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EU warns against ban on Geo

Whose whining or complaining...we are getting rid of them based on something they did, have been doing and will continue to do if action was not taken... it seems like a prick to EU though...

1st and last bold sentences reeks of jealousy?

same people as in the Indians? I agree...Something happens in Pakistan or to Pakistan a bunch of them open PDF and cry!!

What was your previous handle?
If I wanted it to be known, would I have changed my handle without a public announcement?
Chill ...dont waste time and energy on that ;)

That's fine, thought you would be someone I remember from before.
I applaud this pro-democratic decision from the European union in favour of media freedom in Pakistan against the anti-democratic forces, this will certainly strengthen the democratic forces of the country & the establishment will have to learn to respect differences of opinion whether they like it or not, the civilised world will not tolerate suppression of media anymore , we here in Canada with our friends in the U.S & the Europe have been relentlessly campaigning for a democracy & freedom of speech

in fact I had said it earlier, that the international community will not allow anybody to suppress the voice of media

@VCheng thanks bro ,the day I chose to befriend you when you first arrived @pdf I knew that you were for keeps !:cheers:

ha! can see how you love to please you democracy which looks pathetic. i mean i live in Canada and i don't cry like a b#$% about geo like you do. maybe because i was born here or maybe they are getting what they deserve? but all in all crying to Europe and Canada or US for that matter makes you look weak which you are i can see. and if you are saying silence? there enuff here in the western hemisphere maybe you are too gullible or you have you're rear end facing down too much to even know. but all in all if you left Pakistan to go to KANADA just shut up you did not want to even be there anyways.
Geo is still the market leader in spite of this so called BOYCOT!!!!! There is practically no impact on their viewership. That's why people are after banning claim
So who are these "angels" acting illegally?

Muscle defeats law, Constitution in Geo-ISI tiff - thenews.com.pk

QUOTE: "However, on the ground, the Geo network has been blocked in most parts of the country without any legal order from any authority. This situation is a mockery of the law, Constitution and legal course and has all the potential to invite international pressures and possible sanctions.

In case of any “violation” by any media house, the law prescribes certain procedures, including filing of a complaint, which have been followed in this case by the ISI through the Defence Ministry. However, without allowing the law to take its course, the Geo network in most parts of the country has been closed through coercive measures.

The law of the land and the decisions of the Supreme Court do not allow the cable operators to act as an adjudicator or arbitrarily block or shuffle the number of any channel on the cable. But in the case of Geo, it has been done without any fear of accountability.
This shows who is sponsoring GEO.....
Yeah! The EU, India, the US of A, MOSSAD, CIA, RAW, AMAN, Afghanistan, and DIA. Now that's a lot of sponsorship, what? No wonder they're writing falsehoods about the PA and ISI.

I think the ISI needs to start sponsoring GEO instead. That's the only way they can expect a good conduct certificate from GEO!! :-)
GEO can not be banned unless they have broken laws.
As of now, the only 'law' that Pakistani's seem to be able to apply against Geo is 'blasphemy'.
ha! can see how you love to please you democracy which looks pathetic. i mean i live in Canada and i don't cry like a b#$% about geo like you do. maybe because i was born here or maybe they are getting what they deserve? but all in all crying to Europe and Canada or US for that matter makes you look weak which you are i can see. and if you are saying silence? there enuff here in the western hemisphere maybe you are too gullible or you have you're rear end facing down too much to even know. but all in all if you left Pakistan to go to KANADA just shut up you did not want to even be there anyways.
look dude we are Canadians & we love Canada & we stand by everything Canada stands for, which is democracy, multiculturalism, religious freedom & freedom of speech/media. & if you don't like it, then you are free to leave. & I am not weak I have used the international power of my country & its allies for a rightful cause of defending democracy & media freedom in Pakistan. Canada is my country, its my home & I am proud to seek its help in a rightful cause of promoting freedom of speech & democracy !
& by the way I am also a proud volunteer of amnesty international !
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look dude we are Canadians & we love Canada & we stand by everything Canada stands for, which is democracy, multiculturalism, religious freedom & freedom of speech/media. & if you don't like it, then you are free to leave. & I am not weak I have used the international power of my country & its allies for a rightful cause of defending democracy & media freedom in Pakistan. Canada is my country, its my home & I am proud to seek its help in a rightful cause of promoting freedom of speech & democracy !
& by the I am also a proud volunteer of amnesty international !

You seem very delusional, do you understand what GEO TV does ?? Are you educated or uneducated?
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