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Donald Trump Speaks To Taiwan’s President, Reversing Decades Of U.S. Policy

funny though``China was much much weaker 20 years ago, when Taiwan started this nonsense````and why it is not independent yet?

wasnt it true that under your moronic assumption, they got the big daddy's 'full support'?```or was it your master was too chicken to face the 'fragile' and 'evil' China or was it just you that are a complete tool, that cant use a brain to think? :lol:

This is the same guy who believed that China has no nuke and ICBM.

Obama is already doing everything to undermine China, first from that notorious TPP to the South China Sea encirclement. But no matter what he did, he is still viewed as a weakling kowtowing China because he is a black man.

Not Obama was weak or kowtowing China, but simply China is way too strong. And in 2017, China will make sure to send that Hitler wannabe to his rightful place.

I support Trump during election campaign, because I think he is lesser evil of the two, especially he is aimed to make America great again which is a simply slogan and hard to achieve without the cooperation with China. Moreover, for me he is more like a businessman and reality show star, where he will say something big for stunt effect, while knowing against each other or war is bad for business. Not to mention, as all of his past adjusted policies have shown he will change his policy if that doesn't work in reality. The recent extreme anti-China stand and that phone call for me is more like he wants to maximize his bargain chip on China for economic issues, and it also serve as a illusion to switch the public attention from not fulfilling some of his promises. Since any sane person know that USA will never help Taiwan in war, and any top secret of military gears that sell to Taiwan will eventually end up in China, which US know it and never sell it except the second hand junks. Not to mentions, he already made compromise with the establishment to let's the Clinton to walk free, so now he needs another enemy for his supporters to focus. I believe his term is more like the Great deal in 30s that focus on renewing their infrastructure and create more jobs for military industrial complex.I don't believe Trump is reckless as the media is portrayed but a very calculated businessman. However, I too agree this is very early to make a guess. I will wait and see until he is in office.

He is a rookie politician, and playing this kind of brinkmanship game will inadvertently drag the US into a full scale conflict with China.
He is a rookie politician, and playing this kind of brinkmanship game will inadvertently drag the US into a full scale conflict with China.
This is possible, but I don't worry too much because both the Republican party and establishment won't let him. At this moment, the US government and his VP-elected are very busy cleaning up this mess. Still you got your point, hopefully he will learn fast before the CPC run out of patient.
Get the budget under control first, QE is not going to last forever. LKY said the exploding debt is the greatest threat to US primacy.

Some people do think so, as if they live in a fairy tale where such word like "payment" doesn't exist, as if fiat currency holds real wealth in it. Budget under control (fiscal discipline)? Remember Geitner went to Beijing and lied about discipline in exchange for China's material support for post-financial-crisis mess? US fiscal discipline is the last thing on earth that can happen, even DoD accounting discipline has a slightly better chance.

It doesn't matter Trump or Hillary or whoever, neither does it matter who are the Congressmen, it's the established interests that dictate where the nation is heading. No single person has the will nor the power to change the slightest of it. People like "growth"? Good. In the coming 4-8 years or maybe even perpeptual, the only things bound to "grow" are (1) Defence-related public expenditure payable by American taxpayers as well other "allies/friends" in so-called "hot" zones from Asia, ME to Nato (2) Fiscal deficits, trade deficits and perhaps even accounting frauds if "lucky" (3) Public debts and net international liabilities, so deep we need Aliens to come and help feed.


The momentum is already on since Reagan times, there is only one way to go.

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Trump has surrounded himself with the most vicious and mindless China hating nuts. Peter Navarro, and others that he's surrounded with despise China, for reasons real and imagined.

Peter Navarro, essentially blames China for almost all of the US's problems.

With such advisors, it seems that the stage is set for a tumultuous US-China relationship.
What all this fuss about?
She called him to congratulate him and he said Thank you..
Now it became in the thread like if he has called her!?
That's what happens when people allow a woman to sit at the wheel.
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Sure, he hasn't taken the seat officially yet. So whatever he says or type on his twitter account China will let it sink. But that's about to change very fast as the next month is approaching. Not only the citizens who sided with Hillary got a rude wakening, Trump too will get some reality checks as well if he isn't careful. He can act and talk like a complete bombastic idiot addressing American citizens but dealing with world leaders he will have to behave properly. Sino-US relation is one of the most important in the world, he will understand the importance of China for US economic well being. Lets see how this unorthodox politically inexperienced POTUS handle very delicate issues with China.

