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Eight dead in Pakistan bombing, including son of Afghan cleric


Sep 18, 2011
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(Reuters) - A bomb killed eight people in Pakistan on Monday, including the son of an influential Afghan cleric, and wounded about 45 in the northwestern city of Peshawar, officials said.

Bombings and attacks have increased across the country in the run-up to a May 11 general election. The Pakistani Taliban have claimed responsibility for most of the violence and some political parties have decided not to hold open-air rallies because of the danger.

The attack on Monday appeared to be aimed at the convoy of a city official, said police officer Mohammad Ashfaq. He said most of the people killed and wounded were waiting for a bus.

Among the dead was Qari Hilal, the son of prominent Afghan cleric Qazi Amin Waqad, said an official at Afghanistan's consulate in the Pakistani city.

Qazi Amin Waqad is a member of Afghanistan's High Peace Council, which is trying to draw the Afghan Taliban into peace talks. Hilal was organising a conference of Afghan and Pakistani religious scholars to oppose militancy, Afghan consulate officials said.

Peshawar is an ancient trading town at the gateway to the Khyber Pass and Afghanistan and has for years seen numerous militant attacks.

More than a dozen people were killed in blasts across Pakistan over the weekend. The Pakistani Taliban claimed responsibility for the attacks as part of their campaign against the election, saying democracy was un-Islamic.

"The so-called general elections are going to held under the secular democratic system on 11th May 2013, in a country which came into being under the banner of Islamic doctrine," the Pakistani Taliban said in a statement.

"Man cannot be secular and Muslim."

:undecided: (Is that correct?, so why do Muslims live in other secular states? - they are not Muslims then?)

Eight dead in Pakistan bombing, including son of Afghan cleric | Reuters
It is sad that hundreds of people have been killed by the terrorists all over Pakistan in just last week. Our condolences go out to the families of all who died at the hands of these terrorists. The TTP has been targeting election offices, rallies, and candidates who are contesting the upcoming elections and in the process killing many innocent people. It seems that the whole purpose is to discourage people from participating in the election through fear and intimidation. After years, Pakistanis are going to transition from one elected government to another. They would not let intimidation of the cowards deter their resolve to keep Pakistan on path of progress with an elected democratic government.

Abdul Quddus
DET-United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command
If I were in Pakistan now,I would not even participate in the elections.I mean, I rather not get blown up giving my vote to someone who is not going to do anything for me.
My heart cries out listening of innocents death due to terrorists attack/bombing.

RIP... no sin is bigger than terrorism!!!
If I were in Pakistan now,I would not even participate in the elections.I mean, I rather not get blown up giving my vote to someone who is not going to do anything for me.
Maybe by not casting your vote you will be helping the person who Won't Do Anything For Your Nation...
Maybe by not casting your vote you will be helping the person who Won't Do Anything For Your Nation...

they're all Illegitimate in my eyes,and what does that actually mean,"my nation"?The country is populated with the starving and homeless,if they can at least do something about that then I don't care what they can do for me.
"Man cannot be secular and Muslim."

:undecided: (Is that correct?, so why do Muslims live in other secular states? - they are not Muslims then?)

Eight dead in Pakistan bombing, including son of Afghan cleric | Reuters

Some people have misinterpretation of word "secular" or secularism and they confuse it with word atheism or they think it oppose religion but they don't understand that secularists are not against the right of individuals to have a religious faith ..what they oppose is giving special treatment to one particular religion or sect based on their belief/religion

so you can be Muslim in secular country just like you can be christian/Jews/Sikhs/ Hindu/atheists in secular country but they all are treated equally without any discrimination or any laws which give favor to one group more than others
Why are Taliban so concerned about how daal khor Punjabis elect their leaders?
Why are Taliban so concerned about how daal khor Punjabis elect their leaders?

They are opposed to democracy and peoples rule, their agenda is shariah to be implemented and religious leaders rule the country.:agree::no:
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