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Eight former Army chiefs junk Gen VK Singh's claims


Aug 15, 2011
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NEW DELHI: Eight former Army chiefs on Friday rejected former Army chief Gen VK Singh's statement that Army has been paying money to certain ministers in Jammu & Kashmir since independence to bring in stability there.

"No funds were ever provided by the Army, to any politicians, political party or any NGO in their tenures and nor would they have allowed that," the former Army chiefs said in a joint statement issued here.

They are generals OP Malhotra, SF Rodrigues, Shankar Roychowdhury, Ved Prakash Malik, S Padamanabhan, NC Vij, JJ Singh and Deepak Kapoor.

The statement came against the backdrop of a controversy over Gen VK Singh's recent remarks that the Army was paying money to certain ministers in J&K to bring stability in the state.

Gen VK Singh had later clarified that this money was not a bribe and suggested that it was given under Operation Sadbhavna of the force towards winning the hearts and minds of the people.

The former chiefs said the aspect of paying money to ministers should not be mixed with that of Operation Sadbhavna.

"This aspect should not be mixed with "Operation Sadhbhavna", which are carried out to provide infrastructure, education and health services etc to the local populace in J&K and for this pre and post audited funds, with laid down deliverables and procedures, are allotted in the defence budget," they said.

They further stressed that the Indian Army is completely apolitical and that they do not dabble in politics and the Army takes great pride in this time honoured tradition.

Eight former Army chiefs junk Gen VK Singh's claims - The Times of India
Vk Singh is a blot to otherwise a very professional army.
The Army Chief never ever said that the money is paid so as to set an undemocratic precedent by keeping a democratically elected Govt. under the leash,but the money (irrespective of the amount involved and if at all paid) is paid to carry out certain welfare works throughout the valley such as opening schools and hospitals which helps the entire region to stabilize and assists the Govt.,whichever it might be, to keep things under control.In short it is paid to simply assist the Govt and not to control it.It's the media and chaps like Arnab Goswami who are blowing this piece of info out of proportion.And I would like to state that unlike the rest of India things are different in Kashmir,if it hadn't been so then there would have been no need of the AFSPA and Article 370.I for one personally think that even the Central Govt. and RAW has info of such activities and endorse them tacitly and now since the chief has suddenly let it out in the open they are acting the way they are acting!!
VKS' behavior has been very unbecoming of the high office he held. Old generals are supposed to fade away, not hog the limelight post retirement. It looks like he would say anything to get some attention. If his allegation was true, he should have done something about it when he was army chief, not post retirement to score brownie points against the government. It just seems like the disgruntled charges of an embittered man who harbors a personal grudge against the govt (as we know he does).
Vk Singh is a blot to otherwise a very professional army.

I agree with u on this.Ever since the issue regarding his DoB and tenure arose even spastic people would be able to see it for themselves that the V.K. holds a grudge against the Govt. and it's very unwise on his part to let out such information which are supposed to be kept under utmost secrecy.Moreover never before in the history of our nation did we witness a COAS who openly shared stage with the opposition so a to make it more clear to the people that he has got political inclinations.He is simply using the goodwill of the Armed forces to give mileage to the opposition,its very very unprofessional.
I agree with u on this.Ever since the issue regarding his DoB and tenure arose even spastic people would be able to see it for themselves that the V.K. holds a grudge against the Govt. and it's very unwise on his part to let out such information which are supposed to be kept under utmost secrecy.Moreover never before in the history of our nation did we witness a COAS who openly shared stage with the opposition so a to make it more clear to the people that he has got political inclinations.He is simply using the goodwill of the Armed forces to give mileage to the opposition,its very very unprofessional.

Its Ok if he joins a political party, gen Shankar RoyChowdhury also joined TMC. But the issue is he made an serious allegation without any proof which is unbecoming of someone who led an army of nine million strong.

Less said the better about his DoB scandal.
I agree with u on this.Ever since the issue regarding his DoB and tenure arose even spastic people would be able to see it for themselves that the V.K. holds a grudge against the Govt. and it's very unwise on his part to let out such information which are supposed to be kept under utmost secrecy.Moreover never before in the history of our nation did we witness a COAS who openly shared stage with the opposition so a to make it more clear to the people that he has got political inclinations.He is simply using the goodwill of the Armed forces to give mileage to the opposition,its very very unprofessional.

