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Dr.Allah Nazar, the Chief of BLF has been killed.

when are we getting fazalullah?? im saving my big celebrations for his death:devil:...meanwhile good job Pakistan Security Forces:pakistan:
""Blamed for most of the troubles in the Awaran and Panjgur areas, Allah Nazar communicated with his associates on 18th July (Eid day) at 8:14am. At the same time, his location was attacked. Within 10 to 12 minutes of the attack, security forces reached the area and searched the vicinity in a radius of 10 kilometres but couldn’t trace Allah Nazar injured or dead."

sic Signint + Burraq drone Combo took him out while SOG of FC on the ground to finish the rest of the Job.
F.C was on the outter cordon, op was led by SSG- without going in details further, we had very strong intel on his whereabouts
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Good job PA. Keep it up.
P.s : Idk y but despite being under the such political turmoil situation(mqm,pti,pmln shit), it seems we are moving in the right direction. May Allah bless our nation, our armed forces and us. Ameen
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A great victory... Good riddance as this will be a major blow to BLA. The faction is dying now and with their last commander on ground dead they will only become weaker, demoralized and lose hope. The cause was a dead one and the turn of events have proven it.
How the hell this guy has a Dr. attached with his name??

Dr. of what?? Militancy ?

Rest in Hell anyway.
Coz he is/was a qualified doctor...

@Horus. This cock suckers entire terrorist family is being hunted down it seems... His terrorist nephew was also killed... Than his brothers ... And now him? ... If he's dead that would be a massive blow to BLF insects....

On the other hand Balochistan govt has announced success in negotiations with exile BALOCH leaders like Khan of Lakat etc... I believe peace is not far.... If everything go according to plan... Security (also financial & ecobomic opportunities) are given to the deprived people of Balochistan... Peace will prevail and many will surrender their arms... In the past months ... 600 militants & commanders have paid down arms .. This itself is a testimony that Balochistan the deglected province wants peace and prosperity..

INNA LILLAHI WAINNA ILAIHI RAJION ALLAH unhe jannat al firdos may jaga ata farmayain. May Baloch Mujahid Rest in Peace.

My condolences to your widowed sister.

@Irfan Baloch. @waz @Oscar. @Horus. @Areesh. Please pay your respect to his family...
F.C was on the outter cordon, op was led by SSG- without going in details further, we had very strong intel on his whereabouts

But still his body disappeared into thin air. I sense tunnel systems underneath safehouse
Coz he is/was a qualified doctor...

@Horus. This cock suckers entire terrorist family is being hunted down it seems... His terrorist nephew was also killed... Than his brothers ... And now him? ... If he's dead that would be a massive blow to BLF insects....

On the other hand Balochistan govt has announced success in negotiations with exile BALOCH leaders like Khan of Lakat etc... I believe peace is not far.... If everything go according to plan... Security (also financial & ecobomic opportunities) are given to the deprived people of Balochistan... Peace will prevail and many will surrender their arms... In the past months ... 600 militants & commanders have paid down arms .. This itself is a testimony that Balochistan the deglected province wants peace and prosperity..

My condolences to your widowed sister.

@Irfan Baloch. @waz @Oscar. @Horus. Please pay your respect to his family...

Just yesterday Ch Nisar was saying that you are going to see breakthrough in Baluchistan very soon.

He announced that there would be a breakthrough on the issue of Balochistan soon. He, however, refused to divulge details.

Terror networks dismantled under NAP: Nisar | SAMAA TV
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F.C was on the outter cordon, op was led by SSG- without going in details further, we had very strong intel on his whereabouts
FC Balochistan has its own SOW (Special Operations Wing) set up with help frm SSG & US... Mostly FC operates in collaboration with FIU (FC's Intel wing)... And in other cases with army... Since this operation was conducted in awaran region? It was most probably conducted by FC & it's SOW... Army has a very small almost insignificant presence in that region...

Just yesterday Ch Nisar was saying that you are going to see breakthrough in Baluchistan very soon.

Terror networks dismantled under NAP: Nisar | SAMAA TV

Indeed... It's carrot & stick approach being taken here...

Operations are being conducted in the entire country... Not just karachi,FATA or Balochistan.:. But also punjab.... Trust me ... You will see PMLN & PPP in crying mood soon.... The decision has been taken...
Indeed... It's carrot & stick approach being taken here...

