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Does India have MIRV (missiles)? If they are in making, then what is the status?

I am just enjoying your innocence with some popcorn


Its impossible to communicate without the help of the radars from other countries. Earth is round unfortunately. China already tried sending one with the help of Russia, but Alas !! Rest is history :D
Russia and China had a joint Mars programme and it involved a lander. Their rocket exploded. We did need their help for deep space communications

You still don't get it? One is far distance communications, one is out of coverage communications. India doesn't have the capability for deep space communications like NASA or ESA, hence the need to use US systems. The complexity is not in carrier rocket or probe, it's in communications and tracking.
Russia and China had a joint Mars programme and it involved a lander. Their rocket exploded. We did need their help for deep space communications

You still don't get it? One is far distance communications, one is out of coverage communications. India doesn't have the capability for deep space communications like NASA or ESA, hence the need to use US systems. The complexity is not in carrier rocket or probe, it's in communications and tracking.

Buddy, Firstly India has an Active Deep Space Network and secondly if NASA had the capability to track and communicate with MAVEN , why did they take support of ISRO? Sometimes its more economical taking help from allies.
This is not a random source but an analysing think tank. I said I will search for more, as far as you are concerned, you haven't even provided any backup for your claim.

And I'm not supposed get with it if rational because Pakistan's "advanced" nuclear program never expanded beyond claim of being advanced. It has next to zero demonstrations in civil reactors and other related technology.
U did not even read the material u gave link of sonny shows your troll ignorance and have your self provided proof for my claim the article clearly says that both paec and Krl were tasked with tests and it is well known that former deals with Plutonium :)
BTW bulk of your nuclear energy comes from imported reactors google
Of your indigenous capabilities were so advance as u propagate u would not have bought reactor from Russia and made deals for with USA France at exorbitant prices
those few reactors u made yourself r small experimental ones we have similar types too at nelor producing plutonium :)
Buddy, Firstly India has an Active Deep Space Network and secondly if NASA had the capability to track and communicate with MAVEN , why did they take support of ISRO? Sometimes its more economical taking help from allies.
Can you tell me what 'support' did ISRO provide? Just because there is a word deep doesn't mean India has the communications capability to reach Mars, I suggest you do more research on this. China has a more advanced space program than India, why do you think we are yet to go to Mars? Use some critical thinking. :)
U did not even read the material u gave link of sonny shows your troll ignorance and have your self provided proof for my claim the article clearly says that both paec and Krl were tasked with tests and it is well known that former deals with Plutonium :)
Mark your words
From the source:
In an interview on 30 May 1998 A. Q. Khan told the prominent Islamabad daily The News that the five tests were "all boosted fission devices using uranium 235" but said that although "none of these explosions were thermonuclear, we are doing research and can do a fusion test if asked.
Khan said Pakistan has had a nuclear capability since 1984 and all the Pakistani devices were made with enriched uranium.
You were just stating that Pakistan had project to develop WG Plutonium and I said I will research on that.

My statement remains, Pakistan didn't test plutonium based device or HEU based spherical implosion based device.
Of your indigenous capabilities were so advance as u propagate u would not have bought reactor from Russia and made deals for with USA France at exorbitant prices
There is nothing wrong in adding stuff. India has a reasonable nuclear, not a self sufficient one.
those few reactors u made yourself r small experimental ones we have similar types too at nelor producing plutonium :)
Given the set of cycles and capacity and resulted applications, they can't be deemed as similar at least. That's why I was specific about IPWR900 & AHWR designs. There's a very good reason why STS landed India into ITER project with P5 while Pakisan, DPRK and Iran couldn't.
We have put in operation much complex technologies in our space missions but unless India officially announces it.
Can u plz give that pinstech link deary of your claim
BTW also point out where in this article said all tests were of heu this article says that both paec and Krl were tasked with tests first one deals with plutonium second with uranium Sonny :)
Since Dr. Ishfaq Ahmed, Chairman of the PAEC was on a visit to the United States and Canada the responsibility of giving a technical assessment of the Indian nuclear tests and Pakistan’s preparedness to give a matching response to India fell on the shoulders of Dr. Samar Mubarakmand, Member (Technical), PAEC. Dr. Mubarakmand was in charge of the PAEC’s Directorate of Technical Development (DTD), one of the most secretive organizations in the Pakistan nuclear programme the location of which is one of Pakistan’s best kept secrets and unknown to the world. Dr. Mubarakmand had supervised several cold tests since 1983 and was responsible for overseeing all of PAEC’s classified projects. Also, in attendance was Dr. A.Q. Khan, Director of the Khan Research Laboratories (KRL), Kahuta.

Mark your words
From the source:

You were just stating that Pakistan had project to develop WG Plutonium and I said I will research on that.

My statement remains, Pakistan didn't test plutonium based device or HEU based spherical implosion based device.

There is nothing wrong in adding stuff. India has a reasonable nuclear, not a self sufficient one.

Given the set of cycles and capacity and resulted applications, they can't be deemed as similar at least. That's why I was specific about IPWR900 & AHWR designs. There's a very good reason why STS landed India into ITER project with P5 while Pakisan, DPRK and Iran couldn't.
Since Dr. Ishfaq Ahmed, Chairman of the PAEC was on a visit to the United States and Canada the responsibility of giving a technical assessment of the Indian nuclear tests and Pakistan’s preparedness to give a matching response to India fell on the shoulders of Dr. Samar Mubarakmand, Member (Technical), PAEC. Dr. Mubarakmand was in charge of the PAEC’s Directorate of Technical Development (DTD), one of the most secretive organizations in the Pakistan nuclear programme the location of which is one of Pakistan’s best kept secrets and unknown to the world. Dr. Mubarakmand had supervised several cold tests since 1983 and was responsible for overseeing all of PAEC’s classified projects. Also, in attendance was Dr. A.Q. Khan, Director of the Khan Research Laboratories (KRL), Kahuta.

Mark your words
From the source:

You were just stating that Pakistan had project to develop WG Plutonium and I said I will research on that.

My statement remains, Pakistan didn't test plutonium based device or HEU based spherical implosion based device.

There is nothing wrong in adding stuff. India has a reasonable nuclear, not a self sufficient one.

Given the set of cycles and capacity and resulted applications, they can't be deemed as similar at least. That's why I was specific about IPWR900 & AHWR designs. There's a very good reason why STS landed India into ITER project with P5 while Pakisan, DPRK and Iran couldn't.
AQ had professional rivalry with Dr Mubarak he always tried to hog the limelight thus his claim to a random newspaper all devices were heu made by Krl
but u can google Sonny pu program is even older and we have more of it in stovk and so were some of the devices in 98 tests :)
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