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Disturbing photos show militarization of Israeli children


Jun 1, 2012
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Disturbing photos show militarization of Israeli children | The Electronic Intifada


An Israeli boy wearing a military vest throws a mock grenade during a traditional military weapon display to mark the 66th anniversary of Israel’s “independence” at the occupied West Bank settlement of Efrat on 6 May 2014.

On 6 May, Israelis celebrated their “independence day,” which they mark according to the Jewish lunar calendar.

Traditionally Israeli Jews hold public celebrations and picnics, especially in “national parks”typically built over the ruins of ethnically cleansed and destroyed Palestinian villages.

Meanwhile, with broad support from the Israeli Jewish public, Palestinian public commemorations of the Nakba – the ethnic cleansing of Palestine – can be punished by law.

Many of the Israeli festivities are celebrations of the so-called “Israel Defense Forces,” better known to Palestinians as the army that occupies them, arrests and kills their children with impunity and helps settlers to steal their land.


An Israeli child holds a rocket launcher as another holds her doll during a traditional military weapon display to mark the 66th anniversary of Israel’s “independence” at the occupied West Bank settlement of Efrat on 6 May 2014.

Some of these disturbing images of Israeli children being put through military-style training displays at Efrat, an illegal Israeli colony in the occupied West Bank, have been circulating widely online and were published in Haaretz and other media.

A repeated theme of pro-Israeli, anti-Palestinian propaganda is to circulate images ofPalestinian children taking part in such militarized displays in order to advance the belief that Palestinian culture is inherently violent and “teaches children hate” and that therefore Israeli violence is a justified defensive response.

But these pictures are remarkable because they reveal the extent to which Israeli culture has been militarized and how Israeli children are not immune to this – a key theme in Max Blumenthal’s book Goliath.

There is no doubt that both Israeli and Palestinian children have been subjected to this kind of brutalization by adults. It is horrifying whenever children are given guns and encouraged to imagine themselves as killers.

Such activities are arguably in violation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, which states that member countries “shall refrain from recruiting any person who has not attained the age of fifteen years into their armed forces.”

As I wrote on a previous occasion when such disturbing images of Israeli children appeared:

Children live with the consequences of Israel’s violent occupation and oppression of the Palestinian people, whether it is Israeli children indoctrinated to continue this oppression as adults, or Palestinian children brutalized and traumatized by the organized violence of occupation, colonialism and apartheid that pervades their lives.

This is never a reflection on the children, but on the adults who subject them to such ugliness.


An Israeli boy wearing a military vest crawls on the sand during a traditional military weapon display to mark the 66th anniversary of Israel’s “independence” at the occupied West Bank settlement of Efrat on 6 May 2014.


An Israeli man shows his son how to work a machine-gun during a traditional military weapon display to mark the 66th anniversary of Israel’s “independence” at the occupied West Bank settlement of Efrat on 6 May 2014.

Indoctrinating children
Rela Mazali is the founder of New Profile (newprofile.org), an Israeli organization that supports conscientious objection and advocates for individual refusers.

In this video with The Real NewsLia Tarachansky, she explains how Israeli culture normalizes military conscription so that people do not even regard militarization as a policy choice but rather as a natural feature of life. The report also includes an interview with refuser Alex Cohn who discusses how Israeli Jewish children are indoctrinated through popular media to look forward to their conscription into the army and to disparage skepticism and refusal.

Mazali also discusses sexual violence in the Israeli military and how the culture has managed to make sexual harassment and assault invisible to its victims.
The double standard is beyond me. We clearly can tell which society is more militarized than the other. In Palestine, only 20,000 military members exist out of the millions of Palestinians. Yet we're told the Palestinians 'incite' violence and prepare future generations for violence.

When in reality they teach their children the history of their land and that they need to stand up for their rights in the future. While Israeli's are teaching their children on how to crackdown on Palestinians inside the occupied territories whom are protesting against the settlements. Israeli's are taught expansionism and religious justification for their occupation.
Oh so now it seems disturbing to them? But all these years when Palestinian children were encouraged to do the same, did they complain? Very selective in getting disturbed, eh?






It's ok , after all you got to defend your nation from so many enemies.
First off, no, it's not OK. I know worse stuff relating to child welfare takes place in India -- sad stuff of many a kind -- but then again, India is hardly a beacon of human rights.
And secondly, the same need -- to protect one's nation from aggressive enemies -- is 100 times more urgent to Palestinians than to Israelis (it's Palestinians who are under enemy occupation, after all), but I know your hypocritical ilk would be all over this if the kids in those pictures were Palestinian and not Israeli. No one has lower expectations of Israel than its supporters -- that's why they forgive every crap the Zionist state

Oh so now it seems disturbing to them? But all these years when Palestinian children were encouraged to do the same, did they complain? Very selective in getting disturbed, eh?

Right back at ya. I see that, weirdly, your ilk gets easily shocked when you see pictures of non-Jewish children handling toy guns but are all but silent (and resort to diversionary tactics, as you do above) when you get exposed to Israeli children made by their parents to handle real weaponry.

