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Do you get along with Indians (hindus) at school and workplace??

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So the thread starts whether Pakistanis can get along with Indians. And with last update discussion has descended to who is cleaner and bathes regularly.

What next ?

How many times one visits p*tty ?:hitwall:

lol..... you summed up this thread
. . .

What i hv noticed abroad- mostly expats doesnt care if the other is a pakistani indian bangladeshi or srilankan as long as he is brown skinned asian- you know where to go-

In workplace we go along well with indians more than people from any other muslim country-
If ihv to chose a company i will prefer the subcontinent one every day-
And believe me indians outside india are far less emotionaly fragile hysterical but sensible people to talk with- even if the talk is on kargil- or LOC-
So i dont mind when i see some emotional loonie toonies indians over the internet-
. . .
Most Indians dont even have Bathroom. What da hell r u talking about. 60% of Indians dont have bathroom

Lol which Indian culture... I know a couple of Indians they have even told that they shower every week.

Thats ridiculous, 70% Indian live in village and there is no water shortage in village. There may not be shower and Taps, but there are handpump and wells. So 70% of India has no issue with bath...

In rest 30% who live in cities also have water to take bath.

I know 1000s of Arabs who don't take bath, so what??? stop sterotyping ppl.. Most of Indian kid won't get food (Mom fury) if they don't take bath...
After reading this guys article...Now i have started thinking ...should i trust the pakistani people around my project....If they will be like the thread poster that they can talk sweet in front from can create trouble in my back...OMG...The thread poster is a sick guy...

I never said that i would talk sweet in front of hindus at workplace. I only said that i would be tactful if i have to deal with hindus at work, and avoid any discussion about religion or politics. But i would otherwise avoid any interaction with hindus unless it is completely unavoidable
Let the Shepherd drop down some statistics due to which the OP hates us .

1. 60 percent Pakistanis in U.K. are below poverty line compared to 20 percent Indians .

2. 22 percent people in Ultra Rich club in UK are Indians .

3. 44 percent of Pakistanis in Canada are below poverty line .

4. Median Income of Pakistani American is 63 k usd compared to 88 to 90 k for Indian American .

5. We don't have negative image attached with us ;)

6. We don't commit act of terror in west , London Bombings , Faisal Shazad et all .

So his hate and Discontempt arises from being in a lower strata of society than Indians .

That being said Most Pakistanis in the west by and large are not like him . He is just venting his frustration and he is what i call a bad apple pakistani . Leave him to rot . Rest are much better than him .

What i hv noticed abroad- mostly expats doesnt care if the other is a pakistani indian bangladeshi or srilankan as long as he is brown skinned asian- you know where to go-

In workplace we go along well with indians more than people from any other muslim country-
If ihv to chose a company i will prefer the subcontinent one every day-
And believe me indians outside india are far less emotionaly fragile hysterical but sensible people to talk with- even if the talk is on kargil- or LOC-
So i dont mind when i see some emotional loonie toonies indians over the internet-

we are two different people on the internet and on reality . The same guy you consider emotionally fragile on the net would be quiet sensible if you meet them in person...
. .
Let the Shepherd drop down some statistics due to which the OP hates us .

1. 60 percent Pakistanis in U.K. are below poverty line compared to 20 percent Indians .

2. 22 percent people in Ultra Rich club in UK are Indians .

3. 44 percent of Pakistanis in Canada are below poverty line .

4. Median Income of Pakistani American is 63 k usd compared to 88 to 90 k for Indian American .

5. We don't have negative image attached with us ;)

6. We don't commit act of terror in west , London Bombings , Faisal Shazad et all .

So his hate and Discontempt arises from being in a lower strata of society than Indians .

That being said Most Pakistanis in the west by and large are not like him . He is just venting his frustration and he is what i call a bad apple pakistani . Leave him to rot . Rest are much better than him .

You can brag about all stuff abroad..

But when you go back to your own country, your dhoti is exposed wet

70% of Indians live under poverty line, India is worse than Pakistan on almost every factor bro

Its better to accept the truth than keep denying it

What i hv noticed abroad- mostly expats doesnt care if the other is a pakistani indian bangladeshi or srilankan as long as he is brown skinned asian- you know where to go-

In workplace we go along well with indians more than people from any other muslim country-
If ihv to chose a company i will prefer the subcontinent one every day-
And believe me indians outside india are far less emotionaly fragile hysterical but sensible people to talk with- even if the talk is on kargil- or LOC-
So i dont mind when i see some emotional loonie toonies indians over the internet-
So you consider me as emotional loonie toonie Indian. :angry:

Badla liya jaayega. :butcher:
I never said that i would talk sweet in front of hindus at workplace. I said that would tactful if i have to deal with hindus at work, and avoid any discussion about religion or politics.

First of all why you need to be tactful when some is not creating any problem for you...One of my best friend who is from Lahore....I am almost friend for him since last 12 year...We talk about everything starting from politics, religion, work and even to his marriage.....Both of us never become so tactful as you say when we have interacted with each other....We have accepted each others difference in opinion but still then we never tries to outsmart eachother..Both of us respect to each other because we know that we could trust each other...But you are talking in a very mean and suave but language of hatred.....Can you think if everyone of both your and people of my country will be like you????....You started with a thread with an implicit intention to show to low to Indian people and in particular Hindu people a low....What do you expect...that you and people of your religion and your country and just saint....Come on man...grow up...These kinds of topic and discussion specifying a specific religiour group only result in trolling and posting unnecessary insult both the people...I know that you are so innocent that you donot know about it.....
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