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Egypt | Army Ousts Mursi govt, violence erupts | News & Discussions


May 9, 2007
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Gun battles and street fighting left at least four people dead and more than 200 injured as the anti-government insurrection called by Egypt’s opposition began to take hold.

In Cairo protesters torched the headquarters of the Muslim Brotherhood, the group to which President Mohamed Morsi swears allegiance. Demonstrators exchanged gunfire with guards inside the flaming building. Clerics have warned of civil war and activists are steeling themselves for further violence – yet nobody in Egypt appears to know quite what forces have now been unleashed.

Last night’s deaths – which occurred south of Cairo in the towns of Beni Suef and Assiut – came as tens of thousands of protesters surrounded the palace of President Mohamed Morsi in the east of the capital. Meanwhile in Tahrir Square, the crucible of the 2011 revolt, an estimated 200,000 protesters gathered to chant for an end to Mr Morsi’s rule.

Many streets in Cairo were eerily calm as families stayed at home in anticipation of widespread chaos. Metalworkers, meanwhile, have seen a sharp increase in demand for home-made handguns.

“I don’t want Egypt to be the next Iran,” said 21-year-old Hussein Ahmad, among the sea of protesters outside Heliopolis Palace, Mr Morsi’s presidential seat. “That is what the Muslim Brotherhood wants.”

Nearby in Nasr City, a suburb, Mr Morsi’s supporters had massed. Many wore home-made body armour and were carrying shields and clubs – protection, they said, against threats of violence. The Muslim Brotherhood’s Islamist allies are angry at what they see as an attempt to subvert the democratic will.

For Mr Morsi and his supporters, the stakes over the next few days could not be higher. A recent article in a liberal newspaper provided an overview of George Orwell’s anti-totalitarian satire Animal Farm. A tongue-in-cheek disclaimer told readers that any similarities were purely co-incidental.

In the minds of many of his opponents, Morsi the would-be revolutionary has become Morsi the despot. The President, who famously stood in Tahrir Square following last year’s election and bared his chest to prove he was not wearing a bulletproof vest, has become the unbearable bête noire of many Egyptians, who see him as the embodiment of a country gone to seed.

After coming to power on the back of a broken Brotherhood promise not to field any presidential candidates, he initially won plaudits for his diplomatic interventions between Israel and the Palestinians.

Yet shortly afterwards he proceeded to alienate the nation’s secular political factions. In November he issued a disputed decree shielding his decisions from the judicial oversight. The decree was later rescinded, but soon afterwards Mr Morsi approved a referendum on a divisive constitution which had been forced through an Islamist-dominated assembly. It was this move that convinced many of the President’s critics that the Muslim Brotherhood was not interested in compromise. On the back of a sliding economy, the anger of Egyptians who can barely put food on the table is growing.

The Brotherhood argues that many of its actions have been a result of contending with a hostile judiciary and unhelpful elements from the previous regime. Now Mr Morsi finds himself faced with a popular insurrection reminiscent of that which toppled his predecessor, Hosni Mubarak.

Many analysts and opposition politicians believe that the only way the President will step down is if he is forced to by the military – a re-run of February 2011, when Mr Mubarak was left unsupported by his generals. Yet Egypt’s commanders may intervene only if serious unrest develops. “The army doesn’t want to rule directly,” said Cairo-based political expert Dr Ashraf el-Sherif. “The only way they will intervene is if the country is out of control.”

It leaves the opposition in a political bind. Officially their leading lights renounce violent protest and the prospect of a soft coup. Yet privately many accept that it is a military intervention which will defeat Mr Morsi – and such an outcome may only be secured by the violent deaths of protesters.

At least four dead as violence erupts in Egypt and clerics warn of civil war - Africa - World - The Independent
30% votes for Salafi's. I don't believe new elections would change much.

