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Egypt filthy lies against Gaza exposed


Apr 13, 2013
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Palestinian Territory, Occupied
United States
Egypt today put a list out of people they claim were involved in recent attacks in Egypt. The names were about a list of twenty.

Let us tell you a few....here's a couple:

taysar abu snima(klled in Gaza in 2009)
Hassan Mustafa(Prisoner currently serving sentence in Israeli prisons)

The other quarter are people in Israeli jails, a quarter people who died in the 2009 war on Gaza and other quarter who Egypt had in jail.

When will you Arabs be truthful about this and stop blindly supporting Egyptian government lies to put Gaza under a worse siege and close the borders?

@al-Hasani @ResurgentIran @haman10

And also a few members are Fatah members. Even thing initially Egyptian government claimed all were Hamas members they wanted from Hamas.
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Hamas is under extreme pressure right now, but they are are the resilient resistance movement.
Hamas is here to stay. Efforts to try to siege Gaza and Hamas will fail imo.
Hamas is under extreme pressure right now, but they are are the resilient resistance movement.
Hamas is here to stay. Efforts to try to siege Gaza and Hamas will fail imo.

It's not just Hamas, all Palestinian people suffer because of filthy Egyptian lies repeated over and over again.

It's a propaganda campaign, if you knew Arabic just watch Al Jazeera and see the bizarre things government sympathizers are saying.

@al-Hasani @Yzd Khalifa

لو عندكو شرف لا تسكتو علا هل حقد علا غزة

لو بتعرفو اللة
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May Allah put an end to the suffering of the Palestinian people :cry:.

Hamas and affiliates have seen worse times inshallah they will survive and once again the aggressors will be humiliated.

Long live the legacy of Ahmed Yaseen Rahimahullah :victory1:
It's not just Hamas, all Palestinian people suffer because of filthy Egyptian lies repeated over and over again.

It's a propaganda campaign, if you knew Arabic just watch Al Jazeera and see the bizarre things government sympathizers are saying.

@al-Hasani @Yzd Khalifa

لو عندكو شرف لا تسكتو علا هل حقد علا غزة

لو بتعرفو اللة

I don't think there is anything to do about honor in this. If what you're saying is true - which I believe - then this issue has something to do with ethics, morales.
Egypt today put a list out of people they claim were involved in recent attacks in Egypt. The names were about a list of twenty.

Let us tell you a few....here's a couple:

taysar abu snima(klled in Gaza in 2009)
Hasan Salma(Prisoner currently serving sentence in Israeli prisons)

The other quarter are people in Israeli jails, a quarter people who died in the 2009 war on Gaza and other quarter who Egypt had in jail.

When will you Arabs be truthful about this and stop blindly supporting Egyptian government lies to put Gaza under a worse siege and close the borders?

@al-Hasani @ResurgentIran @haman10
why are you blaming the great egyptian generalship [?ship? sinking ship?]....after all ghosts are only human......
I don't think there is anything to do about honor in this. If what you're saying is true - which I believe - then this issue has something to do with ethics, morales.

So know do you see most of this is fabricated out of control stance against the Gazan government? Or only for this case?

Where did you get the names from?

Hamas announced the names publicly that Egypt ordered to hand these people in, was announced publicly moments ago.

And check Arabic news it's all over the accusation.


The names just became public.
I don't like to generalize much, I stay corrected on Hamas, but harming other Gazans is unacceptable.

So know do you see most of this is fabricated out of control stance against the Gazan government? Or only for this case?

Hamas announced the names publicly that Egypt ordered to hand these people in, was announced publicly moments ago.

And check Arabic news it's all over the accusation.


The names just became public.
So know do you see most of this is fabricated out of control stance against the Gazan government? Or only for this case?

Hamas announced the names publicly that Egypt ordered to hand these people in, was announced publicly moments ago.

And check Arabic news it's all over the accusation.


The names just became public.


Where the people requested for their involvement in the Mansoura bombing or long standing requests by the Egyptian government. If you can provide a written source that would be great because its one in the morning here and I just got home and I'm seriously not bothered sifting through news.
I don't like to generalize much, I stay corrected on Hamas, but harming other Gazans is unacceptable.

That's good that you're being sensible, at least Egypt keep the border crossing open allow people to travel, foreigners are still stuck in Gaza. My moms in Gaza still trying to get out and she's an American citizen!

