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Excellent Dictatorship Vs Worst Democracy

Excellent Dictatorship Vs Worst Democracy

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Sep 6, 2007
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Dear respected members of this Forum

All haters and lovers of Sir Musharraf.

I read all the postings and was glad, that still so many sensible people are in Pakistan.

I will try discussing things and some important points with as maximum neutral view as possible. i do expect that respected members of this community will read it.

1. People in Pakistan have very short memory; they are in this habit to become fed up of same face, for so many years, so that was the reason, the things which has been exploited by media, kept on doing the slow reaction in people mind and ultimately, all the good things Sir Musharraf did, people forgot that, and it resulted in their defeat in 18 feb elections.

2. People welcomed the democracy, PPP or PML N, now there are more stack holders, as they have coalition, so they are more focused in getting ministries, and have their candidates nominated, rather than looking towards record 'mehangai' which we have seen in last 9 months (Feb 2008 - Nove 2008).

3. The political people are good in 'Bander-Baant', they don’t have any idea, what is economy, they dont know what are the factors behind it, it was Sir Musharraf, who understood so many things, like he used to have so many facts about dams, about growth, etc etc on his mind.

4. When ever Sir Musharraf went to any foreign trip, it always brought good name to the country; he always represented Pakistan with dignity and honor, unlike Mr. Yousaf raza gillani trip to united states (which was evident from Mr. gillani body language)

Sir Musharraf used to cash every occasion, for country. Whereas these democratic people have no vision at all.

5. If you ask view of any person who is educated and is not at all *****, they will be surely sad because of Sir Musharraf departure.

6. Being dictator he had so many democratic habits to bear criticism (unlike zia) or even these Nawaz shareef , zardari or BB Shaheed. I will be very much honest, if u remembers, all these people used to say so many bad things to Sir Musharraf.

But Sir Musharraf never bothered to reply these people in same tone or at their level, NOW THIS IS ONE OF THE VERY IMPORTANT POINT PEOPLE. He had a lot of flexibility to accommodate people no matter how those people used to be personal at times, like AITEZAZ AHSAN, he fall from such a level to such a low level, being personal...similarly so many other people, but did Sir Musharraf ever went to that level ? Now this habit of him made us realize that how personality wise this person was. Mr nawaz shareef, in starting 5 years never gave any statement when he was in saudi arab, but day he landed to London, and then later on Pakistan, day and night, sleeping or waking, he had only one thing on his mind, and every statement or speech reflected something called ‘‘personal’’.

Now if you are claiming to be a leader of the nation, then you need to be clear in your concepts, what is good for the nation and what is bad. Like Sir Musharraf only focused on 3 points always.

1. Strong Economy
2. NO Mulla.
3. No rubbish statements for Political Opponents

And yes that’s what we all need.

Then if you people remember, in democratic times (1988-1999), except PTV, no channel was ever allowed to be on air? Only PTV showing, that everything is going perfect, mian sb or bibi did this and this whole day, and everything is going perfect in country. It was Sir Musharraf who initiated this media freedom, and because our nation was getting this freedom for the very first time, so what they showed on channels all the times, was mind blowing. i will quote an example for this media freedom in this way, like if someone was hungry for so many years and you gave him all of a sudden an unlimited food, what he is gonna do ? Surely he will over eat, bcoz he got it first time...and all the political / financial parties are owning these channels, and what they did, they never behaved in neutral way, round the clock propaganda, showing everything in negative way, making people frustrated for their own political benefits.

So what happened eventually? People being frustrated, channels showing dead bodies all the times, showing live of everything. Even BBC or CNN in west have some policies, but like I said, we got it first time, so this good medicine of freedom of media gave us reaction of over dose, let me say that.

People talk about Lal Masjid, I have all the arguments about that too.

1. One thing is confirmed in all over the world. RIT OF THE GOVERNMENT must be maintained UNDER ALL CIRCUMSTANCES. If some one has any point of view, it must be represented in civilized way. Even in west (whose democratic traditions our political leaders quote so many times), even in west, I have seen, if someone has challenged the rit of the govt. the Govt has never bear it in first instance. They storm the occupied area with bullets and then later on they investigate that why this all happened.

Now being a very religious nation, our so many leaders do the politics ''on label of religion'', just because this label is very effective.

