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Europe's New 'Time Bomb' Is Ticking in Syria


Jan 4, 2013
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They come from the suburbs of Paris, from the East End of London, from the cities along Germany's Fulda River, and even from the small towns of Ireland: a small army of up to 1,000 European irregulars joining the Syrian civil war to help rebels topple President Bashar al-Assad.

But while ministers from these irregulars' governments say they too are in favor of toppling Assad, these same officials are doing everything they can to stop these fighters -- or at least develop new laws to criminalize their activities. The reason: fear that these irregulars will one day return to Europe, equipped with deadly military skills, trained in the tradecraft of international terrorism, and steeped in the extremist anti-Western ideology of al Qaeda and its Syrian brethren, the al-Nusra Front. On a single day in April and in a single country, Belgium, the authorities launched 48 raids on suspected ****** recruiters believed to be luring Belgians to fight in Syria.

"It is a ticking time bomb," French Interior Minister Manuel Valls told Foreign Policy at a small press breakfast with American reporters in New York. Tallies of these European fighters vary. But by Valls' count, there are more than 600 of them involved in the Syrian war, including 140 French citizens, 100 Brits, and 75 Spaniards. This new generation of fighters forms a kind of European Union of jihadists, hailing from the traditionally Christian cities and villages of Austria, Belgium, Britain, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Norway, Spain, and Sweden. Most are young men from Muslim families, about 80 percent, with the remainder being French converts to Islam. "Some go for humanitarian reasons," he said. "Some go to fight against Bashar."

Whatever the fighters' motivations, European officials are trying to dissuade these militants from taking up arms -- or, failing that, trying to gather as much intelligence in order to monitor them if they return home.

European, U.S., and Turkish intelligence agencies have been working together to try to track the individuals seeking to cross the border into Syria from Turkey. In some cases, the Turks have turned them back. Belgium has grown so alarmed about the prospects for blowback that it has already launched raids on suspected fighters in an effort to gather intelligence, according to a confidential internal memo obtained by Foreign Policy.

But they face rising calls from radical clerics and fighters to join the holy war. In June, 86-year-old radical Egyptian cleric Yusuf al-Qaradawi, speaking at rally in Doha, Qatar, issued a call to arms: "Every Muslim trained to fight and capable of doing that [must] make himself available" to support the Syrian rebels, he said. "Iran is pushing forward arms and men [to back the Syrian regime], so why do we stand idle?" Reflecting the increasingly sectarian nature of the conflict, Qaradawi also denounced his former ally Hezbollah, which means the "Party of God" in Arabic, as the "Party of Satan."

Germans were invited to join the struggle in their own tongue. Hajan M., a former resident of the German town of Kassel, produced a YouTube video inciting "every brother who hears me" to "wage jihad," according to Der Spiegel. Hajan M. -- who is married to a German woman and serves as a neighborhood commander in Homs -- addresses a German-speaking audience from a sofa, his right leg amputated as a result of a battle wound. "You can fly from Germany to Syria," he says. "You can come here to wage jihad."

Dozens of German nationals have gone to fight in Syria. And that has Peter Wittig, Germany's U.N. ambassador, calling the "reports of European citizens fighting alongside with jihadists in Syria a cause for great concern." However, he added, "Let us not forget that the involvement of jihadist groups in Syria is ultimately the result of Assad's intransigence and the war he is waging against his own people."

German Interior Minister Hans-Peter Friedrich told a gathering of regional interior ministers in Nuremberg, Germany, on July , that there are as many as 60 young Germans in Syria. "Our fear is that they are being radicalized in training camps by organizations close to al Qaeda," he said, according to the DPA (German Press Agency). The camps, he said, provide training in weapons and explosives, making the young Germans a threat upon their return to Germany. "We therefore have to ensure that these individuals are treated and monitored appropriately after their return."