Want to spot some light on it Sir. You might have forgot he has been poked with charges of indiscriminate use of funds for which he had no official proof to show 1.4 crore payment. Finally with no options to left, he had to reveal.
Want to spot some light on it Sir. You might have forgot he has been poked with charges of indiscriminate use of funds for which he had no official proof to show 1.4 crore payment. Finally with no options to left, he had to reveal.

Revelation without any proof is just speculating. What if A Raja claims that he used the money he siphoned off to feed poor people!
If you ever saw the times now video you would clearly know he never ever claimed about under handed dealings to politicians , he just said it was passed on through official channels to get stuff done .. It is the media which is twisting his words and CONgress trying to malign him for his pro Modi/BJP stance ... so please shut up if you people do not know what is being said... Some Indians are Very very quick to judge on everything just based on sensationalist media ...

Revelation without any proof is just speculating. What if A Raja claims that he used the money he siphoned off to feed poor people!

There is enough documented proof and this has been happening since independence and not something V.K.Singh invented ..

So yeah...this headline is sensationalist and an Absolute lie .... The recent article on The Hindu claimed of "illigal" transfer of money to politicians while on the other hand V.K.Singh never claimed a direct transfer of money to politicians ... the New papers are openly Lying ...
The army general made a not so sensible remark i would say ! Although his claims can be truly valid !!
NEW DELHI: Eight former Army chiefs on Friday rejected former Army chief Gen VK Singh's statement that Army has been paying money to certain ministers in Jammu & Kashmir since independence to bring in stability there.

"No funds were ever provided by the Army, to any politicians, political party or any NGO in their tenures and nor would they have allowed that," the former Army chiefs said in a joint statement issued here.

They are generals OP Malhotra, SF Rodrigues, Shankar Roychowdhury, Ved Prakash Malik, S Padamanabhan, NC Vij, JJ Singh and Deepak Kapoor.

The statement came against the backdrop of a controversy over Gen VK Singh's recent remarks that the Army was paying money to certain ministers in J&K to bring stability in the state.

Gen VK Singh had later clarified that this money was not a bribe and suggested that it was given under Operation Sadbhavna of the force towards winning the hearts and minds of the people.

The former chiefs said the aspect of paying money to ministers should not be mixed with that of Operation Sadbhavna.

"This aspect should not be mixed with "Operation Sadhbhavna", which are carried out to provide infrastructure, education and health services etc to the local populace in J&K and for this pre and post audited funds, with laid down deliverables and procedures, are allotted in the defence budget," they said.

They further stressed that the Indian Army is completely apolitical and that they do not dabble in politics and the Army takes great pride in this time honoured tradition.

Eight former Army chiefs junk Gen VK Singh's claims - The Times of India

Since when did TOILET becomes a source...
Revelation without any proof is just speculating. What if A Raja claims that he used the money he siphoned off to feed poor people!

Agreed but there is always certain reserved unaccountable amount that you can't show on papers. Be it corporate or what....
VKS' behavior has been very unbecoming of the high office he held. Old generals are supposed to fade away, not hog the limelight post retirement. It looks like he would say anything to get some attention. If his allegation was true, he should have done something about it when he was army chief, not post retirement to score brownie points against the government. It just seems like the disgruntled charges of an embittered man who harbors a personal grudge against the govt (as we know he does).

Yeah only corrupt gov'ts and such ppl hope for ppl like him to fade away. Just look at the Supreme court verdict on convicted politicans and look at how the govt passes an ordinance to negate it. We need ppl like Singh to apply pressure and fire under these crook's buttcheek. How much can he do as Army chief.....maybe he was trying to have the system correct itself but then realized it is futile becoz there is too much corruption. Plain and simple...there is to much corruption in India. This explains why we are a brillant ppl trapped in a failing country. Sure, others will say we ar enot failing but we are not living to our expectations due to one major obstacle that has not been resolved at all and it is corruption.
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