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Dissident author calls China 'stupid' over book


Jul 27, 2009
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LOS ANGELES (AFP) - – The Chinese author of a controversial book that criticizes Premier Wen Jiabao called Beijing authorities "stupid" for putting pressuring him not to publish, saying it has simply boosted sales.

Yu Jie, the 36-year-old author of "Wen Jiabao: China's Best Actor," said his work had had been reprinted due to demand and has now sold over 10,000 copies, adding that he was in discussions about translating it for foreign readers.

Speaking in Los Angeles, he told of being interrogated for four and a half hours by security agents in July, and warned that he might be jailed like Liu Xiaobo -- a fellow Chinese writer tipped as a possible Nobel Peace Prize winner.

The western media reporting of the Chinese warning "made a lot of readers jump on the book," which was published in August, Yu told a student audience at the University of Southern California.

"Usually 2,000 copies is good enough in Hong Kong and Taiwan. But in one month this book has been reprinted and sold more than 10,000 copies," he said.

"I believe that the Chinese authorities might consider they have done something very stupid" by boosting publicity for it.

He said he thought Beijing might since have realized its mistake as after the book's publication, "instead of being continually harassed, I have even enjoyed the opportunity to come to the United States."

Yu welcomed the prospect of his work being translated for an even wider audience. "I am actually in discussions with some of the translators now," he told AFP afterward.

His books have been banned on the mainland since 2004 but are widely available in Hong Kong.

The book on Wen risked causing shockwaves when it was published, as China's premier enjoys a generally good reputation both at home and abroad.

In his book Yu says Wen was only playing the role of "the best mediator" between an authoritarian ruler and his citizens, pretending that people are living a prosperous and happy life under a crumpling leadership

Speaking through a translator Thursday, the dissident author said he wanted to reason with the Chinese premier. "I am more than willing to have a dialogue with Wen Jiabao himself, in person," he said.

But Yu also noted that six security agents in July came to his home "and accused me of endangering national security by publishing this book."

He decided to ignore the warnings because "if I had surrendered to the threat at the time I think they would continue to put more pressure... they would also ruled out publication in Hong Kong and Taiwan," he added.

Yu acknowledged that, although Chinese authorities seemed to be holding off putting pressure on him at the moment, it may not last.

"They want to avoid more people paying more attention to this book, they want to stop temporarily the harassment," he said, adding: "I cannot guarantee in the future."

His comments came ahead of the announcement Friday of this year's Nobel Peace prize winner, with dissident Liu, jailed for 11 years after co-authoring a bold call for democratic reform, tipped as a frontrunner.

"It's not very important whether Liu Xiaobo is given the award," said Yu, describing Liu as a "close friend" with whom he had worked for 10 years.

"The most important thing is that more and more Chinese citizens will follow him as an example to live, to think, and to write," he added.

Dissident author calls China 'stupid' over book - Yahoo! Asia News
It's usually the people born in the 70's that are like this. They grew up during the time where China and the West had good relations, so they grew up worshipping the white man.

We that were born in the 80's grew up when the US slaughtered our diplomats in Yugoslavia, killed our pilot and got away with it, spied on our country, contain it, sanctions, racism, etc etc. the insults are endless. Those who were born in the 70's continue to look up to the white man despite the insults because they think that we are responsible, if only we gave up and surrendered to the white man these insults will stop. they are the most digusting 汉奸 ever.
It's usually the people born in the 70's that are like this. They grew up during the time where China and the West had good relations, so they grew up worshipping the white man.

We that were born in the 80's grew up when the US slaughtered our diplomats in Yugoslavia, killed our pilot and got away with it, spied on our country, contain it, sanctions, racism, etc etc. the insults are endless. Those who were born in the 70's continue to look up to the white man despite the insults because they think that we are responsible, if only we gave up and surrendered to the white man these insults will stop. they are the most digusting 汉奸 ever.

I never remembered/went through much of that but it's just the sheer hypocrisy and intellectual dishonesty that gets me.
This is the first time I agree with a Chinese dissident.
Yes, Premier Wen is an actor. The best position he should stay is not Zhongnanhai but Hollywood.
Well, these days not just China bashing makes politics, now Chinese leader bashing also becomes a good business.

Hum, maybe not a bad idea to think of publishing some thing to beat the unemployment and recession. :cheesy:
Wen isn't the enemy.

That idiot Hu Jintao is.
Wen isn't the enemy.

That idiot Hu Jintao is.

No one is saying that Hu or Wen are enemy here. Both of them are just incompetent as far as I consider. Can not wait for them to finish their terms.
I don't understand the fuss about Wen Jiabao being an 'actor'. Yeah, a politician makes some promises then for one reason or another fails to deliver. Is that a big news? Is being media savvy a crime?

Now some dissident even wrote a book on this! Make one wonder if China before Wen Jiabao was the paradise on earth where every politician always deliver what he promised.

BTW, isn't Yu Jie a Christian evangelist?
I think they are doing lots of good works, just that they are not good at making a show for it.

Certainly better than Jiang.
Zhu Rongi was good.

Lets face it the days of the big boss is over, you are unlikely to find one figure that can stand out prominently in todays CCP.
I don't understand the fuss about Wen Jiabao being an 'actor'. Yeah, a politician makes some promises then for one reason or another fails to deliver. Is that a big news? Is being media savvy a crime?

Now some dissident even wrote a book on this! Make one wonder if China before Wen Jiabao was the paradise on earth where every politician always deliver what he promised.

BTW, isn't Yu Jie a Christian evangelist?

Have you counted how many times Wen has cried in front of the crowd??? The better job for Wen to have is the chairman of Labor Union, he can show his affection there.
i'd be interested to get your perspectices/complaints/grievences etc.

I was under the impression he was well-liked?

For one thing, they doesn't know one thing about economics if economics hit them right in the face.
For one thing, they doesn't know one thing about economics if economics hit them right in the face.

If they aren't doing much right, it seems they aren't doing much wrong either(ie stepping largely out of the way). I hold no opinion about the pair since I know F all about Chinese politics, but can you elaborate a little on what they did to incur your ire?

I don't understand the fuss about Wen Jiabao being an 'actor'. Yeah, a politician makes some promises then for one reason or another fails to deliver. Is that a big news? Is being media savvy a crime?

Now some dissident even wrote a book on this! Make one wonder if China before Wen Jiabao was the paradise on earth where every politician always deliver what he promised.

BTW, isn't Yu Jie a Christian evangelist?

If that is the worse they have to complain about with regards to politicians, you guys have it easy.
I'm not seeing how Hu and Wen are terrible. They may be "incompetent" but they have not made major mistakes. Also, could it be that your opinions are influenced by the fact that you work for real estate companies whose profits are affected by their policies?

This book is why we can't have western democracy; in a population of 1.3 billion even 10% of idiots can ruin it for everyone else.
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