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Editorial: Dar should refrain from interfering in the market or Pakistan may end up in a deeper crisis


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Editorial: Dar should refrain from interfering in the market or Pakistan may end up in a deeper crisis

October 9, 2022

IS the Dar factor at play? Or are we missing something that only he can see?

The Pakistani currency has appreciated 8.25pc to 219.92 to a dollar since Sept 22. The rupee is actually the world’s best-performing currency lately. But its rise isn’t consistent with many global and domestic economic indicators. For instance, the dollar has appreciated against every hard currency, spawning fears of another global currency crash not seen since the 1997 Asian crisis. How is the rupee defying the trend?

Then, the State Bank’s liquid foreign exchange reserves are decreasing despite stringent import restrictions. Reserves fell — although slightly — to $13.59bn from $13.76bn on a week-over-week basis. Even Moody’s decision to cut Pakistan’s sovereign credit rating on its increasing external sector vulnerabilities after the floods has failed to stop the rupee’s rise. Moody’s believes that the economic losses of $30bn inflicted by the floods have raised fears of a much wider current account gap than projected in the budget and increased Pakistan’s foreign financing needs.

Meanwhile, global oil is bouncing back on the output cut by Opec Plus after a brief fall in price. The only positive economic development has come in the form of commitments from multilaterals of additional funds of $3.8bn and pledges of $816m by friendly countries to help Pakistan in its post-flood reconstruction effort. No wonder most experts believe that the present trend seen in the foreign exchange market is ‘unsustainable’ and will be ‘short-lived’, and that the rupee will soon resume its downhill journey as the economic fundamentals remain weak.

Ishaq Dar, who is seen by the market as an interventionist advocate of a strong home currency, has, nevertheless, again predicted on a TV show that the exchange rate would settle to below 200 to a dollar in a matter of days, and not weeks, which will reduce the nation’s public debt (in terms of the rupee) and tame the imported inflation. His optimism stems from his belief that the home currency had weakened over the last few months due to speculative attacks, and that it is now headed towards its ‘true worth’.

Like his predecessor, Miftah Ismail, he also blames the big banks for manipulating the exchange rate to make quick money. The banks are said to have made Rs27.67bn in the first three months of the present fiscal to September from their foreign exchange business against a full-year profit of Rs37.88bn during the entire last fiscal. A probe is underway.

Indeed, the biggest challenge facing the government is the stability of the rupee. The problem that became more serious after the restoration of the stalled IMF programme failed to end the market volatility needs to be dealt with to end the growing economic uncertainty. But whatever happens, Mr Dar should avoid interfering with the market forces or we may soon find ourselves in the midst of a deeper crisis.

Published in Dawn, October 9th, 2022


Dar faces uphill task to unlock $1b WB loans​

Finance minister assures lender’s local head that country will implement prior conditions

Shahbaz Rana
October 09, 2022

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan on Saturday assured the World Bank to timely implement prior actions for over $1 billion budget support loans amid the country's inability to create consensus among all the domestic stakeholders and narrowing political space to take difficult steps.

The assurance has been given by Finance Minister Ishaq Dar two days before his departure to Washington, where he is expected to participate in a high-profile conference on the sidelines of the World Bank (WB) and International Monetary Fund (IMF) annual meetings.

The conference will be co-chaired by the World Bank Group and an important Group-7 member, the UK, aimed at bagging the world’s financial support for Pakistan’s flood-affected population.

The conference has been arranged ahead of the international donors conference that is expected to take place in Paris and being hosted by the French president to garner assistance for Pakistan.

Dar met with Najy Benhassine, the country director of the WB, and discussed his forthcoming meetings in Washington.

They include one with the WB president.

“The finance minister assured Najy Benhassine and his team of meeting prior actions for timely completion of programmes,” read a statement issued by the finance ministry after the meeting.

An audience with WB President David Malpass might help in receiving concessions but Dar’s meeting with IMF Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva so far remains tentative due to scheduling issues.

Pakistan is seeking the approval of $450 million second Resilient Institutions for Sustainable Economy (RISE-II) budget support loan by January next year.

It will also unlock a $450 million loan from the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB).

The government has also budgeted a $600 million second Programme for Affordable and Clean Energy (PACE-II) loan but it expects to receive this money at some later stage of the fiscal year because of the tough conditions attached to it.

However, the WB is pushing to simultaneously implement the prior conditions of both these loans, which are tough and may further erode the government’s political capital.

The conditions for RISE-II loan pertain to the country’s fiscal and macroeconomic framework, involving the provinces too. The PACE-II loan is aimed at lowering the circular debt flow through reducing power generation costs, decarbonising the energy mix, improving efficiency in distribution, and retargeting electricity subsidies.

These steps would be politically unpopular.

Under PACE-II, the previous PTI government had committed to reopen the power purchase agreements (PPAs), including those signed with China. However, sources said the WB might give some time to implement this condition, provided Pakistan took other steps to improve the financial health of the power distribution companies and to reduce the circular debt that stood at Rs2.3 trillion by June this year.

Pakistan has to show at least an intent for some power sector reforms and take steps to reach a consensus on the integration of the sales tax on goods and services -- a task that required the consent of the Centre and provincial governments.

The sources said if the government was able to meet the conditions of the GST integration and a few power sector reforms, the WB might agree to decouple the approval of the RISE-II and the PACE-II.

The finance ministry has long been claiming that the RISE-II was at a much-advanced stage but still some actions remained pending.