Operations are being conducted in the entire country... Not just karachi,FATA or Balochistan.:. But also punjab.... Trust me ... You will see PMLN & PPP in crying mood soon.... The decision has been taken...

True. We might won't hear much about it but just in past 2 hours.

4 terrorists killed in Panjgur
2 missiles recovered from Naseerabad, security forces searching for the terrorists.

Some massive cleaning operations are being conducted.
To be honest the writing is on the wall for the so called "Baluch" insgruency. They have lost their leaders in battle, the rest have given up, including influential support from outside Pakistan and the numbers of men they can now field are literally in the single digits.
This has been a long time coming. Allah bless the region with prosperity.

As for this murdah, lak lanat on this habees inshan.
True. We might won't hear much about it but just in past 2 hours.

4 terrorists killed in Panjgur
2 missiles recovered from Naseerabad, security forces searching for the terrorists.

Some massive cleaning operations are being conducted.

FC is the monster in Balochistan.... Tribal youth turned into soldiers... I've lived along em.. So I know it all first hand... Just a decade back these guys looked like Troops from WWI.. Today these guys are proffessional soldiers equipped and geared in the same level as army... Before superseded officers were sent to command FC ... After 08 (specifically competent career officers were in command)... Kayanis only good step was that he improved the quality ... not just of FC but the entire military... Aswell as improved the quality of troops Aswell as their welfare... "The year of the soldier" was also a good step for the soldiers...

To be honest the writing is on the wall for the so called "Baluch" insgruency. They have lost their leaders in battle, the rest have given up, including influential support from outside Pakistan and the numbers of men they can now field are literally in the single digits.
This has been a long time coming. Allah bless the region with prosperity.

As for this murdah, lak lanat on this habees inshan.

Bhai Balochistan needs development .. It's people are deprived and neglected... Give us development (CPEC is an excellent step it will adress that - but alot more is needed in the poorest province)... Give the people stakes ...

And this insurgency will have no takers just like Sindhudesh or Pashtunistan... Today most of the people don't even know these names... The Sindhis & Pashtuns are patriots who don't need nobody's certificate of approval .. The same will apply for the people of Baluchistan... In the not so distant future .
On the other hand Balochistan govt has announced success in negotiations with exile BALOCH leaders like Khan of Lakat etc... I believe peace is not far.... If everything go according to plan... Security (also financial & ecobomic opportunities) are given to the deprived people of Balochistan... Peace will prevail and many will surrender their arms... In the past months ... 600 militants & commanders have paid down arms .. This itself is a testimony that Balochistan the deglected province wants peace and prosperity..

seeking Khan of Kalat in UK is good initiative. that guy doesnt advocate terrorism and commands respect and following. earning his support and specially selling him the benefits for Baluchistan re Gawadar and PCEC will go a long way. if we can convince them that development and economic prosperity doesnt mean they should loose their influence on their people then they can seize their hostilities.

as for the rest who want to prefer to stay in the mountains and enjoy the hospitality and support of Indian run farari camps in Afghanistan then all I can say is Mi-35s are coming their way

This is a solid victory. He was the only insurgent commander who remained in battle. Rest are found intoxicated in European brothels spending RAW's money.
he was one vicious scumbag who enjoyed killing Pakistanis and foreigners alike.
the support from the friendly Balochis has gone a long way in pacifying some hardcore arseholes and convincing many to surrender and give up militancy.
I can say that this guy didnt die alone, he went to the afterlife with his close lieutenants to the afterlife . the cultural centres in Afghanistan will have to work overtime to find his replacement.

by the way, I like this quite and discrete style of our forces, unlike a certain country that made a movie out of a raid and told us to learn a lesson

""Blamed for most of the troubles in the Awaran and Panjgur areas, Allah Nazar communicated with his associates on 18th July (Eid day) at 8:14am. At the same time, his location was attacked. Within 10 to 12 minutes of the attack, security forces reached the area and searched the vicinity in a radius of 10 kilometres but couldn’t trace Allah Nazar injured or dead."

sic Signint + Burraq drone Combo took him out while SOG of FC on the ground to finish the rest of the Job.
I wont say more.. we are not on a world conquest and not raiding Myanmar unlike a certain country that made a show out of its raid

bastards are those who are posting respects to this dead terrorist. there is a time and place to troll Indians.
if you guys look up what BLF has done to the innocent people of different ethnicities then you wont troll if you have any shame.
his organisation kills poor labourers and workers of all ethnicities including Baloch.
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