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Do Pakistanis like America?

And latter regret doing so, abuse them, and want them to leave the office?
Do you know how popular Bush is now in the same people wwo elected him?
Same is happening with Obama now.

But do they chose the Military who is the real nuisance for the world?

I dont think there is a criteria to judge popularit of a particular person.......There are elections and results are there for everyone to see...
They re-elected Bush and elected Obama knowing very well what their policies are or will be.

---------- Post added at 04:43 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:42 AM ----------

The US as a nation, & the American people Pakistanis have no problem with. It is the US government's policies that everyone hates. Regular US citizens that visit Pakistan are given extreme hospitality, & treated with extreme respect. People are ready to put their lives on the line to protect their guests in Pakistan. The US as a nation is a great country, founded on great ideals, made up of great intellectuals & thinkers, & they are the reasons why the US is still # 1 today (although the gap between the US & the world has shrunk), even though the current generation of folks here is trying very hard to get the US off that helm.

So I guess then may be u can explain why do they elect the leaders that they do?
So I guess then may be u can explain why do they elect the leaders that they do?

Because there is no real choice. The Democrats & Republicans have polarized, & are more like one party now. Neither party has any trustworthy candidates. There are extremely few politicians in the US that actually want what's best for the US economy or the US people. If you watched the recent Republican Party debates before, they were all speaking rhetoric hogwash. Unfortunately, the standards of education in the US have gone down considerably, & most Americans are not educated enough to really have an informed opinion to cast a vote.
why not elect this guy... he is different. they do have a choice just wont opt for it. We both know he will never get elected
Ron Paul: End the War in Afghanistan NOW! - YouTube

He will not get elected because he is too 'liberal/libertarian' for most people in America, in the sense that he wants to legalize a lot of things considered controversial (same sex marriages, drugs, prostitution etc) in the US, because it is not the government's business to be handling such situations. But most people think the US will become 'immoral' if they bring him into power (this country is full of religious zealots too). He also wants to regulate the financial sector, because it was the deregulation of the CDOs from them investment banks, & the lack of oversight over the investment banks/insurance agencies/credit rating agencies (who worked hand-in-hand to create the housing market bubble here) that caused all the trouble here. He also wants the audit of the Fed to be made public. Most other Republican & Democrat candidates will call him a nut/nut job (because he doesn't want the best for himself but his country), & most American people will fall for it. Whereas the rich in the US will get richer & the poorer will get poorer, the economy will deteriorate & the middle class will shrink into oblivion. Then the other candidates will also talk about how immoral Dr Paul's stands are, & the American people will agree & will be horrified by his stance. And because Dr Paul advocates that all foreign troops & bases should be brought back, the other candidates will call him a nut, saying terrorism is a real threat to the US. And the American people will agree with that too, gullible as they are. It all comes down to education & exposure.
Oh yeah !

The sheer number landing in US everyday and the ones waiting for the visa betrays that.

Before anyone starts venting off his steam here, let me add that is true world over especially in the developing countries & that includes India.
In the aftermath of NATO's attack on Pakistani soldiers, I was having a discussion with one of my friends who has recently immigrated to Canada from Lahore. I was trying to tell him that how majority of Pakistanis must hate America due to America being so ungrateful to Pakistan regarding war on terror.

Instead of agreeing with me he told me that I was far from reality. He argued that on one hand people from Middle east countries and Pakistan etc would oppose America so vehemently but on the other hand if America opens her borders tomorrow then almost all of them will immigrate.

I could not really argue against this point that he made. So I m opening this thread to know the truth---

1. First of all is it true that majority of Pakistanis want to immigrate to America?
2. If it is true then why is that? Does money takes precedence over everything?Is it hypocrisy?

It's all about the available amenities of the host country. Majority of people like to live in places where the health care, education, infrastructure, etc... are better than where they are currently living in. Like Canada, if Japan opened up their border there would be a rush to it (not necessarily by Pakistani people).
We have no problem with the poor people of america. The american govt lies to them as well. We must remember that American is only a democracy in name in reality a small group of disciplined jews control american foreign policy. We reserve our hatred for american govt who kills our innocent people

wow so much bullshit and conspiracy theory in one paragraph, you really beat your previous record there -

We hate the govt not the people.

