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Embarrassed talking about Aliens/UFO's?

Is talking about Aliens embarrassing?

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It seems the Phenomenon is real not just in last 100 years but beyond it people have seen lights in Air why these entities do not choose to interact is perhaps beyond our present knowledge

It's almost like when we are in car and drive close to a zoo and then decide to keep driving anyways as it is of no interest to us
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Advanced civilizations don't last long, a few thousand years tops.

I agree they get high and mighty and do something silly that leads to their downfall. Buy saying that, advanced races do last. Sharks have been around 450-million years, longer than trees.
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Instead of being embarrassed we should embrace the truth.
We need a global movement to push the governments all across the world, to full disclosure.
Shark don't have technology like radio.

Comparing civilisations is not like comparing races.

A human race is made of up many civilisations that rise and fall throughout time. They were not the first life. And probably will not be the last. Sharks, as a life form, have been around 450 million years. Birds have been around 65 million years. An Alien is not a human life form.

Instead of being embarrassed we should embrace the truth.
We need a global movement to push the governments all across the world, to full disclosure.

I feel first we should ascertain the nature of alien.
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That depends.

There are some people who is thinking that they are too smart to judge you.

And some people who are very exciting talking about weird things.
The Drake Equation is:
N = R * fp * ne * fl * fi * fc * L

Original estimates[edit]
There is considerable disagreement on the values of these parameters, but the 'educated guesses' used by Drake and his colleagues in 1961 were:[24][25]

  • R∗ = 1 yr−1 (1 star formed per year, on the average over the life of the galaxy; this was regarded as conservative)
  • fp = 0.2 to 0.5 (one fifth to one half of all stars formed will have planets)
  • ne = 1 to 5 (stars with planets will have between 1 and 5 planets capable of developing life)
  • fl = 1 (100% of these planets will develop life)
  • fi = 1 (100% of which will develop intelligent life)
  • fc = 0.1 to 0.2 (10–20% of which will be able to communicate)
  • L = 1000 to 100,000,000 years (which will last somewhere between 1000 and 100,000,000 years)
Inserting the above minimum numbers into the equation gives a minimum N of 20 (see: Range of results). Inserting the maximum numbers gives a maximum of 50,000,000. Drake states that given the uncertainties, the original meeting concluded that NL, and there were probably between 1000 and 100,000,000 civilizations in the Milky Way galaxy.

Also the existence of Aliens also explains Dennis Rodman.
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