The perceived threat of the returning jihadists varies from country to country. The Netherlands, for one, has designated Syrian blowback as among its top international security threats. On July 1, the Netherlands' National Coordinator for Security and Counterterrorism, which claims that 50 to 100 Dutch jihadists has traveled to Syria, warned in a statement that "one of the most salient potential threats to the Netherlands is posed by jihadist travelling to Syria and their potential return to the Netherlands."

"The threat level in the Netherlands remains 'substantial', which means that the chance of an attack is real," the advisory stated. "Although not every person to return from a jihadist conflict zone poses a threat, it should be remembered that these people are not only coming back with radical ideas; they are also traumatised and fully prepared to use violence."

More at
Europe's New 'Time Bomb' Is Ticking in Syria - By Colum Lynch | Foreign Policy

Burn Europe just start burning, you have put fire in many countries.
Their good terrorists, our bad terrorists, and the story goes one.
They come from the suburbs of Paris, from the East End of London, from the cities along Germany's Fulda River, and even from the small towns of Ireland: a small army of up to 1,000 European irregulars joining the Syrian civil war to help rebels topple President Bashar al-Assad.

But while ministers from these irregulars' governments say they too are in favor of toppling Assad, these same officials are doing everything they can to stop these fighters -- or at least develop new laws to criminalize their activities. The reason: fear that these irregulars will one day return to Europe, equipped with deadly military skills, trained in the tradecraft of international terrorism, and steeped in the extremist anti-Western ideology of al Qaeda and its Syrian brethren, the al-Nusra Front. On a single day in April and in a single country, Belgium, the authorities launched 48 raids on suspected ****** recruiters believed to be luring Belgians to fight in Syria.

"It is a ticking time bomb," French Interior Minister Manuel Valls told Foreign Policy at a small press breakfast with American reporters in New York. Tallies of these European fighters vary. But by Valls' count, there are more than 600 of them involved in the Syrian war, including 140 French citizens, 100 Brits, and 75 Spaniards. This new generation of fighters forms a kind of European Union of jihadists, hailing from the traditionally Christian cities and villages of Austria, Belgium, Britain, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Norway, Spain, and Sweden. Most are young men from Muslim families, about 80 percent, with the remainder being French converts to Islam. "Some go for humanitarian reasons," he said. "Some go to fight against Bashar."

Whatever the fighters' motivations, European officials are trying to dissuade these militants from taking up arms -- or, failing that, trying to gather as much intelligence in order to monitor them if they return home.

European, U.S., and Turkish intelligence agencies have been working together to try to track the individuals seeking to cross the border into Syria from Turkey. In some cases, the Turks have turned them back. Belgium has grown so alarmed about the prospects for blowback that it has already launched raids on suspected fighters in an effort to gather intelligence, according to a confidential internal memo obtained by Foreign Policy.

But they face rising calls from radical clerics and fighters to join the holy war. In June, 86-year-old radical Egyptian cleric Yusuf al-Qaradawi, speaking at rally in Doha, Qatar, issued a call to arms: "Every Muslim trained to fight and capable of doing that [must] make himself available" to support the Syrian rebels, he said. "Iran is pushing forward arms and men [to back the Syrian regime], so why do we stand idle?" Reflecting the increasingly sectarian nature of the conflict, Qaradawi also denounced his former ally Hezbollah, which means the "Party of God" in Arabic, as the "Party of Satan."

Germans were invited to join the struggle in their own tongue. Hajan M., a former resident of the German town of Kassel, produced a YouTube video inciting "every brother who hears me" to "wage jihad," according to Der Spiegel. Hajan M. -- who is married to a German woman and serves as a neighborhood commander in Homs -- addresses a German-speaking audience from a sofa, his right leg amputated as a result of a battle wound. "You can fly from Germany to Syria," he says. "You can come here to wage jihad."

Dozens of German nationals have gone to fight in Syria. And that has Peter Wittig, Germany's U.N. ambassador, calling the "reports of European citizens fighting alongside with jihadists in Syria a cause for great concern." However, he added, "Let us not forget that the involvement of jihadist groups in Syria is ultimately the result of Assad's intransigence and the war he is waging against his own people."