One thing is sure; that what so ever happened in lal masjid was very sad, everyone agree to that, all innocent who were used by political administration was very sad. I must say that govt at that time give so much room to this issue, bearing so many things which no one in even civilized world never bear it, but gen musharraf knew that because our nation is made fool just on religious matter, and our nation is emotional on that, so Sir Musharraf gave room and kept on doing ‘‘bardasht’, I am not lying its on record, so all these political parties didn’t make their final policy on this issue, and then what so ever govt does, they should start opposing that ...even if you remember, we heard from some political parties, that govt has failed, so many things are happening in Islamabad (lal masjid), and govt is not taking any action, I heard in an interview by bbc person , who was asking Sir Musharraf, why he has given leniency to lal masjid poeple, why don’t he take any action, he should do something about it.

And Sir Musharraf said, what do u thinks? we cant do anything ? We have this and this much of police, rangers, regiment etc etc, what do u think I cant do anything? If I go tomorrow to my office and sign a document for the operation, what will happen? Then all these media people, along with you, will enter in lal masjid, showing someone is lying here and some lady is dead there, and then you people along with these political parties will start saying that we killed our own people. AND SEE SAME THING HAPPENED EVENTUALLY. I don’t say this at all, that all happened was good, but the way this issue was projected, was unfortunately by our media (who got this freedom from Sir Musharraf), did everything one sided, even BBC or CNN (No matter they are partial and one sided all the times), but even they also show other point of view, that’s why they have a neutral reputation, but our media only showed things, which made their channels popular, making people frustrated, and let me tell you, people now say that awam is very much intelligent and sensible , now, but that un true, if u keep on injecting same poison day and night , day and night, eventually their all senses will die one day, and they will be blind. if you keep on throwing water on rock, but consistently, one day, that rock will melt. So this is all happened in this case too, media kept on projecting only one side (anti musharraf) all the time, and Sir Musharraf bearing everything, listening to all criticism, and bearing it, never answered that, and what happened on 18 February elections? U saw it. We all believe that our nation is mostly illiterate, so 60 to 70 percent people never vote, rest 30 percent vote, bcoz of this frustration, to whom media has told that things r going bad, musharraf couldn’t handle anything, so in that frustration these people again voted to PPP or PML-N, why? Because PML-N said, we will restore judges, and they believed them, they can’t remember that on 27-November-1997, an organized PML-N Mob attacked supreme court under chief justice sajjad ali shah...people don’t remember that thing...I even remember that date, this sad incidence happened.

Ok we do accept that Sir Musharraf was dictator, we all agree, ...so if he remove those judges then still its understandable, bcoz he is a dictator...but what about these democratic people? Who master minded an attack on Supreme Court? In Nov 1997? I am so sorry to say, that people forget this all...

Then visiting Geo Camp in days of emergency to show sovereignty , where as forgetting that once u also imposed bans on Jang Group, just bcoz they were not dismissing people on your dictation, and u made ehtesaab cases under supervision of senator saif ur rehman....on same jang group ? I mean how can u beat that? How can people forget this, I really cant understand.

Then they say, that Sir Musharraf did very badly by dismissing judges on 03 November 2007. I have strong argument for that too.

When everything is going fine in a surgical operation and patient is getting better, but if a body part start behaving abnormally, then at times u need to take tough decision, and even at times u need to cut that body part, so this all happened on 03 November.

Today mr iftikhar chaudhary who is presented by this same media, as a hero of justice, people I don’t know why ignore that same mr justice iftikhar, once took PCO oath. Now my point is that if you are so clean, then u would have refused to take that oath in first instance.... ok lets accept that Sir Musharraf did wrong, but if u see those days, mr iftikhar started walking on some different track...so under this surgical operation which Sir Musharraf did in the years for this nation, mr iftikhar was trying to act as same organ of body, who is reverting the things, so Sir Musharraf took prompt action by removing that MOB of Judges. (Who once took oath on PCO, but God knows when they started thinking everything (ACCORDING TO THE LAW).

If you remember, when mr iftikhar was re-instated, Sir Musharraf accepted it with heart.

Sir Musharraf never take it as personal.... but in Punjabi like we say ''Chaaka Ley jaana'' same happened with mr iftikhar, he became more bold.

Ok let’s say, Sir Musharraf did wrong, and sent these judges home. Its been 6 months, now democracy is flourishing...I have question from those people who support democracy, that why judges including mr iftikar hasn’t been re instated yet? Why? Now there are no more saazish from aiwaan e sadar? If people have this argument that its zardari who is black sheep, other wise mian sb , if he had powers, he would have done it long time ago. Then let me mention you, may be you wont believe.

