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Do you consider ISIL a Sunni or Pro Sunni group in Iraq ?

Do you consider ISIL a Sunni or Pro Sunni group in Iraq ?

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The SiLent crY

Nov 29, 2012
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Hello everyone .

Since people in this forum have different views about ISIL , I decided to start this poll to know what you people think about this group in Iraq .

Please keep it civil and don't break the rules .

Regards .
ISIS represent a serious threat to the stability of the entire region, they must be dealt with accordingly on an urgent basis before they can destabilize the region and throw it into sectarian violence.
i voted for pro-sunni , cause imo they are the european immigrant jihadis mainly together with muslim converts from europe
Why are you asking people here? So far, an answer based on regional status. Doesn't regard interests or the overall picture. An answer from a Shia Pakistani. An answer from a secular Turk who doesn't like Arabs.

Of course they're pro Sunni. What matters is what the Arab Muslim people believe about the Shia who are anti-Sunni plus Syrian people.
An answer from a secular Turk who doesn't like Arabs.
Where did i said i dont like Arabs? If you mean my words to Hasani, well it was answering to his racist comments in same manner, apart from the fact that my words was nowhere as bad as his to Turks, other than that there are some Arabs i like, also here in forum.

Of course they're pro Sunni. What matters is what the Arab Muslim people believe about the Shia who are anti-Sunni plus Syrian people.
Its not that easy, your bros kidnapped 80 Turks so its also our business, and most Turks (also the more conservative ones) would like to see the Ishit barbecued and served to the dogs by our Army, thats how much we hate them.

Other than that your right its your region your rule, if you prefer to kill eachother and live in the same conditions like 1400 years ago while the rest of the world is working on Nano technology then fine by us, just leave us out of your crazy sectarian beheading bullshit once for all.
Where did i said i dont like Arabs? If you mean my words to Hasani, well it was answering to his racist comments in same manner, apart from the fact that my words was nowhere as bad as his to Turks, other than that there are some Arabs i like, also here in forum.

Its not that easy, your bros kidnapped 80 Turks so its also our business, and most Turks (also the more conservative ones) would like to see the Ishit barbecued and served to the dogs by our Army, thats how much we hate them.


I understand your concern over the Turkish citizens. Please don't try framing this conflict which has nothing to do with the past. This is a struggle over survival pretty much or else they will try controlling us in Iraq, Syria and Lebanon. There is a lot to this. As I've said, it's part of a bigger picture which is why we can't ask it based on an individual basis.

The question he poses in the thread gives a false impression that this is about one organization and has nothing to do with their Shia hegemony or oppression of our people.
This issue is not just related to Arab world .

This is a regional issue that affects Iran , Turkey , Syria , Gulf states and even Pakistan and Afghanistan in long term .

The same way Syrian conflict affected Iran while it was far from the war but It motivated a terrorist group ( Jaish Al Adl ) in Baluchistan which got around 20 soldiers killed and unsecured a province for months .
I understand your concern over the Turkish citizens. Please don't try framing this conflict which has nothing to do with the past. This is a struggle over survival pretty much or else they will try controlling us in Iraq, Syria and Lebanon. There is a lot to this. As I've said, it's part of a bigger picture which is why we can't ask it based on an individual basis.
Ofcourse im concerned about my brethen, there are two kids among the kidnapped (one of them is only 8 months old) by a group whos known for most cruel execution methods.

I have seen enough material on the net to know what kind of people they are and i must say one cant be more evil, and you are apologising them, i cant understand how someone can support such cruel actions, seriously how can you sleep at night knowing that you support this cruelty?
This issue is not just related to Arab world .

This is a regional issue that affects Iran , Turkey , Syria , Gulf states and even Pakistan and Afghanistan in long term .

The same way Syrian conflict affected Iran while it was far from the war but It motivated a terrorist group ( Jaish Al Adl ) in Baluchistan which got around 20 soldiers killed and unsecured a province for months .

No it doesn't, not in the way you're trying to frame it. It's going to reshape the political and geographical status. However, the way you're trying to frame it as if all nations are facing a threat is false. Your nation supports tons of Shia militias plus the Syrian regime. Anybody with common sense can see what you got yourselves into. This bad for monarch rule in the Arab world. For Turkey their concern is about the Kurds and some interests.

Asia are in their own game. Syria is already affected thanks to regional players all trying to support the regime and keep it power.
Ofcourse im concerned about my brethen, there are two kids among the kidnapped (one of them is only 8 months old) by a group whos known for most cruel execution methods.

I have seen enough material on the net to know what kind of people they are and i must say one cant be more evil, and you are apologising them, i cant understand how someone can support such cruel actions, seriously how can you sleep at night knowing that you support this cruelty?

They're going to release them and want nothing to do with them. Not sure why they did that anyways, probably to secure money. As I've said, this is not about ONE organization. I'm tired of repeating myself. This is part of a bigger picture. I don't support cruelty, I support what is right, even if it is violent. Of course when the Syrian regime, Israel, Turkey or any Western allies of yours commit cruelty none of you start acting like innocent peace loving human beings like you do when Sunni's or Arabs are protecting their interests urgently.

Turkey has killed many Kurdish children and vice versa. If you're suddenly a humanitarian activist then everything is cruel. They won't execute anybody since those people are meaningless to them. Probably trying to get back at Turkey for something. Stop asking me random questions since they're really foolish and facetious considering the double standard some of you people have. Especially the pro regime asian guy thanking all your posts.
I don't agree with you .

If ISIL takes the control of Iraq they will make trouble for Iran with no doubt and that's why Iran won't let Iraqi government fall .

By the way , Iran has invested in Iraq and that's another issue makes Iran to concern + shia shrines and shia people security there .

You see , Iran is number 1 to concern about Iraq after Iraqis .

by the way , 2 Iranian families were slaughtered by ISIL yesterday .
ISIL is pro west pro Israel, ISIL is doing Israel's job, Israel is just sitting and watching ISIL doing their dirty job...
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