German Interior Minister Hans-Peter Friedrich told a gathering of regional interior ministers in Nuremberg, Germany, on July , that there are as many as 60 young Germans in Syria. "Our fear is that they are being radicalized in training camps by organizations close to al Qaeda," he said, according to the DPA (German Press Agency). The camps, he said, provide training in weapons and explosives, making the young Germans a threat upon their return to Germany. "We therefore have to ensure that these individuals are treated and monitored appropriately after their return."

The perceived threat of the returning jihadists varies from country to country. The Netherlands, for one, has designated Syrian blowback as among its top international security threats. On July 1, the Netherlands' National Coordinator for Security and Counterterrorism, which claims that 50 to 100 Dutch jihadists has traveled to Syria, warned in a statement that "one of the most salient potential threats to the Netherlands is posed by jihadist travelling to Syria and their potential return to the Netherlands."

"The threat level in the Netherlands remains 'substantial', which means that the chance of an attack is real," the advisory stated. "Although not every person to return from a jihadist conflict zone poses a threat, it should be remembered that these people are not only coming back with radical ideas; they are also traumatised and fully prepared to use violence."

More at
Europe's New 'Time Bomb' Is Ticking in Syria - By Colum Lynch | Foreign Policy

Burn Europe just start burning, you have put fire in many countries.

Let my guess,you're the resident village idiot.
Instead of Europe burning,how about you get hit by a train? How's that for a merry christmas?
One of the primary reasons is the freedom of speech and the freedom to preach, some of the radical speeches and marches that are allowed to happen are shocking in content, they also let people of extremist bend to openly recruit and preach all under the freedom of speech.

Of course they need to be worried because each and every ****** who will be returning back will be radicalised, but the fault lies with the Government simply because they allow the most poor Muslims to live in their own ghettos and specifically dont provide them with enough opportunities to merge with the majorly Christian and affluent community and neither provide them enough opportunities to earn a decent living.
Let my guess,you're the resident village idiot.
Instead of Europe burning,how about you get hit by a train? How's that for a merry christmas?

Same as your head being chopped off clean from your body on your birthday.:lol:
One of the primary reasons is the freedom of speech and the freedom to preach, some of the radical speeches and marches that are allowed to happen are shocking in content, they also let people of extremist bend to openly recruit and preach all under the freedom of speech.

Of course they need to be worried because each and every ****** who will be returning back will be radicalised, but the fault lies with the Government simply because they allow the most poor Muslims to live in their own ghettos and specifically dont provide them with enough opportunities to merge with the majorly Christian and affluent community and neither provide them enough opportunities to earn a decent living.

Provide with what? Do you know how many "white,christian europeans" are currently unemployed,do you think money grows in trees right now in Europe,you may not have noticed but we are currently under a severe crisis."Gimme,gimme,gimme',that's all i hear about,like someone owes them something...geez.
Why doesn't India provide enough opportunities for her hundreds of millions of poor people,huh?

Do you even know that Europe gives 71 BILLION dollars in foreign aid to other countries every year,even cash hungry Greece gave 350 million $ last uyear to african,asian countries? And for what I ask,for dumb clowns to yell "burn Europe!" while receiving european aid money...disgusting creatures you are.
Provide with what? Do you know how many "white,christian europeans" are currently unemployed,do you think money grows in trees right now in Europe,you may not have noticed but we are currently under a severe crisis."Gimme,gimme,gimme',that's all i hear about,like someone owes them something...geez.
Why doesn't India provide enough opportunities for her hundreds of millions of poor people,huh?

Why provide them with citizenship when you cannot take care of them? more than their economic worry, its the freedom to let them recruit into jiihadi camps and letting them preach on the streets is the cause of this. Take down the radical preachers and deport them back to their countries of origin.....you should see the youtube videos of these looney toons shouting "Death to Britain, death to British army, we want shariah in britain" in the rallies on the streets of London LOL.

