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Does Pakistan need Iranian type revolution

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In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

O Allah, Most Merciful, please spare us from the catastrophe of a second "Iran". The world can only take so much terrorism.

Sallam. Aameen.
My opinion we need iranian type revolution because firstly it will get rid of these corrupt politicians and second this may be the only way to kick out black water and other amirican contractors and also take over the US embassy in Islamabad
My opinion we need iranian type revolution because firstly it will get rid of these corrupt politicians and second this may be the only way to kick out black water and other amirican contractors and also take over the US embassy in Islamabad

Revolution is not romantic, it is not students on roof tops waving flags and shouting Allah Akbar in the night. It is street brawls and a people turning against them selves. It is an army turning its guns on each other and the sons and daughters of their own country.

estimates compiled by a researcher (Emad al-Din Baghi) at the Martyrs Foundation (Bonyad Shahid)[196] — which was tasked with compensating the survivors of fallen revolutionaries — come to only 2,781 killed in the 1978 and 1979 clashes between demonstrators and the Shah's army and security forces.[194][197][198]

These numbers are not accepted in the Islamic Republic but used by historians in the west and mean that Iran suffered remarkably few casualties compared to contemporary events such as the South African anti-apartheid movement[199].

After the revolution the casualties suffered by protesters and prisoners of the new Islamic regime were estimated by human rights groups. The first to be executed by revolutionary leadership were members of the old regime: first senior generals, and over the next couple of months over 200 of the Shah's senior civilian officials[200] as punishment and to eliminate the danger of coup d’État. Brief trials lacking defense attorneys, juries, transparency or opportunity for the accused to defend themselves[201] were held by revolutionary judges such as Sadegh Khalkhali, the Sharia judge. By January 1980 "at least 582 persons had been executed."[202] Among those executed was Amir Abbas Hoveida, former Prime Minister of Iran. Between January 1980 and June 1981, when Bani-Sadr was impeached, at least 900 executions took place,[203] for everything from drug and sexual offenses to `corruption on earth,` from plotting counter-revolution and spying for Israel to membership in opposition groups.[204] In the 12 months following that Amnesty International documented 2,946 executions, with several thousand more dead from executions, in street battles, or under torture in the next two years according to the anti-regime guerillas People's Mujahedin of Iran.

No Pakistan does not need a revolution, you may want honest politicians and less foreign involvment, then work towards that or run for office your self. no country deserves the pain and suffering of a revolution.
I think we all agree that we don't need a theocracy. What we do need is a strong, no-nonsense government that will make essential reforms, some of which would be strongly opposed by very powerful interests.

As stated elsewhere, only 1% of the population pays taxes. Somebody needs to reform the tax system and root out corruption.

We need land reforms to free 30 million people from indentured servitude, but almost every single civilian politician, and 75% of the parliament, have strong feudal links.

Most ordinary Pakistanis agree on the need for these reforms so, if we get a charismatic leader who will champion these causes, we can get there democratically. No need for a revolution.
Revolutions by their very nature are extremely disruptive and often violent and bloody. Along with the destruction of existing structures, they also destroy lives, livelihoods and dreams. Its almost like chemotherapy for a cancer patient. It is meant to kill the cancerous cells but also kills the good cells. And as many cancer patients will tell you, oftentimes the chemo is more painful than the disease itself.

Personally, I believe that, like war, one should never wish for a revolution. I think people begin to look at a revolution as an option when they become desperate and pessimistic. But a revolution is really a short cut. Its like you want to just cut off a painful infected finger because you don't have the patience or perseverance to treat it.

The only effective and lasting way to bring about change in a society and all its systems, including the political, economic and legal systems is by bringing change at the individual level. This is something we tend to neglect in our enthusiasm to reform larger, more visible systems. Change will have to come from the individual and spread one person at a time until there are enough people to construct and implement a system alternative to the one in existence. Although this route is more time consuming than a revolution, it will not take as long as one would imagine. That's because social change does not occur in a linear fashion. It is exponential. It will be slow at first, but will spread very quickly after the initial stages.

