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Do Pak textbooks build a hate culture against India?


Dec 20, 2008
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Pak textbooks build hate culture against India

27 Dec 2008, 0239 hrs IST, ARIF MOHAMMED KHAN

The empowerment of terror in Pakistan has not happened overnight. This is the logical culmination of the politics and policies pursued by Pakistan for years now.

Terrorism in Pakistan has its roots in the culture of hate and the ethos of inequality on the ground of religious faith, leading to their being deeply ingrained in the Pakistani psyche and mindset.

One factor that has played a crucial role in creating this culture of hate is the educational policy of the government of Pakistan pursued since 1977. The officially prescribed textbooks, especially for school students, are full of references that promote hate against India in general, and Hindus in particular.

A cursory glance at Pakistani school textbooks - especially the compulsory subjects like Pakistan studies and social studies - gives an idea of how history has been distorted and a garbled version prescribed to build this mindset and attitude.

The objective of Pakistan's education policy has been defined thus in the preface to a Class 6 book: "Social studies have been given special importance in educational policy so that Pakistan's basic ideology assumes the shape of a way of life, its practical enforcement is assured, the concept of social uniformity adopts a practical form and the whole personality of the individual is developed." This statement leaves no doubt that "social uniformity", not national unity, is a part of Pakistan's basic ideology.

The Class 5 book has this original discovery about Hindu help to bring British rule to India: "The British had the objective to take over India and to achieve this, they made Hindus join them and Hindus were very glad to side with the British. After capturing the subcontinent, the British began on the one hand the loot of all things produced in this area, and on the other, in conjunction with Hindus, to greatly suppress the Muslims."

The Std VIII book says, "Their (Muslim saints) teachings dispelled many superstitions of the Hindus and reformed their bad practices. Thereby Hindu religion of the olden times came to an end."

On Indo-Pak wars, the books give detailed descriptions and openly eulogize ‘jihad' and ‘shahadat' and urge students to become ‘mujahids' and martyrs and leave no room for future friendship and cordial relations with India.

According to a Class 5 book, "In 1965, the Pakistani army conquered several areas of India, and when India was on the point of being defeated, she requested the United Nations to arrange a ceasefire. After 1965, India, with the help of Hindus living in East Pakistan, instigated the people living there against the people of West Pakistan, and finally invaded East Pakistan in December 1971. The conspiracy resulted in the separation of East Pakistan from us. All of us should receive military training and be prepared to fight the enemy."

The book prescribed for higher secondary students makes no mention of the uprising in East Pakistan in 1971 or the surrender by more than 90,000 Pakistani soldiers. Instead, it claims, "In the 1971 India-Pakistan war, the Pakistan armed forces created new records of bravery and the Indian forces were defeated everywhere."

The students of Class 3 are taught that "Muhammad Ali (Jinnah) felt that Hindus wanted to make Muslims their slaves and since he hated slavery, he left the Congress". At another place it says, "The Congress was actually a party of Hindus. Muslims felt that after getting freedom, Hindus would make them their slaves."

And this great historic discovery is taught to Std V students, "Previously, India was part of Pakistan."

Commenting on this literature that spreads hate, leading Pakistani educationist Tariq Rahman wrote, "It is a fact that the textbooks cannot mention Hindus without calling them cunning, scheming, deceptive or something equally insulting. Students are taught and made to believe that Pakistan needs strong and aggressive policies against India or else Pakistan will be annihilated by it."
Now look at this:disagree:..this is based on pure BS.there is no truth in the above highlighted lines trust me we haven't been taught such things at school.Now Stop this nonsense
Here you go from Daily Times. Read the bold part at bottom.

Hate mongering worries minorities

* National Commission for Justice and Peace report urges government to take notice

By Ali Waqar

LAHORE: Several civil society organisations have taken notice of religious hate speech and textbook content and urged the government to take the issue seriously.

According to a recent report by the National Commission for Justice and Peace (NCJP), a Catholic Church body, the commission monitored four major national Urdu dailies from August to October 2005 and found extremely provocative news reports, statements and editorials against religious minorities including Christians, Hindus, Ahmadis and even Jews (hate in absentia).

A common hate speech method is the use of derogatory terms for minorities. Ahmedis are called ‘Qadiani’ or ‘Mirzai’ while Christians are called ‘Isai’. Until some years ago, these terms were not even considered derogatory.

MP Bhandara, a minority National Assembly member, wrote a letter of protest to an editor of a national daily on September 13, 2005, but if had no effect on the newspaper’s policy.

Religiously motivated hate speech: Speakers in a rally organised by Khatam-e-Nabuwat on November 14, 2005 in Badin made provocative speeches against Ahmedis. Rallies and seminars were organised in various cities to commemorate September 7, 1974, when Ahmadis were declared non-Muslim.

Khatam-e-Nabuwat leaders then held a conference on September 29 and 30 in Ahmadi-majority town Rabwa, where the audience were provoked against Ahmadis. On October 1, Amjad Shakoor, a teacher at Jamia Ashrafia mosque, told students that whoever murdered an Ahmadi went to paradise. Following teacher’s instruction, some children beat up an Ahmadi child the next day. Local residents informed the police but no legal action was taken.