Even if new elections are conducted and mr nawaz shareef get absolute majority, they will never re instate him. Its mr nawaz shareef good luck these days that he didn’t get full majority, and either judges are re instated or not, he will have political benifit ...how? I tell you.

If zardari reinstate them, then all credit goes to mr nawaz shareef, why? bcoz he black mailed him, if he dont re instate him, even then situation is in his favour, that i am doing my best , i have no majority , thats why i cant do anything, its zardari only who is creating problems. So i hope this point is understood.

What do u thinks? mr nawaz shareef had only this 'ikhtilaaf' with musharraf that he dismissed judges ? (The thing on which he took most of votes)? Everyone knows..NO..if he wouldn’t have dismissed the judges, even then PML -N had long history of opposing musharraf.

Now coming towards, economy point.

Well, I wont go on figures, like rest of fellows did, bcoz opposing party always argue that ghareeb person has nothing to do with stock exchange figures and GDP etc. So fine, I come to ghareeb person level.

In 1999 the situation is that most of your projects are left in complete, if something was started by bibi, mian sb stopped that, and if something was done by mr. nawaz shareef sb, bibi over turned it, what happened in the end? Loss to nation and we were graveyard of incomplete projects.

So okay, i accept that fine...lets talk about economy from ghareeb point of view rather than talking in terms of GDP figures, I give u simple example, that in 1999 for a peon post , people used to get CV of people qualified on Masters level, where as by October 2007, when musharraf was in strong position , if we used to travel in local buses, we used to see so many advertisements of jobs for people who are just metric or FA? Isn’t it? Now people don’t understand that this was the betterment in economy. They say bad to shaukat aziz, ok fine, chalo we accept, that shaukat aziz was corrupt, but he had idea of economy, and the way our growth was going, at one point we were number 2 in the world, growth wise.

What do u thinks? In democratic times, people don’t do suicide bcoz of poor life? Okay we wont go far, we take example of last 6 months, we had over 16 billion of reserved, and in 6 months (apart from all inflation govt did in petrol, electricity, and wheat), 8 billions are consumed just in 6 months, all 8 years hard work was wasted in front of general musharraf eyes, but he being helpless couldn’t do anything.

Then there are some issues, like this govt is not paying companies who are providing us electricity, so eventually we are experiencing more and more load shedding.
in election days ''AATAA BOHRAAN'' was designed artificially, why ? bcoz some political people who are in business too, asked the suppliers to make this artificial Bohraan so that we can present the shortage as an issue and get votes, and the day these democratic people finally made the govt, everything was settled ? What do u thinks? Be honest and ask yourself? That this wheat shortage was there for all 8 years in musharraf times? U didn’t see wheat in 8 all years? U got load shedding in all these 8 years? Where as facts tell us that load shedding started in 2007, THE ELECTION YEARS.

I DONT know how people can become so thankless? May be they are expecting that people who say ROTI KAPRA MAKAAN (Bread Cloth Shelter) are so sincere in providing them every such things for free? And now they are getting back to their senses, and some have started saying that PPP has decided not to give us roti kapra and makaan , rather they are more interested in snatching these things (in case if someone has already had it by mistake)

PPP or democracy people have this argument that oil prices raised bcoz of international rise.... I have strong argument for this thing too.
If PML-Q used to rise prices or lets say musharraf used to rise them, u used to say to people that this govt has failed.... no matter that rise was bcoz of international market too, but u used to project with help of media that its musharraf , who raised these prices.
In 1999 we had almost per litre petrol price almost Rs. 32 (may be one or two rupees up or down)

In November 2007, at the end of shaukat aziz govt, it was almost Rs. 58 per litre. , In 8 years Rs.58 - Rs..32 = Rs 26. So in 8 years (including all international petrol rising prices), we experienced 26 Rs. rises. Means Rs.. 3.25 / year rise. Now in January I do accept that record rise in international market occurred, bcoz record was broken everyday, so record falling of prices expected too, this democratic govt kept on rising prices, one day 3 Rs., one day 4 rs, and they were waiting for that point that when it will fall down (means no more going up), that day finally came, and they increased the price rs. 10 (which has never been done in history of Pakistan, Rs. 10 all of a sudden).