Let some fuel come in, let humanitarian aid come in they don't get more than 6 hours of electricity a day thanks to Egypt and Israel.

But, even if you don't like Hamas. This is disturbing and extremely disrespectful accusing people who have been dead for three years and people in Israeli prisons as we speak as the culprits of the recent car bomb attack in Egypt.


Where the people requested for their involvement in the Mansoura bombing or long standing requests by the Egyptian government. If you can provide a written source that would be great because its one in the morning here and I just got home and I'm seriously not bothered sifting through news.

Hmmmm all you want, Hamas received the list from Egypt and looked through all names and found nobody currently residing in Gaza.

Just admit you know all this slandering isn't based on any real information. Especially you know this well, yet will go to great lengths to defend the current Egyptian administration.
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Hmmmm all you want, Hamas received the list from Egypt and looked through all names and found nobody currently residing in Gaza.

I'm hmmming because this is rather peculiar. Considering Egypt most of the time is the go to state for mediation between Hamas and the Israelis it seems rather peculiar we wouldn't know the names of those killed or imprisoned by Israel, especially when there's cooperation between Israel and Egypt through diplomatic and military channels due to the crisis in the Sinai. Its also peculiar that the names included people in Egyptian prisons. Egyptian intelligence isn't that sloppy nor is the interior ministry.

The timing of the list is important.

Just admit you know all this slandering isn't based on any real information. Especially you know this well, yet will go to great lengths to defend the current Egyptian administration.

I defend nothing. I just want to know what the hell is going on. You should also pay attention to the language used by the interior ministry, they did not accuse Hamas or any other Gazan movement of direct intervention or involvement in the Mansoura bombings. The term used was logistical support, this could mean training militants, harboring them, and/or supporting them financially or with arms.
I'm hmmming because this is rather peculiar. Considering Egypt most of the time is the go to state for mediation between Hamas and the Israelis it seems rather peculiar we wouldn't know the names of those killed or imprisoned by Israel, especially when there's cooperation between Israel and Egypt through diplomatic and military channels due to the crisis in the Sinai. Its also peculiar that the names included people in Egyptian prisons. Egyptian intelligence isn't that sloppy nor is the interior ministry.

The timing of the list is important.

I defend nothing. I just want to know what the hell is going on. You should also pay attention to the language used by the interior ministry, they did not accuse Hamas or any other Gazan movement of direct intervention or involvement in the Mansoura bombings. The term used was logistical support, this could mean training militants, harboring them, and/or supporting them financially or with arms.

They accused the MB and Hamas of directly being behind the bombing. This is what it says in Arabic all over the news.

Egypt's fabricating things, don't stress yourself. This is the truth.
They accused the MB and Hamas of directly being behind the bombing. This is what it says in Arabic all over the news.

No, what it says it that the son of a MB member was one of the perpetrators. This is to link the MB with Ansar Beit Almoqades and cement its legal position as a terrorist organization, the identity of the culprit can not be denied whats unclear is his relationship with the MB and his father. It accuses Hamas of providing logistical support to/for Ansar Beit Almoqdes and therefore has a indirect connection with the Mansoura bombing.

Egypt's fabricating things, don't stress yourself. This is the truth.

I'm not the one stressing, you should be though, truth or not. Because, the one thing Hamas managed to do is anger the Egyptian administration (and a lot of ordinary Egyptians) and the one thing the Egyptian administration can do is strangle Gaza to a standstill in cooperation with the Israelis. Imagine it, the Rafah border completely shut to goods and people (no tunnels to smuggle), Gaza's waters being patrolled and blockaded by the Egyptian Navy harassing the simplest of fishermen. If matters deteriorated further imagine the Egyptian Air Force conducting signature/personality strikes or Egyptian Special Forces/Intelligence assassinating officials in cooperation with the Israelis. There won't be any political blowback either abroad or at home considering the victims in real life will have been (or are) demonised by the Israeli/western and Egyptian media. The Russians won't come to your aid nor will the Chinese, Brits, Indians, and/or Americans nor will the Arab League. This will all blow back on Hamas since its their policies or their perceived/fabricated policies that would cause such things to happen. Hamas should tread carefully otherwise it will find itself being suffocated and ordinary Gazans will be taken along for the ride.
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