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Dubai traders duped with bricks instead of goods

third eye

Aug 24, 2008
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Dubai traders duped with bricks instead of goods | GulfNews.com

Dubai: Traders in Dubai have received containers full of bricks and stones from China instead of their originally ordered goods, Gulf News can confirm.

Dozens of containers have landed in Jebel Ali port containing bricks instead of the materials ordered such as paper and foodstuff destined for at least two traders who said that they were shocked that the containers reached their warehouses unchecked.

“I was really surprised when I opened the container to see bricks instead of the A4 size paper that I ordered from the Chinese firm. I have contacted the Chinese firm and they have promised to investigate the matter. At this moment, nobody knows how and when the goods were changed and, surprisingly, the container passed the port and reached the warehouse,” said Yousuf Sulaiman, a South African trader based in Dubai.

Sulaiman ordered A4 size paper worth $16,000 (Dh58,000) from Baoding Baolilai Paper Products Company a couple of months ago and the shipment was dispatched last month after he made the full payment.

“I received the shipment on April 13. The container was sealed as usual. We opened the seal and, when I saw the bricks, I immediately called police and after a lot of discussion over the phone the police arrived in the evening. They saw the container but didn’t give me any paper and asked me to approach Dubai Customs,” added Sulaiman, who runs a small trading firm, Gusto Mediterraneo General Trading LLC.

Port authorities in Jebel Ali said they are only responsible for handling the containers and it’s not their job to check the contents.

Dubai Customs has yet to issue an official statement explaining the missing cargo and officials could not be reached immediately for comment.

However, a source inside the port suggested to Gulf News that only certain containers go through scanning and checking processes and the rest are forwarded directly to the consignees.

“In case the containers are earmarked as containing chemicals or food products or if the buyer requests that the container be inspected it is done, otherwise, there is no inspection,” said the source.

Apparently, Sulaiman is not the only trader who was allegedly duped.

Two weeks ago, another company owned by an Egyptian businessman faced a similar situation in which he also received a container full of bricks instead of the A4 size paper that was ordered.

“I received the cargo two weeks ago and, to my surprise, it was not what I ordered. I went from pillar to post to get to the bottom of this but so far I haven’t got any help. The company that I purchased the goods from is not responding. I have claimed insurance and, hopefully, I will be compensated,” said Mohammad Khedr, owner of Khedr International Trading.

Both the containers arrived through China Shipping Line and the company’s representatives on Tuesday visited Sulaiman’s warehouse to inspect the containers and found nothing but bricks.

“We have come across a few of these cases and we are investigating the matter. We are responsible for only delivering the cargo intact. We are not sure how and where the goods were changed,” said a company shipping official, who declined to be named.

Apparently, around 50 more containers of dubious status are lying inside Jebel Ali Port right now — according to sources inside the port. These containers were supposed to have tomato paste from China but instead are filled with crushed stone and bricks.

Khalid Sharif, Director of the Food Control Department at Dubai Municipality, confirmed that there have been several instances when imports at Dubai’s ports were not the ones requested by locally based companies.

“The municipality has inspectors at all ports to ensure that the food entering the country is safe, and follows our required standards,” he said.

“When we come across such shipments, which happens from time to time, the company is fined and the imported goods are sent back to the country of origin. In any circumstances when food is imported or exported, the municipality checks that the goods’ description must match those in the container,” he said.
paper in chinese language called Zhi and brick is called Zhuan... i strongly believe it is language issue.. am facing so many similar issues here.. you say something and it is understood diffidently.. when you write an email in English.. the receiver usually uses the translating websites to read it.. and most often it is misinterpreted..

Well, this is my personal idea.. but simultaneously we cannot rule out the scam as well..
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paper in chinese language called Zhi and brick is called Zhuan... i strongly believe it is language issue.. am facing so many similar issues here.. you say something and it is understood diffidently.. when you write and email in English.. the receiver usually uses the translating websites to read it.. and most often it is misinterpreted..

