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Dr.Chisti's arrival and PTI's selfishness and PPP and MQM's dedication

I will respond to everything I haven't so far.
Firstly, the honourable, respectable and the greatly beloved Zardari has improved the economy by leaps and bounds.

Secondly, he has also reduced violence as there have been no 12 May's or Lal Masjid's in his reign

Thirdly, he has shown sympathy for the people and reduced prices.

That is all!
Dr Chishti lands in hometown Karachi | The News Tribe

PTI, however did not even come to welcome him back to the country. The work done here by PPP and MQM is commendable but the supposed party of the people did not even care for the scientist's return. Another example of how horrible Imran's party is. I doubt they'll win one seat, it's not like they care for the people.
If IK tries to hold another rally in Karachi, not one person will attend it except to vandalise it and destroy it.

Why wouldn't anyone go to his rally?
i thought he's saviour of politics. :S
Imran Khan and other party members Didn't went because Looter And terrorists Already went to get the useless old man

I will respond to everything I haven't so far.
Firstly, the honourable, respectable and the greatly beloved Zardari has improved the economy by leaps and bounds.

Secondly, he has also reduced violence as there have been no 12 May's or Lal Masjid's in his reign

Thirdly, he has shown sympathy for the people and reduced prices.

That is all!
Aren't you one of the Zardaris cyber force hired to spread the propaganda of "jamhori hukoomat ke karnamey" and funded by poor peoples tax money.
Imran Khan and other party members Didn't went because Looter And terrorists Already went to get the useless old man

Aren't you one of the Zardaris cyber force hired to spread the propaganda of "jamhori hukoomat ke karnamey" and funded by poor peoples tax money.
Our beloved Zardari doesn't abuse tax payer's money like NS!
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