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Does meditating make you feel different?


Apr 13, 2013
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Palestinian Territory, Occupied
United States
I just got finished praying, I'm Muslim, however we all meditate in various ways. I wonder if anyone else gets a different feeling? When I pray I feel my brain relaxes and puts aside my responsibilities temporarily but I also feel really good in the heart I feel peacefulness. It gets to a point I am looking forward to next prayer time. I also feel it more during the night...not sure why.

But, there is definitely something different than being in a normal state. It makes you feel more pure.
I just got finished praying, I'm Muslim, however we all meditate in various ways. I wonder if anyone else gets a different feeling? When I pray I feel my brain relaxes and puts aside my responsibilities temporarily but I also feel really good in the heart I feel peacefulness. It gets to a point I am looking forward to next prayer time. I also feel it more during the night...not sure why.

But, there is definitely something different than being in a normal state. It makes you feel more pure.
Looking at it from basic science, when you relax and try to empty your mind and concentrate on 1 point or even concentrate on something, your mind feels relaxed with such activities.
Another point being in todays world we do alot of sitting work, hence, the "solat" we preform gives a brief exercise to the muscles...
And then I once read this thing about the earth's magnetic field helps our our magnetism when we prostrate since I suck big time at Physics I didnt read details nor understood what I read....

In the west, there are many "clinics" which encourage children to go play in nature, to walk barefeet and then there are also scientific explanations of peace with Yoga and Tai Chi...Anyway there are other forms of "science" working when you are one with the earth and standing in silence and concentrating....
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Looking at it from basic science, when you relax and try to empty your mind and concentrate on 1 point or even concentrate on something, your mind feels relaxed with such activities.
Another point being in todays world we do alot of sitting work, hence, the "solat" we preform gives us a brief exercise to the muscles...
And then I once read this thing about the earth's magnetic field helps our our magnetism when we prostrate since I suck big time at Physics I didnt read details nor understood what I read....

In the west, there are many "clinics" which encourage children to go play in nature, to walk barefeet and then there are also scientific explanations of peace with Yoga and Tai Chi...Anyway there are other forms of "science" working when you are one with the earth and standing in silence and concentrating....

Great detailed response. :)
@Hazzy997 I tried both Yoga and a little bit of Tai Chi....I nearly fell asleep with Tai Chi didnt have the patience...but Yoga was ok...My sis did it for almost 1 yr...

How are you still up? :D
I fell asleep after coming back from campus...unfortunately even 1 hr of sleep in the afternoon is enough to destroy my night sleep and I unfortunately slept 2 hrs today :cray:
I just got finished praying, I'm Muslim, however we all meditate in various ways. I wonder if anyone else gets a different feeling? When I pray I feel my brain relaxes and puts aside my responsibilities temporarily but I also feel really good in the heart I feel peacefulness. It gets to a point I am looking forward to next prayer time. I also feel it more during the night...not sure why.

But, there is definitely something different than being in a normal state. It makes you feel more pure.
I prayed Fajar and i'm felling awesome. :)
Mediation (by closing your eyes and thinking of the omnipotent and omnipresent) has never been my forte. But I think listening to classical music or reading a good book especially with philosophical contents do help my mind to stay calm at one single point. When I go to work, this practice of concentrating my mind certainly helps me in my office to do my job with perfection and clarity.
@Hazzy997 another way to see it is that the mind is a big mass of muscles that is always active...by "some" exercises it relaxes and that causes internal harmony (because a relaxed mind usually ends up with relaxed body since the mind controls the body and hence peace an tranquility)

Ok now I need to crawl into bed! :wave:

The Masjid near my place has a Hanafi imam. they always pray in a hurry so i don't enjoy it much. usually when i pray alone, i take my time and recite whatever surah i'm feeling like and it relaxes me much more than praying in congregation.
@Hazzy997 I fell asleep after coming back from campus...unfortunately even 1 hr of sleep in the afternoon is enough to destroy my night sleep and I unfortunately slept 2 hrs today :cray:
To go to sleep, do any of following:

1. Do some intense cardio or weight exercise 2-3 hours before going to bed.

2. Take warm milk with half teaspoonful of turmeric (haldi) powder.
α-lactalbumin, and tryptophan (an amino acid) + curcumin promote sleep.

3. Take salty yoghurt water (lassi), 50%w/v (50% yoghurt + 50% water).
Lactic acid in yoghurt promotes sleep.

Please don't get into habit of watching TV or using computer in night time. Reading books is better and studies have shown that book reading does help with sleep.

You are probably a young man, but when you'll reach to my age, insomnia will be an issue, so improve your habits to deal with it in later part of life. Almost 99% males suffer with two major problems in their later life, insomnia, and prostate enlargement. The only way of tackling with these two is through getting into good habits.

The Masjid near my place has a Hanafi imam. they always pray in a hurry so i don't enjoy it much. usually when i pray alone, i take my time and recite whatever surah i'm feeling like and it relaxes me much more than praying in congregation.
Fardh (compulsory) prayers should preferably be performed in a mosque with jamaat, and kept short. Your Imam sahab seems to be considerate person, who does not waste others time. You want to enjoy prayers, pray Nafils at home, as many as you want.
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The Masjid near my place has a Hanafi imam. they always pray in a hurry so i don't enjoy it much. usually when i pray alone, i take my time and recite whatever surah i'm feeling like and it relaxes me much more than praying in congregation.

Yeah, although sometimes it's necessary to pray in groups but all my prayers I usually do alone and make Du'ua as well. Have you ever tried the morning prayers as well? Like two hours before fajr you can make du'ua that yiu want to be heard. :)

@Hazzy997 another way to see it is that the mind is a big mass of muscles that is always active...by "some" exercises it relaxes and that causes internal harmony (because a relaxed mind usually ends up with relaxed body since the mind controls the body and hence peace an tranquility)

Ok now I need to crawl into bed! :wave:

Good night sister. Don't forget the shahada always before going to sleep and when waking up. :)
Fardh (compulsory) prayers should preferably be performed in a mosque with jamaat, and kept short. Your Imam sahab seems to be considerate person, who does not waste others time. You want to enjoy prayers, pray Nafils at home, as many as you want.
I hear you but there's an Ahl-e-hadith Masjid here but a little far from my place. The imam there usually takes only ten minutes for 4 rakat and i enjoy it much more. 10 minutes are reasonable. don't you think ???

Yeah, although sometimes it's necessary to pray in groups but all my prayers I usually do alone and make Du'ua as well. Have you ever tried the morning prayers as well? Like two hours before fajr you can make du'ua that you want to be heard. :)
Yes but only in ramadan.
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