ready in 10 years?

Yeah the same case as of Arjun and the High tech stealth spaceship LCA.

Big Words!
Little Works!!

I've never been rude, mostly!!
but this is really some fan boy stuff nothing else.:police:
Oh I see. So the Arjun tank took more then 30 years to complete and yet to be operational and the new future star wars tank will be ready in 10 years? :yahoo:

Arjun yet not operational? Is Al Khalid operational yet? lol Stop dreaming and come to reality. Arjun is a heavy weight tank developed first time by India so it took time.
Oh I see. So the Arjun tank took more then 30 years to complete and yet to be operational and the new future star wars tank will be ready in 10 years? :yahoo:

i agree with you. Without any detailed studies, it is absurd to put a timeline on the development. first step would be to execute a realistic analysis of DRDO's capabilities of fulfilling the IA's requirements, set an appropriate timeline for milestones for the project and then hold key people responsible (read: punitive action on non-performance) for meeting those deadlines. otherwise DRDO will keep beating around the bush on why they couldn't meet the dealines and fail to deliver critical equipment to IA. Its about time they set aside the beedi and paan, and bring in some professionalism.

to Indian members, don't get me wrong, I fully support the efforts to develop our local defense industry, but I strongly feel there is a major lack of professionalism in DRDO. they can certainly learn a thing or two from ISRO's operations.

DRDO has immense talent, its just not fully utilized.
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Just like 'SM-2 vs Brahmos?' :rofl:

Shiv Aroor is one of the reliable sources. PAF earlier modified an Indian IL-78 tanker image with PAF markings, what you say about that? lol That type of mistake is done by every one.

What about Sm-2 vs Brahmos? you mean the thread where all you guys were lost and ran away? lol
Arjun yet not operational? Is Al Khalid operational yet? lol Stop dreaming and come to reality. Arjun is a heavy weight tank developed first time by India so it took time.

huh al-khalid not operational? oh please :hang2:
i agree with you. Without any detailed studies, it is absurd to put a timeline on the development. first step would be to execute a realistic analysis of DRDO's capabilities of fulfilling the IA's requirements, set an appropriate timeline for milestones for the project and then hold key people responsible (read: punitive action on non-performance) for meeting those deadlines. otherwise DRDO will keep beating around the bush on why they couldn't meet the dealines and fail to deliver critical equipment to IA. Its about time they set aside the beedi and paan, and bring in some professionalism.
OK first tell me how many countries in the world capable of developing such FMBT? Forget DRDO, if US or Germany starts now they will not be able to fulfill IA's requirements in time. On the first hand IA should not put such science fiction type tank requirements.

What kind of professionalism do you need? Like stealing other's technologies? Give it a name and call it as 'indigenous'?

to Indian members, don't get me wrong, I fully support the efforts to develop our local defense industry, but I strongly feel there is a major lack of professionalism in DRDO. they can certainly learn a thing or two from ISRO's operations.

Do you worked for DRDO? ever? Just read about it in newspaper, eh? Now bash DRDO. lol You rather than talking about IA's failure to buy Arjun rather than going for inferior T-90S you started talking about DRDO.
What about Sm-2 vs Brahmos? you mean the thread where all you guys were lost and ran away? lol

lol I think you didn't visited the thread for long time go and see it. Stop talk about what you see in your dream. SM-2??? lol It doesn't come for free.

huh al-khalid not operational? oh please

huh Arjun not operational? oh please :hang2:

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