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Ex-minister, two former generals reject Umme Hassan’s charges


Jan 13, 2010
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Russian Federation
ISLAMABAD: Umme Hassan, Principal of Jamia Hafsa and the wife of Maulana Abdul Aziz, who was the imam of Lal Masjid, on Wednesday recorded her statement before the judicial commission set up by the Supreme Court.
While recording her statement, she said that ‘Aunty Shamim’ told her that she supplied girls to former federal minister Sheikh Rashid. It is believed that Sheikh Rashid may also be called by the commission for recording his statement.
A close associate of Sheikh Rashid told this correspondent that Umme Hassan’s statement was a result of misunderstanding.
He said because Sheikh Rashid was close to Musharraf, Umme Hassan nurtures ill feelings against him and now she has levelled serious allegations against him.
Umme Hassan said that she told Allama Abdul Rasheed that there were unarmed and innocent girls in the Lal Masjid who were brought from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Kashmir, and, in case of an operation, they would be killed. Due to this Allama Abdul Rasheed accepted the demands of the government. However, she said, General Pervez Musharraf, General Waheed Arshad and Rashid Qureshi made the talks unsuccessful.
Umme Hassan told the head of the judicial commission that she would accept the decision whatever it would be, and after that she herself wanted to fire into the chests of Pervez Musharraf, General Waheed and Rashid Qureshi because they were responsible for killing innocent girls.
It is understood that Gen Wahid Arshad and Gen Rashid Qureshi may also be called by the commission to record their statements. Both these generals had already denied playing any role in the Lal Masjid episode.
Although they were in the army at that time, there was no proof of their involvement in the attack on Lal Masjid.
She said that over 300 female students were killed in the Lal Masjid/ Jamia Hafsa tragedy.
She said that when the female students of Jamia Hafsa occupied the library, former federal minister Ijazul Haq told her that the army would not tolerate her and kill all of them and throw their bodies stuffed into gunny bags at a place where no one could find them.
She told the judicial commission that her father-in-law Maulana Muhammad Abdullah held meetings with Osama bin Laden and Mulla Omar, and he was directed by the agencies not to talk about these meetings in public.
But, she said, her father-in-law narrated his meetings with Osama and Mulla Omar during his Friday sermon.
She said that she herself saw Maulana Abdullah being murdered on October 18, 1998, when a boy was shaking hands with him, after which he shot him.
She said the female students were baton charged soon after the 7/7 incident occurred in England.
Several female students were injured and were not provided medical treatment in Polyclinic Hospital. She said the medical superintendent of that hospital was drunk and said that these girls were not allowed any medical treatment here.
Umme Hassan said that the law enforcing agencies used to harass the girl students by raiding Jamia Hafsa and the girls used to sleep wearing burqas at night from 2004 to 2007.
She said that the army personnel had pulled the drips from the injured female students in Polyclinic.
She said when her madrassa was attacked, the kitchen was demolished, and the students had nothing to eat, so they chewed on leaves for their survival.
She said that Ijazul Haq, Sheikh Rashid and Sherpao had alleged that bunkers and underground vaults were built in Jamia Hafsa and Lal Masjid. Umme Hassan appealed to the judicial commission to order an excavation of the Jamia Hafsa and Lal Masjid site to prove the allegations false.
She said the allegation of the presence foreign militants in Lal Masjid was also levelled; however, the persons whose pictures were issued to the media by showing them as foreign militants were residents of Shakardara, Kohat, and Attock.
She said that her 70-year old mother-in-law and mother of Allama Abdul Rasheed Ghazi was brutally killed and her body was never handed over to them.
She said that she had only her 20-year son and she kissed his forehead and told him not to run and not let her down on the day of judgement. Umme Hassan said that she wanted the Pakistan of Quaid-i-Azam.

Ex-minister, two former generals reject Umme Hassan’s charges
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