Now in international market, oil has come down afterwards several times, but you are still on rs 87 per litre ...so was this relief u promised in your elections campaign? BRAVO BRAVO I must say.

Few analysis….

In 2007
International Market = $147 per barrel (It crossed 150 mark once) , Pakistan Rs. 58 per Litre
International falls down at $100 and petrol price in Pakistan jump to 87 per litre, today International market price is way below 100 but still we’re on 76.74 per litre.

Then there is one notion that punjab CM is a bit active and is administrative ...yes I do agree, and i must appreciate, i also like him a bit (personally), but the dilemma is that he surely can visit 2 to 3 places in Lahore.

He can surely be very active in visiting places, where water stood after rains, but to be honest it’s not his job. Its job of local authorities, if your local system is strong, and u make it strong and accountable, then CM don’t need to visit it. How many streets can one single alone Chief minister can visit in whole province? His job is to make sure, the law making stuff on provincial level, but bcoz our nation is more interested in other peoples job, so thats the reflection we can see in this case. We wont make local system strong, why? bcoz we want to keep all powers in our hand...unless our file don’t reach in hands of CM or PM, our street wont be built. if we all made this local system strong, then we would have to wait for our good luck that our file will be approved in Islamabad, and our drainage system will be built.

We have a best example of Karachi Mayor, who is awarded 2nd BET MAYOR OF THE WORLD just after Klaus Wowereit Mayor of Berlin. CM or Governor never look into the matters, it’s Mustafa Kamal who always initiate and respond.

Still I will surely admit, that mr shahbaz shareef is an active man and good administrator, but please we need to make system strong, rather than advertising us politically.

One more thing...we are very emotional Muslim country and nation. We gave Mrs. banazeer bhutto , a rutbaa of SHAHEED e JAMHOORIYAT. Being such an emotional nation we gave her this title, the very next day she died. And look at condition of the shaheed, that in her last will he nominated HIS OWN SON who is 16 years old, totally un experienced, and who never saw any hunger or any trouble in life, was nominated as next PPP chairman. Now I cant understand, that on one side she is shaheed of democracy, but on other side she is totally leaving a will which is fully reflecting MONARCHY , generation by generation. amin faheem had more experience even more than age of bilawal zardari. (i wont call him bilawal bhutto zardari, bcoz bhutto title was given to him by his father bcoz of political marketing thing, the very next day bibi died). And in short, we can see, that if any leader dies, there in no system of political promotion in party bcoz of services, its totally ur son or ur daughter so take over everything, (cont.)

The day u die.... they over take the party. If we compare, army (whom u r cursing these days), even they have got better system of promotion. Next chief is already serving general. Not like when zia died as chief of army staff, ijaz ul haq became general. In short as nation, in every institution, every walk of life, formulas work totally opposite in our country / nation.

How can an 16 years old boy can be politically matured as compared to amin faheem ? Just bcoz he is bibi son, does it really mean that he will act in democratic way, the day he enters in politics?

PML-N, talks about, finishing role of army from politics? but what about those days , when they used to be very much thankful of general zia ul haq ? He brought them in politics, general zia was rather real dictator who hanged bhutto, and this musharraf spared them and sent them to saudi arabia (unlike zia did)...and thats true, at one time nawaz shareef sb was in real trouble, when his case was brought to the terrorism court, but he was spared unlike bhutto. And then u suddenly say, that we will finish army role in politics, where as ur existance in politics was as result of army? Even great great champion of democracy mr ZA Bhutto was born politically, bcoz he was working under ayub khan? How can u beat that?

Now ghareeb who voted for democracy, in hope of betterment, will come to know that how costly this democracy is, when businesses will be ruined, we try to copy west in democracy, but we forget that every formula in Pakistan works opposite. Now these people voted PPP and PML-N, welcomed democracy, danced on Sir Musharraf resignation, now let them enjoy it. Now its time to start facing the music of this democracy.

In the end I would like to mention, that personally I am not against anyone, we all are human beings, but we must always remember that who did what in his own time.
We can surely afford ''democratic dictatorship of Musharraf'' and cannot afford '' such democracy which is based on dictatorship'',

Note: Kindly take a part in following poll.

