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Enemies can’t even imagine what Iran can do: Revolutionary Guard

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Apr 11, 2012
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Islamic revolutionary guard’s corps Major General Qassem Suleimani warned Iran’s enemies not to assume Iran as Afghanistan and Pakistan saying ‘the enemies have no idea what Irani people can do’.

According to news on ground report, Major General said that ‘iranians are capable of stunning its enemies’.

It is rumored that the message by the Islamic revolutionary guards General was pointed towards Israel and America, who had previously threatened military actions against Iran.

Earlier on, Iranian defense minister had reiterated the same message saying that Iran is capable of counterattacking any country that tries to attack Iran.

Iran has been working to enhance its military prowess from some time and has signed military drill pactswith Oman and Pakistan.

Source: pointraiser
To the General, please don't lump Pakistan with your army or Afghanistan. Pakistan could literally steam roll both the IRGC and the Iranian armed forces.

The only threat that Iran can carry out is using asymmetrical warfare, and proxy militant groups.
Islamic revolutionary guard’s corps Major General Qassem Suleimani warned Iran’s enemies not to assume Iran as Afghanistan and Pakistan saying ‘the enemies have no idea what Irani people can do’.

According to news on ground report, Major General said that ‘iranians are capable of stunning its enemies’.

It is rumored that the message by the Islamic revolutionary guards General was pointed towards Israel and America, who had previously threatened military actions against Iran.

Earlier on, Iranian defense minister had reiterated the same message saying that Iran is capable of counterattacking any country that tries to attack Iran.

Iran has been working to enhance its military prowess from some time and has signed military drill pactswith Oman and Pakistan.

Source: pointraiser
Can someone tell this dude to lay off the hash.
Islamic revolutionary guard’s corps Major General Qassem Suleimani warned Iran’s enemies not to assume Iran as Afghanistan and Pakistan saying ‘the enemies have no idea what Irani people can do’.

According to news on ground report, Major General said that ‘iranians are capable of stunning its enemies’.

It is rumored that the message by the Islamic revolutionary guards General was pointed towards Israel and America, who had previously threatened military actions against Iran.

Earlier on, Iranian defense minister had reiterated the same message saying that Iran is capable of counterattacking any country that tries to attack Iran.

Iran has been working to enhance its military prowess from some time and has signed military drill pactswith Oman and Pakistan.

Source: pointraiser

Did he just take a wipe at Pakistan? when i saw the headline i thought he was targeting Israel .
Did he just take a wipe at Pakistan? when i saw the headline i thought he was targeting Israel .
WHat the General meant was not to take Iran as Pakistan (as Pakistan is a friendly ally of USA) do all sort of stuff that USA admires.
To the General, please don't lump Pakistan with your army or Afghanistan. Pakistan could literally steam roll both the IRGC and the Iranian armed forces.

The only threat that Iran can carry out is using asymmetrical warfare, and proxy militant groups.

Seriously these guys smoke good hashis. So much bragging by Iranian officials and looking at their military capability. They are basically dead scared, tiny Israel can bitch slap that nation many times.
Islamic revolutionary guard’s corps Major General Qassem Suleimani warned Iran’s enemies not to assume Iran as Afghanistan and Pakistan saying ‘the enemies have no idea what Irani people can do’.
This guy was probably high as **** when he gave the statement, who in his right mind would put Iran's and Pakistan's military in the same category, we can deflorate the IRNGC any day, in the end the Iranians will be forced to resort to nothing more than proxy wars and guerrilla tactics.....
No offense to iranian members,But sometime i think Your Armed generals claims are way too stupid.

I mean they threatened to do xyz to Israel,USA and now just recently they have warned Turkey and Pakistan.

What is this?
Iranian ministers and their generals should refrain from passing empty threats and stop bringing Pakistan in every statement they give.
He's right, the world will see Armageddon if they attack Iran, Hazzy also has an arsenal of ICBM's so it would be a stupid move to commit aggression against Iran. God bless Iran's struggle against imperialism.
Seriously these guys smoke good hashis. So much bragging by Iranian officials and looking at their military capability. They are basically dead scared, tiny Israel can bitch slap that nation many times.
But the fact is, that tiny israel hasn't due to the fear of repercussions.

And lets be real, we get bombed by American Drones every week, Iran doesn't.
But the fact is, that tiny israel hasn't due to the fear of repercussions.

And lets be real, we get bombed by American Drones every week, Iran doesn't.

Tiny Israel can't defeat Hamas let alone a nation which trains them. Look at 2012, Hamas managed under intense Israeli fire to still strike Israel and strategically strike central Israel on a sporadic basis. Israel also admitted it ran out of targets and that their arsenal is very well concealed. Israel killed a little over 40 actual military members of Hamas and they couldn't find the rest since they operate in ways Israel can't imagine. That's why they resorted to targeting civilians, near 57 military members were killed and over a 102 civilians in 2012. The next round will start where the last one left off, and the fire on central Israel won't be sporadic. Let's hope Israel realizes it needs to recognize the results in Gaza, eases the siege and in return Hamas will govern and make sure no violence occurs for decades.
But the fact is, that tiny israel hasn't due to the fear of repercussions.

And lets be real, we get bombed by American Drones every week, Iran doesn't.

Its been 5 months now since last drone attack, it may never happen again unless Pak goverment ask for it after talks fail. As other members said Iran at best is only capable of guerilla tactics while being occupied. Basically nothing to proud of, their military is pretty shitty. Fake 5th generation replicas will not change that.
Its been 5 months now since last drone attack, it may never happen again unless Pak goverment ask for it after talks fail. As other members said Iran at best is only capable of guerilla tactics while being occupied. Basically nothing to proud of, their military is pretty shitty. Fake 5th generation replicas will not change that.

If we're speaking in modern sense of Air, Navy capabilities then yes they lack in those fields. However, they have a different approach to warfare thanks to sanctions, and they do produce their own weapons which are not fake because they've actually been tested by resistance fighters and elsewhere. Iran can't take a modern approach to war, it has to be what they call 'irregular', which is why they resort to producing lots of missiles, anti tank, cruise, ballistic, etcc...

I'm not sure why he mentioned Pakistan though, maybe Iran wants Pakistan to get closer to them and further from KSA. If Pakistan promoted Iran's interests in opposing US strikes on their soil then the situation would greatly change in the region and force the West to reorganize its policy.
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