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Do nations need nuclear weapons?


Feb 4, 2009
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Do nations need nuclear weapons?


On August 6, 1945, the first atom bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, creating a new war paradigm — destroying an entire city. On August 9, the second atom bomb destroyed the city of Nagasaki. Tens of thousands of unarmed citizens, irrespective of gender, region and religion, were killed instantly. The law of warfare was thus violated by a technically advanced democratic state that swore “In God We Trust.”

Japan is the only country that has witnessed the nuclear holocaust. Hospitals, schools, factories, offices, nursing homes, police stations, post offices, railway stations, fire engines, ambulances, tram cars, moving and stationary vehicles, homes, temples, churches and parks — everything was obliterated. A new word, “Hibakusha,” was added to the Japanese language to describe the 1945 atom bomb victims and their yet-to-be-born children. Today, there are about 300,000 registered “Hibakushas” under free medical care but marriage with a “Hibakusha” is taboo in the Japanese society.

Today's weapons of mass destruction are far more advanced than the atom bombs dropped over Japan. Yet the mad nuclear arms race is high on the political agenda of most neo-cons, super-patriots, religious fanatics and arms dealers. David Krieger of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation rightly said: “One bomb could destroy one city. A few bombs could destroy a country and a few dozen nuclear bombs could reduce [the entire] civilisation to total ruins.” If a nuclear war were to start today, by mistake or intentionally, there will be no victor, no vanquished. And with Space Age planning, it is most likely to spread into outer space.

Notwithstanding the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, there are about 22,000 nuclear warheads mostly in the arsenal of the U.S. and Russia. Eight thousand are in the operational ready mode and 2,000 are on high alert. Also, there are 14,000 Plutonium cores (pits) and 5000 Canned Assemblies in the storages of Highly Enriched Uranium (HEU). Moreover, 28 countries have the capacity to build at least one bomb and 12 countries can make 20 bombs. Besides, all “peaceful” nuclear power reactors provide rich spent fuel which is reprocessed to produce weapons-grade plutonium.

According to the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, some 500,000 kg of plutonium are in stockpiles, which could be available to sub-nationalist “freedom fighters” of any race or religion. Once a nuclear war begins, there will be no struggle between good and evil, the jihadis and the infidels, dharma and adharma. “Survivors will envy the dead,” as Nikhita Khrushchev warned.

Following the SAARC conference in Bhutan, ministerial meetings between Islamabad and New Delhi have rightly focussed on terrorism. But Islamabad's nuclear programme is India-specific. Its 70-80 nuclear bombs are aimed at Indian strategic locations. In contrast, New Delhi has strategically stockpiled 80-90 nuclear warheads but is committed to the no-first-use doctrine. Nonetheless, India has a Credible Nuclear Deterrence policy.

The question, however, is how far can the deterrence policy deter a jihadi? Would a rapid deployment n-force pre-empt a suicide bomber who might carry a nuclear device in a laptop cover?

During the Kargil conflict, Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee realised the futility of a nuclear war. However, we do not find enough debate on the issue in political circles. While the scientific community appears meek and docile, a whistleblower risks being called unpatriotic. In the U.S., Robert Oppenheimer was penalised for opposing the nuclear arms race. In the Soviet Union, Andrey Sakharov, “the father of Hydrogen bomb,” paid the price for opposing nuclear weapons. But it was his campaign against the WMDs that eventually guided Mikhail Gorbachev to bring the Cold War to an end. The history of science recorded Sakharov's courageous role.

The Concerned Scientists established the Nuclear Nights and Nuclear Winter paradigm in 1985, declaring that a nuclear war cannot be fought, nor can it be won. Moscow and Washington, having signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, nevertheless face the costly problem of keeping thousands of decommissioned nuclear warheads safe. New Delhi and Islamabad can still stay off the nuclear abyss. The problem, however, is how to overcome the outdated jingoism prevailing on both sides of the divide.

U.S. President Barack Obama and Russian President Dmitri Medvedev have signed a MoU to further reduce the stockpiles of nuclear warheads. The Concerned Scientists have appealed to political leaders and governments to give up WMDs before it is too late. However, it is a sad reality that the most civilised citizens around the globe still support the nuclear arms race.

During the Cold War years, the U.S. and the Soviet Union developed elaborate civil defence and underground survival system. There was also an early warning system in place. But due to the proximity of major population centres in India and Pakistan, there is no scope for an early warning system. In less then 30 seconds, short-range missiles, the most advanced bombers, can cover all strategic locations and major civic centres, including New Delhi and Islamabad.

The nuclear path will lead us to a point of no return from the nuclear night and nuclear winter lasting a thousand years. We may be divided. But peace and friendship are the only alternative for the survival of the civilisation. We call upon the leaders of India and Pakistan to “remember your humanity and forget the rest,” as pointed out by the Russell-Einstein Manifesto. We appeal to Parliament to declare the South Asian sub-continent a Nuclear Weapons Free Zone.
If India takes the step, Pakistan will have no choice.