So don't lose heart my friend. Change is a comin' and its neither Obama's illusion, nor is it Iran's revolution. It will be real and it will be lasting.
Our goal should be to make Pakistan the Pakistan Quaid-e-Azam visioned, and he definately didn't vision an Iranian type revolution for Pakistan and he didn't vision the Pakistan we have today either.
i think if we say about revolution than i think iranian type of revolution because situation of iran n pakistan is similar on the point of american agenda so if we not want america in pakistan than we should go for it n america is not a friend of pakistan thay leave us after russian-afghan war n also QURAN say that non-muslim is not your friend so prepare your horses against them mean for war people think that if pakistan take action against america than pakistan will never survive i not agree with this see to iran america bann their companies thay take every action against tham but iran is still going n no one dare to attack on him..
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i think if we say about revolution than i think iranian type of revolution because situation of iran n pakistan is similar on the point of american agenda so if we not want america in pakistan than we should go for it n america is not a friend of pakistan thay leave us after russian-afghan war n also QURAN say that non-muslim is not your friend so prepare your horses against them mean for war people think that if pakistan take action against america than pakistan will never survive i not agree with this see to iran america bann their companies thay take every action against tham but iran is still going n no one dare to attack on him..

See the world has changed a bit and you need to come out of the mentality that every non Muslim is your enemy. You cannot alienate your self on the name of religion. Today's world needs mutual co-operation. If we go by the same logic then China becomes the No 1 enemy for Pakistan which has always supported Pakistan in the time of need.

What Pakistan actually needs is the proper politicians and social and economic reforms. Religon should be kept out of state politics and control on Mullahs. Any revolution will result in turnmoil within Pakistan which would make it into social and economic hibernation for the years to come.
My opinion we need iranian type revolution because firstly it will get rid of these corrupt politicians and second this may be the only way to kick out black water and other amirican contractors and also take over the US embassy in Islamabad

What is iranian type revolution ? plz explain.
i think if we say about revolution than i think iranian type of revolution because situation of iran n pakistan is similar on the point of american agenda so if we not want america in pakistan than we should go for it n america is not a friend of pakistan thay leave us after russian-afghan war n also QURAN say that non-muslim is not your friend so prepare your horses against them mean for war people think that if pakistan take action against america than pakistan will never survive i not agree with this see to iran america bann their companies thay take every action against tham but iran is still going n no one dare to attack on him..

How is the situation of Iran and Pakistan similar on the point of the American agenda? What does this mean to you?

And if you do not want Pakistan to be friends with any non-Muslim nation, do you mean that Pakistan should fight rather than trade with China, India, the US and the EU, Pakistan's largest trading partners?

Do you realize that Pakistan does not have oil to save it from isolation the way Iran does? Iran would be a destitute nation following its anti-Western policies if it did not have abundant oil. Is that what you want for Pakistan?
No we only want stable democracy so that we get rid of our corrupt politicians

there is hardly any democrasy tht doesn't have corrupt politician(s).... the thing which matters is .. what is the degree of corruption....if it able to scale the Hight of one like Nigeria and some other African nation then it become cancer for the country on name of Democracy.....

In India.. during last election there was debate of including " None of these" option in Electronic Voting machine..... we not able to done this.... may be u ppl give it a try... may be it will revolutinzed pakistan for once and for all.
Beware when the great God lets loose a thinker on this planet. Then all things are at risk. —Emerson

I do not know how to teach philosophy without becoming a disturber
of the peace. —Baruch Spinoza

There are two powers in the world, the sword and the mind. In the long run,the sword is always beaten by the mind. —Napoleon

Who is going to bring it you me the day we bring a movement like that we will be slaughtered by are leaders. Plus why a revolution so they can bring another ediot and give him power. No my friend Pakistani people who are attached to there Parties are so blind that a revolution or such a movement in Pakistan will Not Suffice. We need a gap of atleast 3 generations before something good comes out of it. And we can start buy bringing the right kind of education system which will eventually spawns a new kind of breed.

For a revolution you need more than economic problems and guns; you need a philosophy. Wars are founded on a philosophy, or on efforts to destroy one. Communism, capitalism, fascism, atheism, humanism, Marxism—all are philosophies. Philosophies give birth to civilizations. They also end them.
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