I voted for President Morsi, but I regret it.
I wish he'd implement the Islamic project - as he promised - and Sharia law, that's why we voted for him.
“I don’t want Egypt to be the next Iran,” said 21-year-old Hussein Ahmad, among the sea of protesters outside Heliopolis Palace, Mr Morsi’s presidential seat. “That is what the Muslim Brotherhood wants.”

Seems like the Egyptians are on high alert.
:agree: They deal with our sworn enemy, therefore, we can't trust them, period. However, Morsi is an ex-MB member as such, he doesn't raise much of a concern to us.

I wouldn't call it a fear though but rather a concern.

The funny thing is that Iranians are celebrating their fall. :lol: Good riddance, I wish I could see how Jordanian MB leaders' faces look like right now :bunny:
The funny thing is that Iranians are celebrating their fall. :lol: Good riddance, I wish I could see how Jordanian MB leaders' faces look like right now :bunny:

why your obsession with Iranians ?
what's the matter with Iranians ? what is the logic with "are celebrating their fall"? which fall? why?
why your obsession with Iranians ?
what's the matter with Iranians ? what is the logic with "are celebrating their fall"? which fall? why?

Hmmm, Iranians used to hail MB and Morsi, and they counted on them to get Egypt on their side against AGCC, but as soon as he gave them the cold shoulder in several occasions especially regarding Syria, Iranians got against him, and even thought that Egyptians are protesting because their president has turned against Iran and it's cheap sellouts. Oh boy:laughcry:
Hmmm, Iranians used to hail MB and Morsi, and they counted on them to get Egypt on their side against AGCC, but as soon as he gave them the cold shoulder in several occasions especially regarding Syria, Iranians got against him, and even thought that Egyptians are protesting because their president has turned against Iran and it's cheap sellouts. Oh boy:laughcry:
well Egypt is not a country that Iran having strong relations with.
so this is kind of non sense. Morsi or someone else, i don't think politics care about except being curious to know what happens.

Syria is a clear choice , and very logic from MB. Well considering it would be different ... no nobody in Iran was thinking this.

so you make up your own story boy.

Egypt to Egyptians. not important what they think of Syria, Iran or whatever ;)
so you make up your own story boy.
Nope, not at all, Iranian regime and Iranian people including members here used to count on Egypt and were awfully let down.
Egypt to Egyptians. not important what they think of Syria, Iran or whatever ;)
Well, Egyptians like other Arabs don't give a flying crap about Iran but they do care about Syria.
The funny thing is that Iranians are celebrating their fall. :lol: Good riddance, I wish I could see how Jordanian MB leaders' faces look like right now :bunny:

From every 10 words of you,9 are Iran or something related to Iran.You even changed the thread title for it, lol.

PS: Careful, an Iranian is behind you.:P
You are Jordanian , not Egyptian, so mind not speak in the name of them.

Again i have doubts you are Muslim. you always make lies and propaganda. or your brain is full of cheat.
This is totally crap that Iranian regime (i already said what think Iranian but you are too obsessed and liar to care of) would think MB would not care about MB rebels : rebels in Syria . Man what you say is such high on bullshit.
From every 10 words of you,9 are Iran or something related to Iran.You even changed the thread title for it, lol.

No, I found it like this on Google while I was checking Egyptian protests (You can check it) :), as for "obsession" with Iran, not really, but you guys are all over the place and I get to counter your propaganda.
You are Jordanian , not Egyptian, so mind not speak in the name of them.

Again i have doubts you are Muslim. you always make lies and propaganda. or your brain is full of cheat.
This is totally crap that Iranian regime (i already said what think Iranian but you are too obsessed and liar to care of) would think MB would not care about MB rebels : rebels in Syria . Man what you say is such high on bullshit.

I'm an Arab and I do care about Egypt which happens to be the biggest Arab country. As for lies, no and I can prove it by your regime desperate tries to fabricate and twist MB and Morsi speeches and activities to make them pro-Iran. We used to have allot of big arguments in this forums with Iranians about whether Morsi is pro or anti Iran, and those members were desperately trying to show him as pro-Iran. @Era_923 knows what I'm talking about.
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