As for India's Muslim population, though they are poor but good news they are not queing up to fight in Syria or elsewhere.
Why provide them with citizenship when you cannot take care of them?

Because most of them cry that they'll be the victim of horrendous acts if they return to the place they came from. Economic migration is all but gone now in continental Europe (internal migration is probably busier then ever though), i reckon UK will follow soon.

EU Member States granted protection to more
than 100 000 asylum seekers in 2012

^^ this and the illegals coming through porous Greek border are the main burden now.
Do you even know that Europe gives 71 BILLION dollars in foreign aid to other countries every year,even cash hungry Greece gave 350 million $ last uyear to african,asian countries? And for what I ask,for dumb clowns to yell "burn Europe!" while receiving european aid money...disgusting creatures you are.

You are a dumb schmuck if you are trying to label the sentiment of one poster (the op) to 1.21 billion Indians, come up with your hate speech when you see Indians shouting "death to Europe' in the streets of Europe, or come up Indian Muslims Eurorean migrants who have anything to do with these retards.
You are a dumb schmuck if you are trying to label the sentiment of one poster (the op) to 1.21 billion Indians, come up with your hate speech when you see Indians shouting "death to Europe' in the streets of Europe, or come up Indian Muslims Eurorean migrants who have anything to do with these retards.

I was reffering to the OP,even though in other threads i've encountered another dumb indian and let myself drawn in a flame war in which i bashed India as a whole but you're right 2 dimwitts don't represent indians,as i witnessed myself on PDF the general mindset of indians and they have nothing in common with these 2 bozos.
Because most of them cry that they'll be the victim of horrendous acts if they return to the place they came from. Economic migration is all but gone now in continental Europe (internal migration is probably busier then ever though), i reckon UK will follow soon.

EU Member States granted protection to more
than 100 000 asylum seekers in 2012

^^ this and the illegals coming through porous Greek border are the main burden now.

The problem is neither the people nor your constitution is geared up to comprehend nor put down effectively the hate propaganda that these radicals preach against infidels or the west. The irony is they declare the west as their enemy who is fighting wars in Muslim lands and blame you for numerous Muslim deaths but dont think twice to feast off your lands and take advantage of your constitution and marry your women. They give a reason for their recruiting and hate speech as the decomcratic rights that you provide.

All indications are that you are in for a wild ride in the future when these recruits return back.

One advantage in Syria though is that both the west and these jihadis are on the same side but the experience of fighting along with hard boiled extremists will percolate into Europe on their return and they do have a habit of biting back. Your constitution or your law means nothing to them.
The problem is neither the people nor your constitution is geared up to comprehend nor put down effectively the hate propaganda that these radicals preach against infidels or the west. The irony is they declare the west as their enemy who is fighting wars in Muslim lands and blame you for numerous Muslim deaths but dont think twice to feast off your lands and take advantage of your constitution and marry your women. They give a reason for their recruiting and hate speech as the decomcratic rights that you provide.

Well, in their defence, most are contributing citizens, but easily "tainted" by the minority. Hopefully more will be done in regards to hate preachers, that Jordanian guy who gets deported isn't the only one.
I've been through these threads before, mid-term demographic projections show the natality will equalize, ie, it is already going down with 2nd generation Muslims. And if they are behaving like every other citizen then i see no reason to deport or have fear of them. Native European natality was slowly but steadily recovering before the recession, now it's in the process of loosing earlier gains.

All indications are that you are in for a wild ride in the future when these recruits return back.
One advantage in Syria though is that both the west and these jihadis are on the same side but the experience of fighting along with hard boiled extremists will percolate into Europe on their return and they do have a habit of biting back. Your constitution or your law means nothing to them.

