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Evolution and Religion


Oct 3, 2005
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United States
So what do you guys think about this whole issue? Do you believe in evolution to some extent?
Hmmm...thats a tough one!

I kinda believe that God might have used evolution to create some things but as far as humans are concerned, both the Holy Qur'an and the Bible are quite clear about the issue:
God created man!
Hmmm...thats a tough one!

I kinda believe that God might have used evolution to create some things but as far as humans are concerned, both the Holy Qur'an and the Bible are quite clear about the issue:
God created man!
And what if you say: God created evolution.


I believe dawarnism and creationism don't survive without each other. There is enough evidence suggesting Intelligent design. The surivival of the fittest theory doesn't hold true with the theory of chance. Not for so many things out there, and also not for humans. Mutations itself is a very flimsy claim, especially considering the controlled scientific mutations almost always result in abnormalities and nothing that makes a better species. But mutations claims are that the species kept improving itself.

Now here's a rising new theory. That doesn't necessarily state that God created everything. It acknowledges that there was intelligent design somewhere in our existence. Even if you believe in evolution, you'd have to believe that there was this first organism which started it all.
I have participated in a few debates on this issue. Question is what do you call as "Adam" or man. Was Lucy ( the first known skeleton of an upright walking man)/ homo erectus the first man, or Homo habilis, Neanderthal, Cromagnian or the "Homo Sapian" ??

There is a Creator, no matter which kind of theory of the creation of Universe or Evolution one follows. Universe was created out of "Nothing" there has to be some entity who performed this miracle. Similarly all animals are living beings but only "human beings' have souls. This differentiation between a living being and one with a soul is the key factor. To me the first "Homo sapian" who said I think therefore I am was Adam and the ability to think, even though evolved through various stages made the difference.

Where I differed with others is that as a muslim, I believe that original man was Adam and all of the rest of mankind is evolved from his loins. It is a proven fact that fact man oroignated in Africa and spread over rest of the world from there, therefore we are related.

Where the trouble comes is that at the same time there could have been other race of homo sapians evolved in other parts of the world say the Java Man. But in that case, if from a different 'genus', how could one explain the fact that all humans can inter breed.

IMHO there is no direct conflict betwen Islamic explanation and theory of evolution.
The Quraan and the Ahaadith are very clear on this issue. Allah Ta'aala had created Adam (Alayhis Salaam) in the form of a human being. He was the first human being created in the world. Thereafter Allah Ta'aala created Hawwa (Alayha Salaam) as a wife for Adam (AS). From their relationship the human race began.

Hence the issue of evolution is not acceptable to muslims.
The concept of evolution is wrong.

As Muslims, we believe that Allah created human being. We are not
transformed from monkeys and apes.

and Allah Ta'ala Knows Best
The Quraan and the Ahaadith are very clear on this issue. Allah Ta'aala had created Adam (Alayhis Salaam) in the form of a human being. He was the first human being created in the world. Thereafter Allah Ta'aala created Hawwa (Alayha Salaam) as a wife for Adam (AS). From their relationship the human race began.

Hence the issue of evolution is not acceptable to muslims.
Hadith - Abu Dawood. Imam Ahmad has narrated from Abu Musa that the Prophet peace and blessings of Allah be upon him said:
"Allah has created Adam from a handful (soil) which He had gathered from all over the earth. That is how the children of Adam came according to the (colour and nature of the) earth. There are white among them, as well as red and black, and cross colours. There are those among them who are of bad nature and good nature, soft as well as harsh and in between".

I don't think we should take soil as something literal. But the Prophet can be talking about a combination of genes from pre-human species from all across the world.

We call ourselves creation of Allah too, and we are born out of Parents. I guess what Niazi is saying there might not be any human parent to Adam. Adam could be the evolutionary advancement made by the mixture of some pre-human species.

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