We are evident of some excellent management of resources in Pervez Musharraf's regime and now worst ever management of resources in current regime. People talked about ONE-MAN-SHOW when musharraf was in power but today their lips are zipped despite the fact that same policies are carried forward when it comes to Law & order, they'r changed economic policies and we all are aware of current economic situation, i don't need to explain. Besides political interest, in your opinion, what would be the best option for Pakistan ?
I'll go for Excellent Dictatorship in the best interest of Pakistan:yahoo::pakistan:
^^^^ Its good try................Glad to see that atleast there is 'Will',.......and sure to find the ways lead Pakistan towards success.:pakistan: Keep it up:tup:
Musharraf did not organize a dictatorship, rather he organized a hybrid, calliing that givernment in which Pakistanis for the first time in their history had freedom and liberty and in which can record a period of prosperity for Pakistanis.

It is ot that Democracy is bad or democratic government is bad, but in the way Pakistani politicians understand "democracy", it is certainly promlematic. These politicians only mouth the word "democracy", they have no intention to practice it.
Musharraf did not organize a dictatorship, rather he organized a hybrid, calliing that givernment in which Pakistanis for the first time in their history had freedom and liberty and in which can record a period of prosperity for Pakistanis.

It is ot that Democracy is bad or democratic government is bad, but in the way Pakistani politicians understand "democracy", it is certainly promlematic. These politicians only mouth the word "democracy", they have no intention to practice it.

Certainly it is, rather we should say they can't afford to, may be they're not capable of doing it...
I love Musharraf becasue he had a vision and we were slowly moving towards that vision to progress Pakistan.

We were moving towards industrialization, our agriculture also witnessed growth, Univeristies were being setup (47 Universities claimed by Dr.Ata-ur-Rehman Link), Four Pakistani universities included in Top-600 universities of world, Pakistan being called NEXT-11 after BRIC economies, infrastructure development including bridges, underpasses, motorways & highways, Economy uplifted after 1990's debacle, pay-scale of nation much better, military also upgraded & modernized, and development first time in Balochistan and NWFP. And, many many other similar reasons .....

He was a true leader! He was truly a General in essence, as he protected the Country & Nation from every possible aspect!

Unfortunately, we did not value him .... and tagged him due to his uniform .... uniform that was our own - a pakistani uniform. :pakistan:
Pakistani people just does not deserve good leaders like Musharraf.We're ungrateful people however Dictatorship is bad because not all dictators are good like Musharraf.
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Its about being honest. Musharraf, though in uniform , was as honest with the country as he could be. Whereas civilian dictators, no matter how democratically they are elected in our country, if not honest with it, no use.
Why not you people belive in democracy. a country is like a home every one has his own job if every one don his job not coming any prob.people of pakistan have 100% right to gov on pakistan .and paksitani forces have some exelent job to protect the nation from threats national or international.corts have job to provide justice to pablic.parlement senate will dicide for pakistan always better .in my opinion evey part of gov will work in his limit with honestly and responceblty pakistan will soon inshallah a asian power.and if we play like now we will be never come even a sovrent state.so dectator ship is un natral and un acceplable also evenits dangrus for nation if you guys never belive see example IRAQ NAZI GERMANY USSR.
Pakistani people just does not deserve good leaders like Musharraf.We're ungrateful people however Dictatorship is bad because not all dictators are good like Musharraf.

You said it all man :cheers:
some of the stupidest jahel people on the planet come from the university campuses in Pakistan. totally ignoring their parents' wisdom, advice, and plea that politicians are corrupt, they were the most eager supporters of democracy. :hitwall:

let's not forget the terrorist-supporters, corrupt lawyers and judiciary, politically-affiliated journalists and media assets, the politicians who did nothing but sit back and enjoy the ride to power, last but definitely not least, the jahel awam that constitute 95%-99.5% of the country.:hitwall:

the people do not deserve a visionary leader like Musharraf. call me evil, hateful, sadist, whatever you want, my opinion of people will not change in the near future. it only took these democratically elected people six months to destroy 8 years of economic growth, that was the envy of asia.:hitwall:

I think the people should get a taste of their own medicine. let the country go bankrupt, politicians will be beheaded, people will face the full brunt of economic collapse, and the army itself for trying to "genuinely stay away from politics" will have to cut back on its military acquisitions. I seriously hope that everyone learns their bitter lesson, each and everyone.:hitwall:

I posted this earlier on another forum,:hitwall:

it does not matter at all whether Musharraf kicked the judge out or if he restored him. Musharraf is a dictator to begin with and although it's still not legal for him to do what he did, according to the constitution that has inflicted so much damage to Pakistan, he is not to be blamed anyway.

