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Escape from Oblivion The Story of a Pakistani POW Escape from India


Oct 1, 2012
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Ikram Sehgal, a Pakistani Army officer, became a prisoner of war (POW) in India in peculiar circumstances after he was handed over to the Indians after the rebellion in East Pakistan in 1971. Along with officers and other ranks of mostly non-Bengali origin, he was held in an Indian POW Camp that was established in April 1971 despite the fact that the India-Pakistan War that led to the creation of Bangladesh did not break out until December 1971. These 100 or so POWs remained undeclared by India throughout 1971. Kept in solitary confinement he escaped on the 100th day of captivity, becoming the first Pakistani Army officer to successfully break out from an Indian POW camp in history.

Made from original notes taken during the period of de-briefing on return to Pakistan, this fascinating book gives an insider's account of conditions in Indian custody. It is a spell-binding and gripping tale of individual courage, of disparate friendships made in very adverse circumstances and the will to survive.

Readership: Armed forces of South Asia, students of history and people of 1971 vintage

Escape from Oblivion: Ikram Sehgal - Oxford University Press

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hmmm very interesting :coffee:

With all due respect sir, this man Ikram Sehgal was a deserter from Pakistani Army and joined the Bengalis. There was no ‘escape’ ever, NO prisoner of war ever remembers Ikram Seghal escaping from a POW camp. In contrast when Majors Raja Nadir Punjab and Tariq Pervaiz both from 6 Punjab actually dug a tunnel and escaped along with some other officers, it was news all across the POW camps as well as in every Indian television and radio broadcast.
Now if any of the readers want the intelligence reports on Ikram Sehgal I’d be glad to share. They have been making rounds on the internet as of late obviously released by the ‘boys’ to out the truth on Ikram Sehgal. For the documents email me at
wow .... admire this guy

Good , then you surely approve of this too :

But this is what he writes about 1971: “When soldiers make war on women and children, they cease to be soldiers. That is why in the final analysis, when it came to real combat, they could not face up to bullets which is their actual job as soldiers … the terror that was unleashed by them in East Pakistan between March and November 1971 is simply inexcusable.”

Ikram Sehgal
My fathers friend was captured in India. He got caught twice trying to escape from prison, but the third time was the charm. I think he still works for the PIA, or maybe he retired.
@ eowyn ==so why email? why does he not post it --"glad to email" indeed ......anyway "pakistan" tribune is a foreign propaganda tool ------
My fathers friend was captured in India. He got caught twice trying to escape from prison, but the third time was the charm. I think he still works for the PIA, or maybe he retired.
was he in charge of counterfwit notes or recruiting indian muslins for g'had
All Indians are jumping into act just trying to make a person controversial. Ikram Sehgal is a known & respectable Defense analyst. This is his book and his personal life experience. If anybody want to agree its fine if not then go away. Similarly the article every Indian is trying to quote from Express Tribune is not a word of God either. Express Tribune is a very controversial news group and many times before has indulge in defaming Islam and Pakistan.

The bottom line in starting this thread was to put in light yet another proof of Indian aggression. Throughout this forum, Indians everywhere cry wolf to prove themselves as the most innocent nation on earth. But the the reality is other way around, the way you did terrorism & proxy war in East Pakistan, then attacked a sovereign country is the biggest example of aggression in recent history.
Well a movie can be made out of this. Someone in Pakistan should look into this. Its a real story. I would go and watch it with my family.
All Indians are jumping into act just trying to make a person controversial. Ikram Sehgal is a known & respectable Defense analyst. This is his book and his personal life experience. If anybody want to agree its fine if not then go away. Similarly the article every Indian is trying to quote from Express Tribune is not a word of God either. Express Tribune is a very controversial news group and many times before has indulge in defaming Islam and Pakistan.

The bottom line in starting this thread was to put in light yet another proof of Indian aggression. Throughout this forum, Indians everywhere cry wolf to prove themselves as the most innocent nation on earth. But the the reality is other way around, the way you did terrorism & proxy war in East Pakistan, then attacked a sovereign country is the biggest example of aggression in recent history.

Dont bother they r sons of criminals, mass murders against Muslims, they r known as the Israel of South Asia, there crimes against humanity r well known in Kashmir, Gujrat in 1992 n 2002, so think by yr own mind that people of such caliber can be trusted?? surely no!!! is the answer.

That is interesting indeed.

The intriguing part is:
In November 1971, he (Ikram Sehgal)rejoined the Pakistan Army and served in Thar and Balochistan “but was dismissed from service two years later without any reasons for this action”.

Why was Ikram Sehgal dismissed from service? And that too without any reasons?

So an 'Escape from Oblivion' became some kind of 'Escape into Oblivion'.
Yes thats true now where is that Budha indian officer, Joe Shearer
who giving me lectures of Geneva Conventions abt POWs in the thread of their dead Soldier claimed to be killed by Pak army in 1999

LOL what a joke if he really did why was he taken POW by hindus

I am right here, counting the days before I am expelled thanks to your complaint to the Mods.

It appears that you have not yet read the Geneva Conventions, but continue to vapour on in ignorance. They provide for the treatment of uniformed men of organised forces taken prisoner in war or in warlike circumstances. The rules are very clear - for normal human beings of average mental capacity, of course.

The decent and honourable thing to do with a uniformed prisoner is to apply the Conventions to him. If he is out of uniform, or active in specific circumstances, the protection does not apply. The alternative to treating such a prisoner as a POW would be to execute him out of hand as a terrorist, and that would be an illegal act if he was in uniform, acting as a member of an armed force.

Which part of this is confusing you? Apart from the fact that it is in English?

You are among the few, the very few perverts who are amused by tales of imprisonment and suffering and torture.What do you do in your spare time, torture kittens?

Oh, greetings on Day Two, BTW.
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