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Dozens of FBI, CIA agents in Kiev 'assisting Ukraine security'


Dec 3, 2013
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New Zealand
Numerous US agents are helping the coup-appointed government in Ukraine to “fight organized crime” in the south east of the country, the German newspaper Bild revealed.

According to the daily, the CIA and FBI are advising the government in Kiev on how to deal with the ‘fight against organized crime’ and stop the violence in the country’s restive eastern regions.

The group also helps to investigate alleged financial crimes and is trying to trace the money, which was reportedly taken abroad during Viktor Yanokovich’s presidency, the newspaper said.

The head of the CIA, John Brennan, visited Kiev in mid-April and met with the acting Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk and first Vice-President Vitaly Yarema to discuss a safer way to transfer US information to Ukraine.

Jen Psaki, spokeswomen for the United States Department of State, said that there was nothing to read into Brennan’s visit to Kiev, and that the head of the CIA did not offer support to the coup-appointed government in the country to help them conduct tactical operations within Ukraine.

However, following the visit the toppled President Viktor Yanukovich linked the CIA chief’s appearance in Kiev to the first stage of the new government’s crackdown in Slavyansk.

Brennan “sanctioned the use of weapons and provoked bloodshed,” Yanukovich said.

Bild’s reports comes as US President Barack Obama rules out that Washington will interfere in the situation in Ukraine.

“You’ve also seen suggestions or implications that somehow Americans are responsible for meddling inside Ukraine. I have to say that our only interest is for Ukraine to be able to make its own decisions. And the last thing we want is disorder and chaos in the center of Europe,” he said speaking in the White House after meeting the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, just two days ago.
US is worried about the security of ukrainan people.

US is in the axis of heaven after all ......

US is good , Russia is bad ! and my sarcasm sucks ....
I hate that despotic genocidal Yankee empire. Wherever these scumbags go they cause trouble to the civilized human race.
They do not "assisting", they lead directly and give orders. Exactly for this they made the coup.
Dozens? At least thousands ! In fact millions as the CIA secretly replaced millions of Ukrainians with their agents-invasion of the body snatchers.
When will our govt stop stirring the pot? The constant warmongering is getting fcking old and is making the majority of us look bad to other countries. Maybe when a third party comes into office bullshit like this wont happen.
The non-transparent effort of US goverment's support to the junta kiev goverment is so glaring that it is embarassing to see the media never report US direct involvement in destabilizing ukraine. The primary role of media now is demonizing russia and putin. If you saw a post on the internet saying 'Russia = Bad , Putin = Hitler' , you can be sure it is a post from a US Goverment Shill..

Any student of geopolitics will saw this as it is, a containment strategy that was designed since the fall of Soviet and the slow NATO expansion to the east. The current US Strategy is to divide the relation between EU and Russia , because if EU get closer to Russia/China Axis, the US will lost its global hegemony (which its already lost, just like the British empire in the 19th century).

You can see from the lack of EU interest in punishing russia, because they see this as another US led provocation that benefits only US hegemony but do not benefit the EU. Russia also prefer not to disturb its relationship with EU. You can see how careful russia treat this crisis (unlike in georgia).

You wont find russian troops overtly enter ukraine, they will do their job covertly and since East Ukraine is mostly russian natives, they will blend easy with population that support them.
The massive amount of US provocation to russia keep coming.. US/NATO planining to recruit more eastern european into NATO and planning to put troops all around countries bordering russia.. everything they did is aimed to provoke russia. once russia took the bait, then US will point the finger at russia and start World War III..
When will our govt stop stirring the pot? The constant warmongering is getting fcking old and is making the majority of us look bad to other countries. Maybe when a third party comes into office bullshit like this wont happen.

Russia will need to invade Poland, Estonia, Finland and other countries to stop NATO. Its the only way to go.
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