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Eid Milad un Nabi


Oct 9, 2015
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United Arab Emirates
Saudi Arabia
To all my fellow Muslim Brothers, Sisters, and fellow humans, a very happy Eid Miald un Nabi.

I know many of you will celebrate in your own unique ways, lets all share it on this thread.

When I was young, my mother would make sweets like Baklava and Kunafah, and we would distribute those. As I grew older my father would get some restaurant, later it was "Karachi Darbar" to cater food for 150 to 200 people at some construction site.

As this is baton was passed to me, the dinner still stands, but by the grace of Allah this year I have arranged for 10 prisoners, who have been locked up due to some technicalities, InShaAllah to be released.

For us Eid Milad un Nabi is a very important occasion, but lets all celebrate it by giving to the less fortunate, even if it's one Gulab Jamun or the price of a plate of Biryani, what ever you can afford, just like we celebrate our Eids

Best Regards & once again A Very Happy Eid Milad Un Nabi.
UAE and Saudi people don't celebrate like we do. i don't know why.
Congratulations to all Muslims and Allah bless @Khafee for creating this thread. We should take this opportunity to learn about the holy life of our beloved Prophet of mercy for all worlds ( ﷺ). Let's learn something from his blessed life.
i would request all to keep this thread clean and avoid trolling here. If someone celebrates or not, we should say positive things on this thread.
Blessed be the day of the birth of the master (saws). I will celebrate Mawlid with great vigour and prayer inshallah.

Right at this time I am listening to my favourite Naat khwan Haji Mustaq Qadri Attari, Allah have mercy on him.

First of all, EID MILAD UN NABI (SAW) Mubarak to all the Muslims.

We are so blessed to be Muslims and Umah of Rasool Allah (SAW). We can't even thank Allah enough for even one heartbeat. Imagine the blessing of having Rasool Allah (SAW) as your leader. We should never underestimate this blessing. He is that man for who ALLAH (SWT) created this world for. Allah wouldn't even have revealed Himself, if Rasool Allah (SAW) was not born. One of the most precious blessing is to be even the tiniest part of this Umah. He (SAW) called us 'His (SAW) friends.' He used to pray for us the whole nights and cry for us. Now, it's our duty to please Him (SAW) with following Sunnah. We are not perfect and we can't even be perfect. Perfection was ended on Rasool Allah (SAW). Still, we have to try our best to follow the footsteps and walk on Sirat E Mustaqeem. The path He (SAW) wanted us to walk on.

Unfortunately, we even on this day fall into pointless argument, wether this day should be celebrated or not. Allah sees the intentions & we can't even know what's in ones heart. So we better respect of each other's point of view rather arguing and hating.

I must add one thing here. After seeing the situation of this Umah, sometimes I get pretty scared of the next Umah. We today leave Sunnah with saying, "oh it's just Sunnah not fard". Wait, if this generation will start skipping Sunnah, trust me the next Umah will not even give any importance to fard. This Umah needs to set an example for next Umah. We need to unite and fix ourselves. The future of Islam is in our hands. Let's make the best of it.

Lastly, I would like to say, recite Darood all day long. Speaking with personal experience, It is the best remedy to any problem in your life. Allah (SWT) accepts all the Duas when you make it with reciting Darood as long as your intention is pure. For sure its the best recitation because even Allah himself and even angels recite Darood upon Rasool Allah. (SAW).

Once again, Happy to you all & remember this Umah in your prayers. :)
How many of you approve of this ?

We already requested to avoid trolling. If you have something positive to say then stay otherwise you may leave the thread since we do not want arguments.
Peace be upon the last Messenger of ALLAH, the servant of ALLAH and the most humane and kindest of all the humans.......... Muhammad, the perfect and complete human.

I don't celebrate this day as Pakistanis do neither I agree with the celebrations, the simple logic is we have 365 days in a year and we as Muslims believe in nearly 124,000 Messengers of ALLAH, and if we start celebrating these days we will spend the whole year celebrating. But still people who celebrate this day Mubarik to them and spend the day as @Khafee intends to spend.

@Ehsan can you post another link for the video I cannot watch the one you posted?
Word of our Prophet (s.a.w) is Absolutely true:

The Prophet (s) said, 'Do not exaggerate about me the way the Christians did about Jesus the son of Mary for verily I am a slave of Allah and His Messenger.' [authentic Hadith Musnad Ahmed etc].

The Prophet (s) said, "surely (some amongst) you will follow the ways of those before you, down to the handspan and arms length, such that if they went to a lizard's hole you will also go therein!' Saha ah asked, 'The Jews and Christians?' he replied, 'Who else!' [Sahih Bukhari]

The Prophet (s) came to Medinah and found the people of the period of Ignorance celebrating two days. So he said, 'You had two days that you used to celebrate, verily, Allah has replaced for you those with two days better than them: day of Fitr and day of Adha.' [authentic Hadith in sunan of Nasee, Ibn Majah, etc].

"Every deviation from Islam leads to Hell-fire".
[Sunan Nasa’i: English Translation: (vol. 2, pp. 343-4, no. 1581.)]


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Right at this time I am listening to my favourite Naat khwan Haji Mustaq Qadri Attari, Allah have mercy on him.

Mushtaq bhai was Legend, He is my favourite too and fortunately I have met him many times when he was alive.
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