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Dutch lawmaker planning film criticizing the Quran


Aug 23, 2006
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THE HAGUE, Netherlands: A Dutch conservative lawmaker said Wednesday he is making a film to highlight what he describes as "fascist" passages in the Quran, his latest high profile criticism of Islam.

The interior and justice ministers said they were concerned, but believed they had no authority to prevent the lawmaker, Geert Wilders, from screening his film.

Wilders plans to depict parts of the Quran he says are used as inspiration "by bad people to do bad things."

Less than 10 minutes long, the film is expected to air in late January. It will show "the intolerant and fascist character of the Quran," said Wilders, whose anti-Islam campaign helped his Freedom Party win nine seats in parliament in last year's election.

In the past, Wilders has said that half the Quran should be torn up and compared it with Adolf Hitler's book "Mein Kampf." He has claimed the Netherlands is being swamped by a "tsunami" of Islamic immigrants.

Immigrants from Muslim countries number about 1 million of the country's 16 million people.

Wilders' planned broadcast is reminiscent of the film "Submission" — a fictional study of abused Muslim women with scenes of near-naked women with Quranic texts engraved on their flesh.

"Submission" director Theo van Gogh was shot and had his throat slit by a Muslim extremist on an Amsterdam street in 2004. Prominent Muslim critic Ayaan Hirsi Ali, who wrote the screenplay, was threatened in a note left on Van Gogh's body. She now lives under round-the-clock protection in the United States.

Justice Ministry spokesman Wim van der Weegen said the government is "taking measures" before the broadcast of Wilders' film. He declined to elaborate.

"Based on the discussion, the ministers have expressed concern," Van der Weegen said. "But at the same time (they) have said that Mr. Wilders has freedom of expression."

Wilders said he is not afraid of reprisals if his film angers Muslims. "I have lived with 24-hour protection for three years," he said.

"I will make the film and see what reaction it creates."

Dutch Muslim leaders did not immediately return calls seeking comment.
trust me, he will become very famous or infamous (both are same)
No need to be insecure let him say what he wants anyways it is proved the dude is anti-Islam and seeking publicity..so you can't expect him to say Good things if your belief is strong then I don't think it will affect anyone... He is in a secular state he can speak his mind.. so chill...

This would have been unthinkable in India though..

no need for beheadings though I am sure.. he will be whacked off within hours of film being released if it is released at all and help the guy prove that Muslims are violent to the rest of the world.. :tsk: :tsk:
No need to be insecure let him say what he wants anyways it is proved the dude is anti-Islam and seeking publicity..so you can't expect him to say Good things if your belief is strong then I don't think it will affect anyone... He is in a secular state he can speak his mind.. so chill...

This would have been unthinkable in India though..

no need for beheadings though I am sure.. he will be whacked off within hours of film being released if it is released at all and help the guy prove that Muslims are violent to the rest of the world.. :tsk: :tsk:

you see this is where i have a problem with if he is in a secular state can he say any thing against jews.
The answer is absolutly positivly NO WAY IN HELL.and thats is the hypocracy i hate
I'm getting the feeling that even this guy will be konked off...remember the Danish Cartoons?
I'm getting the feeling that even this guy will be konked off...remember the Danish Cartoons?
You mean how the cartoonist of the Danish cartoons burnt? That's BS. There were 12 cartoonists first of all and all of them are alive.
You mean how the cartoonist of the Danish cartoons burnt? That's BS. There were 12 cartoonists first of all and all of them are alive.

Remember what happened? Protests across the muslim world, fatwas issued from all sides...european embassies were stormed and set on fire...

...Rushdie and Theo Van Gogh...
Protests are fine - they are the right of people, provided they remain peaceful. Fatwas have become a joke (in fact I started that ridiculous fatwa thread a while back, so we might have some new material...), and I thought that only one embassy was attacked? Do you remember which one it was and whether there were more than one?
Protests are fine - they are the right of people, provided they remain peaceful. Fatwas have become a joke (in fact I started that ridiculous fatwa thread a while back, so we might have some new material...), and I thought that only one embassy was attacked? Do you remember which one it was and whether there were more than one?

Peaceful protests are fine...but those protests were hardly peaceful.
Both Danish and Norwegian embassies were set on fire (Just imagine that...Norway is the most non-intrusive country in the world...they never harmed anybody)

The cartoonists had to go into hiding to save their lives!!
Peaceful protests are fine...but those protests were hardly peaceful.
Both Danish and Norwegian embassies were set on fire (Just imagine that...Norway is the most non-intrusive country in the world...they never harmed anybody)

The cartoonists had to go into hiding to save their lives!!

No need to create a cartoon to begin with.

Freedom? Insulting doesn't count as freedom.
The right to insult is one of the fundamentals of the right to freedom of speech.

To date I've never seen a film specifically created to defame a particular religion. I think its fair to assume that such a film concerning any religion in the world would result in people baying for the producer's head.

To me this looks more like a publicity stunt.
The right to insult is one of the fundamentals of the right to freedom of speech.

Insult your Manmohaan baniya, and let me know what happens.

Never mind, just insult some policemen, he will show you the fundamentals rights to insult. :enjoy::hitwall:
The right to insult is one of the fundamentals of the right to freedom of speech.
Unfortunately it does not work like that when you bring in religions. You can't insult someone's momma and get away with it, then you definitely can't insult the maker of that momma.

At least not amongst Pakistanis.

Musharraf took a lot of crap when he imposed the emergency. But when the Daily Telegraph called him an SOB he kicked those guys out. And guess what? Every Mushy critic supported that move. There is a line that you just do not cross...
Insult your Manmohaan baniya, and let me know what happens.

**** you Manmohan Singh.. have you seriously not seen the media or the opposition parties gunning for him.. Hell they even had a yagya to kill him..

Never mind, just insult some policemen, he will show you the fundamentals rights to insult. :enjoy::hitwall:

not until I know his boss :cheesy:

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