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It's all about the available amenities of the host country. Majority of people like to live in places where the health care, education, infrastructure, etc... are better than where they are currently living in. Like Canada, if Japan opened up their border there would be a rush to it (not necessarily by Pakistani people).

The problem is at the same time they hate American Govt which is elected by the very same people

---------- Post added at 06:00 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:58 AM ----------

We hate the govt not the people.

Then y line up for visas to the same America
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Oh yeah !

The sheer number landing in US everyday and the ones waiting for the visa betrays that.

Before anyone starts venting off his steam here, let me add that is true world over especially in the developing countries & that includes India.

thats not love or hate..
and do you know that indians are more hungry for US visa than Pakistanis..The statistics speak for themselves...
People go abroad for money and facilities and thats that...its not a love story..
And they earn money there by jobs and business and that benefits the host country..
Do you think the Americans are idiots? Its damn easy for them specially now to pas a law in the Parliament to ban any visas issued to any Pakistani and cancel all visas issued..But why are they not doing this?
Its not because they are in Love with Pakistanis...thats because they too financially benefit from this immigration..and banning it and kicking people out due to their country of origin will have far reaching effects...
You know why Pakistan' s local Businesses cant Flourish because Multinationals are sitting there and a Local Funded business started by a local man wont be able to compete with them..
It will be very fair to Ban all companies from USA and give local Businessmen a chance to flourish in a local market which is huge in Pakistan..
If thats done then there will be enough chances locally and people wont be bothered if USA bans visa and even if pakistanis there are sent back..They will have opportunities of a fresh start..

Why do you think Iranians are not bothered with USA's embargoes and why USA is so after Iran?
Because they don't open their local market to USA's companies...
If same thing happens in Pakistan the neither Pakistan nor Pakistanis wil be bothered by USA's bans/Embargoes at any level..
Until that happens Pakistani wealth is going to USA and so are Pakistanis..Fair game.

---------- Post added at 06:04 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:02 AM ----------

It's all about the available amenities of the host country. Majority of people like to live in places where the health care, education, infrastructure, etc... are better than where they are currently living in. Like Canada, if Japan opened up their border there would be a rush to it (not necessarily by Pakistani people).

You forgot to mention that Quebec was the main reason why Canada started mass immigration ;)
Oh yeah !

The sheer number landing in US everyday and the ones waiting for the visa betrays that.

America is the land of immigrants though, immigrants (legal ones) are the ones that have made America what it is, so one does not need to act so righteous on this issue.
America is the land of immigrants though, immigrants (legal ones) are the ones that have made America what it is, so one does not need to act so righteous on this issue.

If you kick out all the immigrants from USA..Only the native red Indians will remain...
@safriz & bilalhaider,

I ask you guys, do you know how to read (& understand) plain English ?

Before anyone starts venting off his steam here, let me add that is true world over especially in the developing countries & that includes India.

I knew the fit that would be thrown and that is why I wrote the above line... So again, why so much steam ? Don't post 'rebuttals' just for the sake of my flags. Not everything an Indian writes needs to be argued with.
Then y line up for visas to the same America

Before answering this question, i'll just point out that this is the most overused argument having little to no counter value at all! Thats because it stands on the foundations of jealousy having no logical basis, akin to another analogy "if you don't like me, then why are you with me."

Ponder on this...

We don't like you for the evil you've committed but do benefit from the good. Lining up for visas(for whatever reason) doesn't nullify the foundations which the hate is built upon... thats a separate argument! It's the straws of 'humanity' to understand and hate the atrocities commited. Not something which can be sold for $$( But i only speak pakistani side, not sure about you)

I can expound further but pointless if you don't understand what i've already said: "We hate the govt NOT the people..."
@safriz & bilalhaider,

I ask you guys, do you know how to read (& understand) plain English ?

Before anyone starts venting off his steam here, let me add that is true world over especially in the developing countries & that includes India.

Had I not written this in my post.. So again, why so much steam ? Don't post 'rebuttals' just for the sake of my flags. Not everything an Indian writes need to be argued with.

Apart from a line or two about indians the rest of my comment is about Pakistanis and USA's immigrants in general...Try to read our comments completely before shouting at our faces..
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