So guys what do you think will Pakistan give up Nukes if India does ? For a nuke free world.

Is the proposition of a Nuke free world a dream ?

opinions and POV welcome :cheers:
So guys what do you think will Pakistan give up Nukes if India does ? For a nuke free world.

Is the proposition of a Nuke free world a dream ?

opinions and POV welcome :cheers:

I dont think Pakistan will give up nukes if we do coz they always threaten us with the use of nuclear weapons if attacked by us.

We have a no first use policy and they have a first use policy incase on the brink of losing a war with us.

So for them nukes are a very powerful weapons to preserve their national integrity.
The writer of this article is biggest fool on earth and obsessed with pakistan. And goes on to prove that only a Indian can be so foolish and self destructive.

For thousands of years India faced invaders just because we have not build our defenses and we are not aggressive.

Its not about pakistan but about china or in future a enemy we don't know yet or not prepared for it.

We need to deploy at least 500 nuclear tipped missiles against china-pakistan. Store them in mountain tunnels of about 12 different states of India.

And withdraw no first use policy.

As pakistan is blackmailing India as if we do something they will launch the nukes we can play the same card against china.
The writer of this article is biggest fool on earth and obsessed with pakistan. And goes on to prove that only a Indian can be so foolish and self destructive.

For thousands of years India faced invaders just because we have not build our defenses and we are not aggressive.

Its not about pakistan but about china or in future a enemy we don't know yet or not prepared for it.

We need to deploy at least 500 nuclear tipped missiles against china-pakistan. Store them in mountain tunnels of about 12 different states of India.

And withdraw no first use policy.

As pakistan is blackmailing India as if we do something they will launch the nukes we can play the same card against china.

Wow man Indias relations with China is no way even comparable with Pakistan.

Playing the same card against China :what:Nope no need, we don't have a existential threat from China. Nor do we have any interests in Chinese controlled Aksai chin.

Pakistan has the right to play the card coz they face a numerical inferiority in conventional warfare.
I dont think Pakistan will give up nukes if we do coz they always threaten us with the use of nuclear weapons if attacked by us.

We have a no first use policy and they have a first use policy incase on the brink of losing a war with us.

So for them nukes are a very powerful weapons to preserve their national integrity.


Yeah we are the big bad wolf in the region and your the innocent lamb, am i right? Oh please!

Yeah we are the big bad wolf in the region and your the innocent lamb, am i right? Oh please!

So does that mean u feel that Pakistan will give up nukes if India does ?
I think the IDEAL situation is for NO-ONE to have nuclear weapons.

That is a very long-term goal though.

In the short-term, the best idea is to keep up the economic growth and development, and try to avoid causing problems with other countries.

Like Deng Xiaoping said: "Keep a cool head and maintain a low profile". :cheers:
We did Nuclear Blast after Indian Blasts ......Remember the statements coming from Indian sides after your nuclear blasts....We had no choice.....

If we give up nukes then who knows the world start following our steps.....

But i dont think it will happen......The beginning of the end should start from where it begin.
So guys what do you think will Pakistan give up Nukes if India does ? For a nuke free world.

Is the proposition of a Nuke free world a dream ?

opinions and POV welcome

Yes, sure Pakistan will do that. So when India is giving its nukes up?
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One country need to give up Nukes first.

Thats United states of America.
Followed by Russians, Chinese, India and Pakistan..

Rest can follow us then:)
This topic is useless.

Pakistan will not give up nukes unless India does so.
India will not give up nukes unless China does so.
China will not give up nukes unless US does so.
US will not give up nukes unless Russia does so.

and we start again....

This is a circle going no where.
Wow man Indias relations with China is no way even comparable with Pakistan.

Playing the same card against China :what:Nope no need, we don't have a existential threat from China. Nor do we have any interests in Chinese controlled Aksai chin.

Pakistan has the right to play the card coz they face a numerical inferiority in conventional warfare.

Pt. Nehru was in the same illusion and we know what happen after that.

china is the real threat and pakistan is nothing in comparison.

Also, the threat of pakistan is due to china only as they have made it their proxy against us and supplied nukes + missiles etc.

So, even if china is not invading India we are at thread because of them. As we can't control pakistan because they equip it with nukes and pakistan is using its nuke trump card against us.
china is the real threat and pakistan is nothing in comparison.

Also, the threat of pakistan is due to china only as they have made it their proxy against us and supplied nukes + missiles etc.

So, even if china is not invading India we are at thread because of them. As we can't control pakistan because they equip it with nukes and pakistan is using its nuke trump card against us.

That is your opinion and I respect that.

But if you ask the average Chinese person they don't care about war with other countries, all they are about is economic growth and prosperity.

I think one day in the future China/Pakistan/India will all be friends like the EU. If Britain, Germany and France can make peace with each other after so many wars (including two world wars), then why can't we? :cheers:

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