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Drone Attack: Avaliable options



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Apr 28, 2009
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Could anybody help me in understanding how can Pak govt stop drone attacks. Please do not give me the crap like soverignity, stretagic location blah blah blah. Unlike earlier ruler, Pak has a democretic govt now, it has a reasonable military, has diplometic relations in world but all above is rendered useless once uncle Sam shows his fangs. Other day when Pak govt gave a shrugged ****** representative the whole world know what was US response the very next day.
I would appreciate if somebody gives me more of diplometic options that Pakistan can/could opt for in this regard.
Right Now Pakistan just cannot stop drone attacks well because it's operated by USA..the sole superpower where as Pakistan is a third world country..
Does it mean common pakistani has been left for target practice and govt has no diplometic option in their kittey.
Well, the governmet will only take serious action if America start hitting civillians only.According to articles and US Senators info..the drones take off from Pakistan and Video Stream is also provided to ISI...I believe Drone attacks will stop once Pakistan Army crushes Talibans.
And I thought it was poor pakistani that was being killed and displaced due to drone attacks. If you still believe they are not then I take your word and rubbish all the statements as propoganda. Thanks for enlightment..........
pakistan at the moment is pushin britain, france and some other countries to extert pressure on US for stoppin drone attacks. France and Britain have recently said that they are against drone attacks and will try to convince US as well. how serious are they in convincing US that remains to be seen. gov is also comin up with her own national security policy. comittee which was being set up to come up with recomendations has also asked the gov to immediately stop the drone attacks. once this policy is approved by the parliment, gov will be in much better position to exert even more pressure on US.
i dont know about military options. someone close to army or airforce will be in a better position to enlighten us
Has anyone given thought to the idea that they are done with the blessing of the Pak govt? with al the bluster as merely a front to pacify domestic opinion who would turn on the govt?
Has anyone given thought to the idea that they are done with the blessing of the Pak govt? with al the bluster as merely a front to pacify domestic opinion who would turn on the govt?

Nail on the head! I thought everyone was aware of that. It is pretty much an open secret.
Old topic and, yeah, Keysersoze and Texas John are correct. It has been suggested here by a number of folks (including your's truly) that there is behind-the-scenes concurrence and even targeting assistance.

America will not likely ever announce that we've ceased drone attacks.

They'll just quietly...cease and one day you'll be wondering whatever happened to those attacks that happened with such frequency.

I think we've had tactical success. I think, however, that the discrete nature of the attacks-one here, one there, now and again, has allowed A.Q. and others to adjust to the tempo and overcome many command impediments brought on by these killings.

They've time after each to work a new guy into his leadership position and get him grounded to the job. To DECAPITATE a leadership would likely require a Time-On-Target assault of five or six leaders at once.

Damned near impossible.

Meanwhile there may some truth that this has pushed militant leaders inland. They'd have to leave the Islamic Emirate of Waziristan, though, and while that may allow them to avoid PREDATOR, it should push their profile up and increase the liklihood of the security forces identifying these guys and arresting/killing them.

That hasn't happened so I don't know just how much PREDATOR has driven their leaders east.

As to their soldiers, going east seems in their plans in any case so I don't necessarily agree that there's a direct correlation between PREDATOR and increased attacks outside the tribal areas. Instead I suspect it's a function of your revealed weakness and their abilities to exploit gaps in your security apparatus.
don't the US claim that their drones are launching their missiles from the afghan side of the border?
don't the US claim that their drones are launching their missiles from the afghan side of the border?

They claim a lot of things, but the reality is there are based and fly from Pakistan. Politics :-)devil:)
Has anyone given thought to the idea that they are done with the blessing of the Pak govt? with al the bluster as merely a front to pacify domestic opinion who would turn on the govt?

then wat about all those resolutions passed against drone attacks. are they basically to tell US that we cant allow then anymore?? coz obviously US must be pressurisin pakistan to not stop them from doin so. otherwise its still hard to believe this whole thing is just a drama. when it comes to passing resolutions and forming committee to come up with recommendations etc etc, i dont think i will agree that all this is only for public consumption. yes wat they were doin earlier on, only condemnin the attacks, that might have been for public consumption.
Has anyone given thought to the idea that they are done with the blessing of the Pak govt? with al the bluster as merely a front to pacify domestic opinion who would turn on the govt?
Not a feasible long-term strategy for Pakistan and the region as a whole. Pakistan and the region simply cannot afford these drone attacks. They're the single biggest contributor to increase in terrorism. In fact it is a multiplier effect.

So long as terrorism and extremism is inflicted on civilians, reactionary groups are bound to be created naturally. This is simple cause 'n effect theory at work.

If Pakistan wants to sincerely stop the menace of terrorism unleashed by small groups, they first need to stop the drone attacks that kill civilians mercilessly and undermine our sovereignty.

No justice, No Peace!!
Could anybody help me in understanding how can Pak govt stop drone attacks. Please do not give me the crap like soverignity, stretagic location blah blah blah. Unlike earlier ruler, Pak has a democretic govt now, it has a reasonable military, has diplometic relations in world but all above is rendered useless once uncle Sam shows his fangs. Other day when Pak govt gave a shrugged ****** representative the whole world know what was US response the very next day.
I would appreciate if somebody gives me more of diplometic options that Pakistan can/could opt for in this regard.

Drone attacks are probably the biggest cause of instability in the tribals regions. Whether they're hitting bad guys or not is pretty much irrelevant, because they hit more innocent people. That in itself leads to instability.

I guess what's needed are some Iraqi farmers with 100 year old rifles that are capable of shooting down stealth bombers to stop the strikes.
But if you keep cutting off the heads then it easy to calm people down.
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