Hatred in Urdu press: ‘Sar-e-Rahe’, a column in an Urdu daily criticised Pope Benedict XVI for encouraging Catholics to have more children and called it a ‘preparation of raw material for crusades’. The columnist said the Pope should allow nuns and priests to follow the same direction and made an offensive remark about children born out of wedlock in the West.

A national Urdu daily wrote in its October 20 editorial that a Christian Pastor Peter Robertson associated with a correspondent school was converting Pakistanis to Christianity and operating from Mianwali since 1995, he had converted 17,000 Muslims all over Pakistan. The paper said he used good looking young boys and girls for the purpose and urged clerics to ‘wake up to the threat’.

Within 22 days of the printing of this editorial, Churches and Christian property were burnt at Sangla Hill on the pretext of desecration of the holy Quran. Liberal Muslims remained silent and there was no protest or condemnation by Muslims at large. After the incident, Dr Sarfraz Naeemi, secretary of Tanzimat Madaris-e-Deeniya said the Christian clergy had set the churches on fire after the alleged desecration, ‘like they did in Shantinagar’ (a Christian majority village that was burnt by Muslims because of an alleged desecration of the Holy Quran).

Another newspaper reported that six groups consisting of young and beautiful girls and boys were on a mission to convert Muslims to Christianity by ‘entrapping them in fake love affairs’. Muslims were provoked that they should take steps in order to prove Christian priests liars.

A national daily published opinions of clerics who said the Pakistani government should not celebrate minorities’ religious festivals and said the government was giving minorities more importance than the majority.

On Christmas eve, Dr Israr Ahmad said in a national daily newspaper that Christians were wrong when they said that Jesus Christ was crucified and quoted the Gospel of Barnabas as proof.

According to the NCJP report, Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya had pointed out about 1,379 hate news reports in the national press during 2005.

Hate content in textbooks: According to the report, the Social Studies curriculum in Pakistan, as the product and propagator of the ‘Ideology of Pakistan,’ derives its legitimacy from a narrow set of directives.

The textbooks authored and altered during the 11 years of General Ziaul Haq’s military rule, are still being taught in schools. They are decidedly anti-democratic and inclined to dogmatic tirades, the report said.

It said the Pakistani education system had nurtured a cadre of religiously conservative youth as the Pakistan Studies curriculum employed a narrow, politicised definition of Islam in the construction of Pakistani nationalism.

Pakistan Studies textbooks in Pakistan have been used to articulate the hatred that Pakistani policy-makers have attempted to inculcate towards the Hindus. “Vituperative animosities legitimise military and autocratic rule, nurturing a siege mentality,” the report said.

Government-issued textbooks teach students that Hindus are backward and superstitious, and given a chance, they would assert their power over the weak, especially, Muslims, depriving them of education by pouring molten lead in their ears. “Pakistan Studies textbooks are an active site to represent India as a hostile neighbour,” the report stated. “The story of Pakistan’s past is intentionally written to be distinct from, and often in direct contrast with, interpretations of history found in India. From the government-issued textbooks, students are taught that Hindus are backward and superstitious.”

The report added that students were taught that Islam brought peace, equality, and justice to the subcontinent, to check the sinister ways of Hindus.

“In Pakistani textbooks “Hindus” rarely appears in a sentence without adjective such as politically astute, sly, or manipulative,” the report says.

“Textbooks reflect intentional obfuscation. Today’s students, citizens of Pakistan and its future leaders are the victims of these partial truths,” the report quoted a news article.

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
Hey, someone produce a RSS hand book for the consumption of this guy...... Go sort your own problems first..... Muslims...second class citizen, Dalits....third class citizens......babu bajrangi loves to kill muslims because he was educated in western oriented secular schools.......:lol:
You won't find demeaning of any other religion in any of the text books in India. If you links to such articles please do post here.
we all read that books were we are terarrsts????????????

next time india say pakistan pablic bathrooms build hate culture against India becoz pakistani people write behaind the bathrooms doors against india.wiech i read so many times when i was in high school.
we all read that books were we are terarrsts????????????

next time india say pakistan pablic bathrooms build hate culture against India becoz pakistani people write behaind the bathrooms doors against india.wiech i read so many times when i was in high school.

No body is saying you are a terrorist because you read those books. The point is, such books write stuff which makes young minds less tolerant towards other countries and religions, which in IMO not a good thing.
history should be told exactly how it was. there is no doubt that muslims were subdued by britishers and hindus on the other hand were given all the better jobs. im not sayin hindus wanted britishers to stay in india coz that is absolutely wrong and i have never been told any such stuff by any of my teacher. i lived all my lif in pak and therefore i would assume i can say about what i was taught and wat i wasnt. britishers wanted to rule india and for that they came up with their devide and rule policy. success of this devide and rule policy lead to two nation theory. if any pakistani doesnt lik india that is only bec of two simple reasons. 1: 1971 war and 2: indian army killing muslims in kashmir. these two reasons can never be ignored and neither can be turned into a white lie.
So Pakistani education material contains certain propaganda?
How about Indian textbooks, are they any different?
I'm sure the Pakistani members of this forum being raised in Pakistan and who went to Pakistani schools can tell you that they haven't encountered something similar to what you claim in this thread.
You won't find demeaning of any other religion in any of the text books in India. If you links to such articles please do post here.
in india you wont find textbooks like that
only real life examples running around :crazy:

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