Zardari and his goons in govt. are "democractically" elected through the parliamentary system. They claim to have legitimacy through these elections. More importantly, PPP took a ride on the lawyer movement "wave" and the sudden aspirations of the jahel awam to have a democratic state. It does not matter whether the judge is corrupt or not, what matters is that PPP was elected under the premise of restoring the sacked judges. That is what matters, they made a claim which paved the way for their rise to power.

Zardari, whether the jahel and pathetic mass like him or not, was elected by them. he has the obligations to stick to his words. Instead, we have a lying, deceitful, and treacherous person leading this country of ours, which in itself is sign of the Day of Judgement.

as for this,
"We can never ever progress until and unless the rulers which govern over us are amongst us".

heh, well...

I'll be very straightforward for everyone to see. after witnessing the continuous cycle of politicians being re-elected repeatedly and regardless of their criminal history, and the on-going interference of the army in state affairs, I have come to realize that it is not the politicians or the army that are to blame for the sad fate of Pakistan, it is the awam itself. The jahel mass re-elect thugs repeatedly, one after the other, Bhutto then Nawaz, Bhutto then Nawaz, and in between beg the army to interfere. The same populace complains about living conditions and their fate, and yet they still choose to engage in their day-to-day practices of rampant corruption. Tell me, if a politician or army general is so clever enough to come into power by manipulating the people, is he to be blamed for that?

No, it is the ignorant mass in Pakistan who do not help themselves. They want to live in their pitiful state, so be it. They want to be corrupt, so be it. More importantly, to make things clear, I am not accusing all Pakistani people of being like this, I'm just looking at the majority. There are exceptionally talented people in our country, we don't have any shortage of talented people. the work of HEC can be proof of that. however, and unfortunately, these people constitute a small part of Pakistan.
i will go for Both :D

Dictatorshop + Democracy ....

Some one has to be ON top of our Corrupt Leaders
After commending the poster for his effort and sentiments.
I would like to comment about the subject.
P.Musharraf was not a dictator, he delivered us democracy which was never done in past.
Local bodies government was a right direction.
Having a military background does not make someone dictator.
In my opinion a person can never be a leader if he is a dictator, where as P.Musharaf was a leader of international stature and an asset for Pakistan.
He was in air while his army acted to save the life of their chief not because he dictated them to do so!
Our prophet was a military commander, our Khaliphs were military commanders, and similarly many more commanders lead the nation better than successor kings.
In Europe every person has to go through military routine and every one holds an army position in addition to its civilian work. Does this means all European leaders are dictators?
In US many President and candidates of Presidency were retired army personals!
In case of P.Musharraf there can be little more attributed to his character than usual military routine guy.
Now before discussing the elections, I would like to repeat words from the post ‘short memories’. Why we forget the role of local and international media before elections? And strange events unfolding unusually just before elections!
It was election engineering in process. I remember one press conference of P.Musharraf in USA just before the elections. One western journalist asked an out of way question to President..’will elections be on time?’ It sounded very awkward because election date was announced and confirmed on various occasions by the President and even it was mentioned in the speech.
It was not normal for a western journalist to use the opportunity just to make joke of himselves. Many fo you may remember the answer of President: ‘give me a certificate and sign it for you’. as blunt to the point as the Character of President itself. The point is that now when I have the advantage of hind sight I can clearly see that there was a plan set to topple him kill BB and test Zardari and all arrangements were subjected how P. Musharraf go along the media and HR hype. Conspirators were just afraid of P.Musharraf if he may come up with different thing!
No wonder if the red mosque incident was even engineered to hype further the need of new management.
Despite the fact P. Musharraf fall trap, I don’t blame him for his miscalculations because he was one man army against the whole Hindu-Zionist conspirators.
Elections were engineered and it is evident from the fact that PML-Q won most votes in Pakistan but failed to get the seats.
Our national assembly by no means represent majority and cannot be termed as democratic. It is a product of wheeling dealing followed by elections. Acts of govt. does not represent the aspirations of majority.
P. Musharraf never lost, he was sent to Pakistan by Allah who helped him through all those suicide attacks and there he is still living among us and who knows what role he has to serve in future.
He will have my vote any time, simply because he is the best around. If anyone will perform better than him than I will choose him over P. Musharraf but we should always be grateful for his services towards the state and nation.
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