Well, this is my personal idea.. but simultaneously we cannot rule out the scam as well..

I have faced similar situations too.

In this case, they ordered A4 size papers whose correct nomenclature is ISO A4, There are further tech details too like thickness, gloss etc.

Similarly, foodstuff can hardly be confused with Bricks

Good old Asian minds at work here !!
arrived unchecked ... ??? what if someone have sent cocaine in it ???
This forum is full of useless threads and this is a typical example of it!!
arrived unchecked ... ??? what if someone have sent cocaine in it ???
Containers coming from destinations known to custom officials for whatever (be it drugs or human trafficking or whatever) get checked way more. Now I don't know the normal procedure in other countries, but I don't think they check every container. They might x-ray every container coming to Canada but I doubt it.

Anybody with more info?
Containers coming from destinations known to custom officials for whatever (be it drugs or human trafficking or whatever) get checked way more. Now I don't know the normal procedure in other countries, but I don't think they check every container. They might x-ray every container coming to Canada but I doubt it.

Anybody with more info?

It depends. If they want to transit a container, they won't check it in the ports in the middle of the route. After all, current ships carry hundreds or thousand of these containers and it is not feasible to check all of them in the route. but at the destination, they would definitely check it ;)
PS. yek kaari ke ba'zi az in dozd ha, akhound zadeh ha anjaam midaadand, in boud(ya in hast) ke masalan age yek kaalaa dar iran mamnou'e boud(ghaachaagh va geroun gheymat, mesle mashroub), oun ra be esm e transit, az bandar abbad be central asia, montaghel mikardand,(transit esh mamnoun' nist) va container ra tou Iran, dar vasat e raah baaz mikardand, (be nahvi ke mohr va moum e rouye dar e container baaz nashe :lol: ) , chizhayi ke mikhaastan ra barmidaashtan va jaash ra ba yek seri chiz haye k/sher por mikardan. :rofl:
It depends. If they want to transit a container, they won't check it in the ports in the middle of the route. After all, current ships carry hundreds or thousand of these containers and it is not feasible to check all of them in the route. but at the destination, they would definitely check it ;)
PS. yek kaari ke ba'zi az in dozd ha, akhound zadeh ha anjaam midaadand, in boud(ya in hast) ke masalan age yek kaalaa dar iran mamnou'e boud(ghaachaagh va geroun gheymat, mesle mashroub), oun ra be esm e transit, az bandar abbad be central asia, montaghel mikardand,(transit esh mamnoun' nist) va container ra tou Iran, dar vasat e raah baaz mikardand, (be nahvi ke mohr va moum e rouye dar e container baaz nashe :lol: ) , chizhayi ke mikhaastan ra barmidaashtan va jaash ra ba yek seri chiz haye k/sher por mikardan. :rofl:
cool info

Didn't know they check every single one at destination. That's a lot of work.

and lol at your story. Reminds me of the construction workers who stole a bunch of wine bottles from our basement back in Iran. The "ousta" was a super mosalmoon guy but it was all for show. The drank some and took the rest and of course this being in Iran you can't say anything lol
Containers coming from destinations known to custom officials for whatever (be it drugs or human trafficking or whatever) get checked way more. Now I don't know the normal procedure in other countries, but I don't think they check every container. They might x-ray every container coming to Canada but I doubt it.

Anybody with more info?

I believe they concentrate on x-raying "independent" containers vs "corporate" ones.
For instance if Nike has a container that says "shoes from China" it probably goes through without any checking.

But some containers are either rented whole by people or subdivided into smaller areas with multiple owners.
Those ones get high scrutiny. Anything can be in there.
meanwhile in dubai another man wondering how to build a house with A4 papers..
meanwhile in dubai another man wondering how to build a house with A4 papers..

I wonder how containers are tracked other than the actual number on them. A great scam would be to intentionally send a container of bricks somewhere. At the docks, on the boat, or in some warehouse you have a cohort switch the numbers with the assumption that any container would be worth more than a container of bricks.
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