Actually i am in agreement with the first bold part however with an additional work...IN PUBLIC...When Obama sworn in for the first time right during the transition period he made some remarks about Kashmir which made New Delhi very uncomfortable...there was hardly any public spat over that however New Delhi had to work extra hours to pass on the message to Obama side under the hood...I am sure China will also do something similar...

The second bold part is where i have my serious doubts...is he actually a complete bombastic idiot?? Do you think he won by fluke?? Are all the Americans who voted for him are so called bombastic idiot?? The answer to all of them is a big NO...Anyways he will sworn in on 20 Jan and his actions post that would simply start coming out for all of us to see...He has surprised many right from the primaries and he may continue to do so...as one thing which is working in his favor(and against as well) is that he has no political baggage!!
What all this fuss about?
She called him to congratulate him and he said Thank you..
Now it became in the thread like if he has called her!?

Did you see the latest news? she paid lobbyist in DC 140k to setup that call. foreign policy are for sale nowadays.
U.S. officials have rejected China’s request that Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen be prevented from making a stopover in New York City next month, as the fallout continues from President-elect Donald Trump’s protocol-busting phone call last week.

Trump spoke with Tsai by telephone for 10 minutes on Friday, in the first direct contact between the leaders of the U.S. and Taiwan since diplomatic relations were severed in 1979.

Officials in Beijing, which claims sovereignty over self-governing Taiwan, were furious. They have now asked the U.S. to prevent Tsai from using New York City as a stopover en route to scheduled meetings in Guatemala and El Salvador early next month, according to a Foreign Ministry statement sent to Reuters.
China hopes the U.S. “does not allow her transit, and does not send any wrong signals to ‘Taiwan independence’ forces,” read the statement.

Tsai belongs to the Democratic Progressive Party, which officially backs independence for Taiwan. She has discreetly shied away from discussing the topic since her presidential campaign, but she and the DPP remain deeply distrusted in Beijing.

A State Department spokeswoman told Reuters that stopovers would continue “based on long-standing U.S. practice, consistent with the unofficial nature of our relations with Taiwan.”

Relations between Taiwan and China, which effectively split in 1949 following China’s civil war, have warmed in recent years owning to the 1992 Consensus, drawn up between Beijing and the Kuomintang (KMT) administration in Taipei at the time. The consensus states that both sides belong to “one China” even if they disagree on which is the legitimate government. Tsai, however, has refused to acknowledge the consensus, describing it as “an option, but not the only one.”

At the same time, she has been careful to be seen to be supporting the status quo. During a meeting with American reporters on Tuesday, Tsai said, “I do not foresee major policy shifts in the near future because we all see the value of stability in the region.”

Trump has meanwhile been unapologetic about his phone call with Tsai. The fear now is that the President-elect will meet Tsai personally when she passes through New York City.

The consequences of a face-to-face encounter would be “extremely serious,” says Professor Chu Shulong, an international relations expert at Beijing’s Tsinghua University. “The relationship between China and the U.S. would hit rock bottom.”

“America is a strong country but can’t do whatever it wants,” he adds. “China has a say in the U.N., and regarding many international issues, such as North Korea, Iran, climate change, etc., which could also constrain the U.S.”

Old trick. It happened before. Check the history.
Trump has surrounded himself with the most vicious and mindless China hating nuts. Peter Navarro, and others that he's surrounded with despise China, for reasons real and imagined.

Peter Navarro, essentially blames China for almost all of the US's problems.

With such advisors, it seems that the stage is set for a tumultuous US-China relationship.

Because according to the right-wing crazies, Clinton/Bush/Obama didn't declare war on China, so they were kowtowing to China.
Actually i am in agreement with the first bold part however with an additional work...IN PUBLIC...When Obama sworn in for the first time right during the transition period he made some remarks about Kashmir which made New Delhi very uncomfortable...there was hardly any public spat over that however New Delhi had to work extra hours to pass on the message to Obama side under the hood...I am sure China will also do something similar...

The second bold part is where i have my serious doubts...is he actually a complete bombastic idiot?? Do you think he won by fluke?? Are all the Americans who voted for him are so called bombastic idiot?? The answer to all of them is a big NO...Anyways he will sworn in on 20 Jan and his actions post that would simply start coming out for all of us to see...He has surprised many right from the primaries and he may continue to do so...as one thing which is working in his favor(and against as well) is that he has no political baggage!!

I said he talks like a bombastic idiot to the American crowd not that he is one otherwise he wouldn't be a billionaire :lol:
I said he talks like a bombastic idiot to the American crowd not that he is one otherwise he wouldn't be a billionaire :lol:
:) My bad then....however gist of the message wont change... and of-course you can't talk to anyone by disrespecting them....so that applies on trump very much
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