Here is the main case for Egypt demands..
In most cases, dam failure could have been prevented if the structures had been properly maintained. Maintenance is an ongoing process that not only involves such routine items as mowing the grass and clearing the trashrack, but also includes regularly inspecting the structure and properly operating its components.
Major rehabilitation of a dam should not be necessary if the dam was designed in accordance with good engineering practice, was built using good construction standards, and is operated and maintained properly. Design engineers should inspect their dams periodically after construction to ensure that the design is working and the structure is properly operated and maintained.
Owners of dams should be aware that they are legally responsible for the operation, maintenance, and inspection of their structures. Negligence by owners in fulfilling their responsibilities can lead to the creation of extremely hazardous conditions to downstream residents and properties.
A dam failure may sometimes result in loss of life, considerable loss of capital investment, loss of income, and property damage. A loss of a reservoir can cause hardship for those dependent on it for their livelihood or water supply and will upset the ecological balance of the area. In the event of a failure, the owner can be subject to a barrage of liability claims and possibly even criminal charges.
The GERD is a hydroelectric DAM..isn't it?
We can see here 2 vulnerabilities to Attack.. both the generators' structures and the power lines..
No need to hit the Dam structure at all.. since the main purpose of this Dam is electricity generation..there will be none for the Ethiopians..hence nullifying its existence as a Hydroelectric Dam..