The main stumbling block in the way of RISE-II loan is the lack of consensus among the Centre and four provincial governments over the harmonisation of GST on goods and services across the country.

Dar is expected to chair a meeting of the National Tax Council (NTC) on Monday before leaving for Washington to break the gridlock.

This time, the problem lies at the end of the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR), which is not accepting the definition of the services.

There is still a disagreement over the definition of what constitute a good and a service as the FBR is not willing to accept the provinces’ proposal to accept the definition being used for harmonised system codes.

The finance minister discussed with the WB local head the economic challenges, which the country was currently facing.

He said the present government was cognisant of these issues and taking pragmatic steps to remove bottlenecks to growth.

Benhassine briefed Dar on the WB's future cooperation with Pakistan.

He informed the finance minister that the WB was allocating $2 billion funds from its existing financed projects for emergency operations in flood-affected areas to support Pakistan.

He further informed Dar that around $1.5 billion funds would be mobilised this year because of the emergency situation.

Benhassine informed journalists on Thursday that he had requested the WB headquarters to advance the disbursement of Pakistan’s share of the concessional lending to meet the additional financing needs.

Ghazi sb,

Mercifully this time there are not too many dollars for Dollar Dar to play around with!

but nature of a person doesn`t change, he`s had that position twice and both times he did predictable market and currency manipulation , its not his fault though he only knows one thing... artificial currency manipulation but than again that's what pmln has told his vote bank that they will do it. Huge noise in the society was created that dar is coming and he will end dollars reign even though if you know economics you know its impossible and artificial measures that are temporary.
But you are right this time dollar isn`t many ....but the crazy part is ever since dar came reserves are going down crazy as well as dollar so he might be doing the same trick again!
We all suspect that something is rotten in the state of Denmark.
DAR and Nawaz sharif created the Pakistani miracle.

It's even more incredible if you take out mushi era of 1999-2008

Dar is an economic hitman.:suicide:
None cares about your opinion

Majority of Pakistani especially in central Punjab don't agree with you and that's what matters.

Since 2018 most people wanted Dar to be back
Even now people will say Dar was better then miftah

My bet is even in your family most will disagree with you

Ghazi sb,

Mercifully this time there are not too many dollars for Dollar Dar to play around with!


What are you talking about Pakistani rupee is the best performing currency in the world right now, Even after 1000s of MFG units on idle or complete shut down, millions unemployed Moody downgrades our super rupee keeps flying high, I bet countries around the world are now sorry they didn't snatch (DAR) miracle finance minister...:hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:
What are you talking about Pakistani rupee is the best performing currency in the world right now, Even after 1000s of MFG units on idle or complete shut down, millions unemployed Moody downgrades our super rupee keeps flying high, I bet countries around the world are now sorry they didn't snatch (DAR) miracle finance minister...:hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:
Peoples choice
They would rather try short term morphine shot rather then treatment

You can't force people to do the right thing
There is no evidence to suggest that Mr.Dar is burning forex to manipulate currency. It is more likely that speculators have lost confidence in their bet that Pakistani economy will capsize. The REER index also suggests that PKR is undervalued. Mr. Dar's confident demeanor also contributes to the positive outlook. Perhaps this is why the Sharif family think of him as the right man for the job. Cheap attempts to discredit and dehumanize Mr.Dar with the sobriquet 'Dollar Dar' will not succeed :agree:
This person is a one trick pony. He does not give much importance to export sector. Every sensible person knows the end result. Next govt will have its task cut out
Good thing is that this time westerners will not give him loans to prop up the PKR like they did last time. He can't use forex either since its very low already. Its not really an effective strategy currently anyways since inflation is still hot and Federal reserve will continue to raise interest rates. Look next door, INR is losing value even though RBI is burning forex to prop it up. Plus it didn't work for Dar during his previous tenure...only made things worse. He won't do it this time, IMO.

Current governments only options are to raise interest rates, cut imports and boost exports. The saving grace for the next government will be that the push to increase Thar coal production and other indigenous energy sources will be in full effect. I expect Thar coal production to double in the next few years.....this will dampen the burden of high imported energy prices for Pakistan.
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Govt will not seek Paris Club debt restructuring: Dar

Finance Minister Ishaq Dar on Sunday said Pakistan will not seek debt restructuring from Paris Club creditor nations, as he seeks to restore market confidence after a credit rating downgrade.

The new rating from Moody’s raised concerns that Pakistan could default on its foreign debt as the country contends with economic turmoil and a balance of payments crisis.

“We have decided not to go to Paris Club,” Dar said while addressing a press conference in Islamabad, adding that in consultation with Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif it was decided that it wasn’t in the nation’s interest to ask for a restructuring.

“We will fulfil all sovereign [debt] commitment,” he said.


Govt will not seek Paris Club debt restructuring: Dar

Finance Minister Ishaq Dar on Sunday said Pakistan will not seek debt restructuring from Paris Club creditor nations, as he seeks to restore market confidence after a credit rating downgrade.

The new rating from Moody’s raised concerns that Pakistan could default on its foreign debt as the country contends with economic turmoil and a balance of payments crisis.

“We have decided not to go to Paris Club,” Dar said while addressing a press conference in Islamabad, adding that in consultation with Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif it was decided that it wasn’t in the nation’s interest to ask for a restructuring.

“We will fulfil all sovereign [debt] commitment,” he said.

Apparently Pakistan has secured all the funding it needs to meet debt obligations for the next year. Personally I think current government should use the floods to get some debt relief. Never waste a crisis, IMO.
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