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DRDO TECHNOLOGY FOCUS: advanced nickel based superalloy successful

People don't even know what a superalloy is, and they pass comments on Kaveri program. :disagree:

Cheers to all those who stayed back, to work in DRDO. Great job, chak de phatte! :tup:
The article also tells that DRDO has also developed 130mm steel Armour as a substitute for Russian steel Armour for T-90.
This means that T-90 which will be produced in India will have indigenous Armour



Interesting pics in there. We rarely see things like this..
anothe artical how this helped in making SCB for engines.
New Page 4
Directionally Solidified &
Single Crystal Turbine Blades
& Vanes

state-of-the-art gas turbine
aerofoil component sometimes
works in an environment of
temperature beyond even the
melting point of the alloy used
for manufacturing it. These
superalloy components possess a
complex aerofoil geometry and
are investment cast to equiaxed
component or columnar grained
or single crystal components by
directional solidification to
increase the performance. The
technologies for both equiaxed
and columnar grains or single
crystal have been indigenously
developed and demonstrated by
DRDO for a variety of
components. In the directional
solidification, a bottom open
ceramic shell mould is placed on
a water cooled copper plate
mounted on a ram shaft and is
heated by an in situ mould
heater in a vacuum casting
furnace to a temperature
beyond the melting point of the
alloy to be cast. When the
melted alloy is poured into the
mould the alloy at the copper
plate gets chilled and a
columnar grained structure
develops in the direction of heat
extraction. The solidification
proceeds into the mould cavity
when the mould is lowered out
of the mould heater. To produce
a single crystal structure, some
constriction ahead of initial
columnar grain structure that
allows growth of only one of the
grains of the columnar structure,
usually a helix with about one
turn, is used.
Leachable fused silica cores are
used for casting aerofoils to very
tight tolerances with complex
internal cooling passages
characterised by thin walls of the
order of 0.5 mm. The shell and
core system is designed so that
no distortion occurs at the
temperature of directional
solidification of about 1500 oC.
People don't even know what a superalloy is, and they pass comments on Kaveri program. :disagree:

Cheers to all those who stayed back, to work in DRDO. Great job, chak de phatte! :tup:

Come on genius, Every one is a Everything in cyber world, Dont try to Act Smart... Superalloys are Main Components in Jet Engines... Say No and I will Tell you how and Why....
Come on genius, Every one is a Everything in cyber world, Dont try to Act Smart... Superalloys are Main Components in Jet Engines... Say No and I will Tell you how and Why....

That's what I said. Those in DRDO are far more experienced and smarter than all of us netizens. Period. :tup:
Well done DRDO. I am impressed by advancement in material sciences. They have worked well in nanomaterials also.
Have anyone noticed this that DRDO working on Graphene! :cheesy:

This is an outstanding futuristic material that has some cool features and application in defence as well as electronics.


Its called 'wonder material'!!

Also note the magnetic nano-materials, nano-fluids!
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@ kinetic please provide the link for pages
and if you dont mind please write the applications of graphene as my high speed data pack is expired and i cant download video
@ kinetic please provide the link for pages
Dude this from the first post of the thread started by you, its on page 9.


and if you dont mind please write the applications of graphene as my high speed data pack is expired and i cant download video

Graphene is not only strongest material on earth but it has certain properties and behaviors that can be used for stealth as well as developing flexible, light weight, transparent electronics, sensors, bio-medical equipments. Better if you watch the videos.
wasn't graphese used in world's smallest transistor invented by indian scientist working on america ??
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