True, though you are limiting yourself to only one option. Maybe they will go somewhere else to pursue their calling. :P
Well, in their defence, most are contributing citizens, but easily "tainted" by the minority. Hopefully more will be done in regards to hate preachers, that Jordanian guy who gets deported isn't the only one.
I've been through these threads before, mid-term demographic projections show the natality will equalize, ie, it is already going down with 2nd generation Muslims. And if they are behaving like every other citizen then i see no reason to deport or have fear of them. Native European natality was slowly but steadily recovering before the recession, now it's in the process of loosing earlier gains.

True, though you are limiting yourself to only one option. Maybe they will go somewhere else to pursue their calling. :P

Of course I am talking about the radical minority not of the entire Muslim migrant community,

But one thing to note and that too in Britain and France specially is that the second generation Muslim youth are the first ones to get radicaised, you can pick up most cases and you will notice that its the men who have accepted citizenship who are going overboard on radicalism.

Check out men caught in Sweden, France, Britain, Spain etc - all are second generation Muslims who were born there. I think the second generation are more prone to radicalism then someone fresh off the boat who's primary aim would be to get citizenship and get a life going.

And, most of your Govts are worried on that count.

As for them going somewhere else on returning - the worry is what if they dont?
But one thing to note and that too in Britain and France specially is that the second generation Muslim youth are the first ones to get radicaised, you can pick up most cases and you will notice that its the men who have accepted citizenship who are going overboard on radicalism.

Let them. If they'll eventually commit something they'll get caught or killed* or will find end in some hot spot around the world. Also, you need to take into account, these are children with a much smaller number of siblings then back at home, because their mother and father (first gen immigrants) had to both work for the standard they have. And they in turn (2nd gen extremists) will have even less children (they spent fighting when others are creating family) or none.

*(i'm almost certain the possibility of a prolonged state of lawlessness in EU due to Islamic extremism is not possible ie, whatever would happen would be killed quickly once it exposes itself in a completely hostile manner that cannot be protected under freedom of speech clause)
Let them. If they'll eventually commit something they'll get caught or killed* or will find end in some hot spot around the world. Also, you need to take into account, these are children with a much smaller number of siblings then back at home, because their mother and father (first gen immigrants) had to both work for the standard they have. And they in turn (2nd gen extremists) will have even less children (they spent fighting when others are creating family) or none.

*(i'm almost certain the possibility of a prolonged state of lawlessness in EU due to Islamic extremism is not possible ie, whatever would happen would be killed quickly once it exposes itself in a completely hostile manner that cannot be protected under freedom of speech clause)

Of course, you have much better policing and investigating agencies who can put down any trouble these extremists will come up with - that goes without saying, in fact the western nations are engaged in multlple countries for the exact same reason. You have the muscle to fight it out not only on your lands but go international with the fight..

Its not a doomsday scenario that I am suggesting but more like a wild ride keeping your cops and agents engaged in taking care of this mess rather than engage in other meaningful activities.

But then you are letting in thousands more in your country who will procreate and with all the Jihaadi propaganda thats being spewed on the net and the media are considering you as their mortal enemies, you are the killers of their women and children, bringing war and drones on their nations, killing tens of millions (according to the propaganda) of them, (the funny thing is so called imaginary deaths of Muslims in India has gone from a few thousands to millions in their propaganda here on Pdf when the fact is Muslim population has quadrupled in India in the last few decades) in their lands.


How long would you think it will take for a guy to repeat the act of the knife wielding Nigerian Brit on the streets of any of your country, or for a terrorist cell to repeat the London bombing, 9/11, 26/11 or the Boston bombing in some European country.

(26/11 was a dry run meant to be repeated in a Western country as per Headley and Co)

Three Spanish guys caught in Spain a few months back returned from Pakistan taking terrorist training and paragliding training - another attempt at doing a terror strike in an innovative way just like using rc planes and cars.

You are as vulnerable to terror attacks as any other multi ethnic country is, though you can tackle the threats for now but the risks and the numbers are ever increasing.

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