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Dragon closing in on India?

The paronia indians have towards Chinese and Pakistans speaks aloud about the world most insecure nation..Indian soldiers have a tradition of retreating and running away and only fighting through proxies..well keep it up!

The Paranoa Of Indians Towards Chinese Is Much Acceptable even though un true, but why Staple Pakistan With China Everywhere??? This Proves You are Much Insecure than India and Understand the Fact that You are nothing without them.... And Why not Be insecure especially when One nation threatens to Suicide If We React to any Cheapness Done by them, on the Other had a Country waiting for its chance Like 1961 to back stab.... Naturally any Country would Be Insecure Untill we have a Seat in UNSC
The construction of highway and railways will promote economic exchange and greatly benefit the economy and people.

Infrastructure is not just for military. Maybe India should think of building some of its own roads and railroads.
guys wat those Watered-down Su-30in PlaaF and indoairforce can do..
do u think Russia had sold them high quality Su-30...it's the degraded one have been sold to them...:rofl::rofl:
Russia knows who is real friend
The paronia indians have towards Chinese and Pakistans speaks aloud about the world most insecure nation..Indian soldiers have a tradition of retreating and running away and only fighting through proxies..well keep it up!

Really? Who retreated in Kargil?

You are a real stupid person.
The paronia indians have towards Chinese and Pakistans speaks aloud about the world most insecure nation..Indian soldiers have a tradition of retreating and running away and only fighting through proxies..well keep it up!

my friend there is no need to vent your venom this way. Yes! india maybe paranoid about China & has valid reasons to do so. about Pakistan as a country.. no!! we are, for that matter entire civilised world is worried about the terrorisom eminating from pakistan. About running away & fighting thru proxies, c'mon let's not get into this. roll back to the history. you will find answers as who ran away from whom?? just to refresh your memory.. Gen Niazi officially surrendering in 1971, remember Siachin?? kargil??
The paronia indians have towards Chinese and Pakistans speaks aloud about the world most insecure nation..Indian soldiers have a tradition of retreating and running away and only fighting through proxies..well keep it up!

Yea? Out of the 3 countries you mentioned, which is the only one to sign a Treaty of Surrender?
The construction of highway and railways will promote economic exchange and greatly benefit the economy and people.

Infrastructure is not just for military. Maybe India should think of building some of its own roads and railroads.

India is planning already.
May be because Dragon is imaginary and Elephant is real.

Perhaps you have not read and researched dragons had been around for centuries and were real just tune-in Nat Geo/Discovery their fossiles have been found as well not only in China but England/Germany.
Indian bureaucrats still get stuck on formalities and unnecessary analysis.....however when china is concerned ....the Indian Ministry of foreign affairs views any military or economic development with suspicion .....the Indian media has over the past few years developed a regrettable habit of speculating and seeing red .....over all Chinese moves ....this sort of gradual prodding and pre emtive actions are quite customary on the part of all government ....India should give much greater attention to its look east policy ......starting with greater economic and gradually military exchanges .....maintaining the Balance of power by increased cooperation with countries in close proximity to China and I wish our media act to reassure the public in general of our offensive capabilities by highlighting our mil to mil exchanges rather than sounding a red alert on China.....

In all the mayhem .....people tend to turn common sense on their head.....Indonesia is a soveriegn country with strong ties ( military ties ) to India....which even this article acknowladges ....our Navy 's offensive capabilities extend considerably till the coasts of Indonesia....we have air force bases in The Andamans .....any launch of Chinese military against India from Indonesia would lead to massive retaliation.....retaliation of sorts which will make the Indonesian Govt think a million times before any such step....after all Indonesia is no Burma.......dependant on China for its survival....
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