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In Israel once a year during the independence day military bases are open for public visits. Other countries also make weapon shows.






The double standard is beyond me. We clearly can tell which society is more militarized than the other. In Palestine, only 20,000 military members exist out of the millions of Palestinians. Yet we're told the Palestinians 'incite' violence and prepare future generations for violence.

When in reality they teach their children the history of their land and that they need to stand up for their rights in the future. While Israeli's are teaching their children on how to crackdown on Palestinians inside the occupied territories whom are protesting against the settlements. Israeli's are taught expansionism and religious justification for their occupation.
When Palestinian kid shows preach hate, praise terrorists, tell "kill the Jews" thats disturbing. When Palestinians dress their kids as suicide bombers thats disturbing. When kids are sent with bombs and guns to attack Jews that disturbing.

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When i was in school , we had one annual tour to the air base and see stuff around . And i still miss it . It inspires children to join and respect armed forces.

And now stop you stupid propaganda or you can cry a river , anyways no one gives a f*ck.
As anyone can see in this June 2012 link, from an Israeli outlet, children being made to handle real weaponry and shoot isn't an Independence Day thing in Israel -- at least in settlements, it's a year-long thing:

Right back at ya. I see that, weirdly, your ilk gets easily shocked when you see pictures of non-Jewish children handling toy guns but are all but silent (and resort to diversionary tactics, as you do above) when you get exposed to Israeli children made by their parents to handle real weaponry.


I don't know who you mean by my "ilk". I did not express support or disgust for either side, I only pointed out that both sides instil hatred in their children. You can also see plenty of pictures of Palestinian children with real weaponry, and even undergoing real training. The pictures you show of Israelis are of children "handling" weapons at an exhibition, not undergoing actual military training. Israel doesn't need to send children into battle, because they have a powerful army of adults. I can't say the same for hamas.

And BTW, you can find pictures of kids touching weapons at exhibitions from many countries, including India. If you think that means they are being trained to handle weapons, you are simply believing what you choose to believe.

Here you go:




No, those schoolgirls are not being trained in armoured warfare.
I dont blame them .Cruelties they suffered in Nazi Germany was too much .They were hunted by Hitler ,to eliminate all Jews.They suffered this because of their religion.So they moulded their mentality like this.
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I don't know who you mean by my "ilk". I did not express support or disgust for either side, I only pointed out that both sides instil hatred in their children. You can also see plenty of pictures of Palestinian children with real weaponry
Yeah? Where?

The pictures you show of Israelis are of children "handling" weapons at an exhibition, not undergoing actual military training. Israel doesn't need to send children into battle, because they have a powerful army of adults. I cant say the same for hamas.
No, they are not - some of them were at shooting camps in settlements where real training takes place. You're right that Hamas isn't as capable as the IDF, but then again that only underscores the Hamas's morality -- in contrast with other militias fighting powerful enemies throughout the world, Hamas doesn't employ children as fighters. The same I'm not sure we can say of the Jewish settler gangs roaming free in the West Bank with IDF protection.

I dont blame them .Cruelties they suffered in Nazi Germany was too much .They were hunted by Hitler ,to eliminate all Jews.They suffered this because of their religion.Thats moulded their mentality like this.
Oh, please, so it's Nazi Germany's fault -- Nazi Germany that ceased to exist 69 years ago -- that Jews today are teaching hatred in their apartheid Jew-only colonies on stolen land to kids! Everything to not blame the adults shown in the pictures, eh? What's next, will you guys say it's all my fault?
Yeah? Where?

No, they are not - some of them were at shooting camps in settlements where real training takes place. You're right that Hamas isn't as capable as the IDF, but then again that only underscores the Hamas's morality -- in contrast with other militias fighting powerful enemies throughout the world, Hamas doesn't employ children as fighters. The same I'm not sure we can say of the Jewish settler gangs roaming free in the West Bank with IDF protection.
Oh, really?

Child suicide bombers in the Israeli–Palestinian conflict - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Occupied Territories: Stop Use of Children in Suicide Bombings | Human Rights Watch
Yeah? Where?

No, they are not - some of them were at shooting camps in settlements where real training takes place. You're right that Hamas isn't as capable as the IDF, but then again that only underscores the Hamas's morality -- in contrast with other militias fighting powerful enemies throughout the world, Hamas doesn't employ children as fighters. The same I'm not sure we can say of the Jewish settler gangs roaming free in the West Bank with IDF protection.

Oh, please, so it's Nazi Germany's fault -- Nazi Germany that ceased to exist 69 years ago -- that Jews today are teaching hatred in their apartheid Jew-only colonies on stolen land to kids! Everything to not blame the adults shown in the pictures, eh? What's next, will you guys say it's all my fault?

What I meant was the horror they felt during that days made them like this .Only two countries created on the basis of religion .One of them is Israel.Still they spend 25% of their GDP for defence.
In future Palestine might be changed like Israel,due to the atrocities of Israel done against them.
amazingly people are comparing palestinian little boys with plastic M-16 to this shit :


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